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Wednesday 24 March 2004 8:30
S-1 ORA19 Mauthausen Narratives in Eastern and Western Europe Compared
Room T
Network: Oral History Chair: Alexander Von Plato
Organizers: - Discussant: Katarzyna Madon-Mitzner
Gerhard Botz : Mauthausen camp inmates in a comparative perspective: the 'Mauthausen Survivors Documentation Project'
This paper outlines the goal and structure of the “Mauthausen Survivors Documentation Project”, the collective scholarly work having been done in 2002/03, and possible further research questions. It presents provisional findings from the more than 800 life story interviews focussing on the political, ethnical, religious and gender structure of the ... (Show more)
This paper outlines the goal and structure of the “Mauthausen Survivors Documentation Project”, the collective scholarly work having been done in 2002/03, and possible further research questions. It presents provisional findings from the more than 800 life story interviews focussing on the political, ethnical, religious and gender structure of the sample of victims of Nazi persecution from mostly 20 European regions/countries (Who, When, Why, Where, How long, Under what conditions? etc. has been persecuted and interned in Mauthausen). It tries to develop first insights in "peaks" and "keys" of the inmates' life stories; “peaks" (I. Sherbakova), meaning central events and experiences as reported by concentration camp inmates and "keys" considered as major lines of argumentation given to explain why an inmate came into the camp (has been persecuted) and why he/she came out (survived). It will also point at methodological problems and flaws in that kind of work. (Show less)

Irina Scherbakowa : Oh Projekt- Mauthausen Surviver
Maauthausen -Surviver in Russia

Frank Stern : Various master naratives of Israeli Mauthausen Survivors
The contribution will deal with Jewish children and youngsters who survived the Holocaust in German cities, annihilation camps or work camps. Untold stories and taboos shine through oral narratives and silences in the tension that exists bewteen interviewed and interviewer. The generational experience proves to be central.

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