Preliminary Programme

Showing: room A (all days)
Wed 24 March

Thu 25 March

Fri 26 March

Sat 27 March

All days
Wednesday 24 March 2004 8:30
A-1 LAB24 Working Cooperatives
Room A
Network: Labour Chair: Jaclyn Viskovatoff
Organizers: - Discussant: Juha Siltala
Lars Hansson : Blood and steel
Nicole Mayer-Ahuja : Entrepreneurial Workers? The Brief Golden Age of 'autonomous labour' in German Internet Companies (1997-2001).
Joan Meyers : Comparing Workplace Democracy and Workplace Identity in Worker-Owned Cooperatives

Wednesday 24 March 2004 10:45
A-2 EDU01 Feeding the hungry children
Room A
Networks: Education and Childhood , Chair: Frank Simon
Organizer: Eva Gullberg Discussants: -
Bengt Erik Eriksson : Food and Eating in Childrens Literature - Civilizing the Young Body
Eva Gullberg : The Swedish School meal - a Symbol for Welfare
Jenny Johnsson : Natural or pasteurized? The political history of pasteurization in Sweden

Wednesday 24 March 2004 14:15
A-3 ORA05 The Holocaust: Transgenerational Memories
Room A
Network: Oral History Chair: Brigitte Halbmayr
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Kobi Kabalek : Narrating the layers of remembrance: Young Germans and the Nazi period
Judith Schuyf : Dead, alive, survive. Histories from Neuengamme concentration camp.
Arlene Stein : Generational Memory-Work and the Holocaust
Andrea Strutz, Manfred Lechner : Austrian jewish refugees and their grandchildren. The Transformation of memories and narratives.

Wednesday 24 March 2004 16:30
A-4 CRI14 Crime and the Media in Historical Perspective II Film clips will be shown during the session.
Room A
Network: Criminal Justice Chair: Haia Shpayer-Makov
Organizers: Clive Emsley, Haia Shpayer-Makov Discussant: Clive Emsley
James Chapman : 'Sordidness, violence and corruption unrelieved': Critical and official responses to the postwar British crime film
John Drabble : 'A constructive, systematic, coordinated and total effort:' The FBI's Media Campaign against the KKK, 1964-1971

Thursday 25 March 2004 8:30
A-5 LAB09 Generation, Gender and Class in Oral History: Narratives of Women's Work and Activism
Room A
Networks: Labour , Oral History Chair: Marsha Siefert
Organizer: Jaclyn Viskovatoff Discussant: Linda Lane
Maurine Greenwald : Using Oral History to Assess Women's Careers, Gender Identity, and Gender Politics in the U.S. Advertising Industry, 1950-2000
Rebekah Lee : Beloved Unions?: A Gendered and Generational History of Associational Life in a South African City
Jaclyn Viskovatoff : Gender and Narrative Indentity in Oral History Testimony: The Miners' Strikes of 1926 and 1984-85
Kayoko Yoshida : The Beauty in the Coal Mines-Women Who Lit the Darkness: The Power of Oral History for Documenting Working-Class Women's Lives in Japan

Thursday 25 March 2004 10:45
A-6 HEA13 Interpreting Health and the Body
Room A
Network: Health and Environment Chair: Anna Lundberg
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Fritz Dross : 'Gebessert am Leib, aber verschlechtert an der Seele' - The precarious debate on hospitals around 1800
Sonja Kinzler, M.A. : The Yoke of Sleep. A History of Scientific and Social Concepts of Sleep from the Enlightenment to the Early 20th Century
Kerstin Rehwinkel : Body, science and society. The 'apparent death'-discourse in the 18th and 19th century.

Thursday 25 March 2004 14:15
A-7 TEC05 International Technology and American Hegemony in the 1960's and 1970's
Room A
Network: Technology Chair: Andor Skotnes
Organizers: - Discussant: Teresa Meade
Kimmo Antila : Forgetting the scale: International ideas and actors in Finnish highway building in the 1960s
Margaret Power : Modernity, Gender, and Technology during the Popular Unity Government in Chile

Thursday 25 March 2004 16:30
A-8 NET Network meetings and business meeting
Room A
Network: Chairs: -
Organizers: - Discussants: -

Friday 26 March 2004 8:30
A-9 WOM18 Gender and Fascism
Room A
Network: Women and Gender Chair: Margrith Wilke
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Angela Cenarro : Women in Fascist Welfare: 'Auxilio Social' during the Spanish Civil War and Postwar (1936-1950)
Carlota Coronado Ruiz : Women and maternity in fascism as seen in the LUCE news bulletins
Daniella Sarnoff : Fascism and the Family: Interwar Politics in France

Friday 26 March 2004 10:45
A-10 FAM22 Emergence of demographic thought in Europe (17th-18th century)
Room A
Network: Family and Demography Chair: Jürgen Schlumbohm
Organizer: Jean-Marc Rohrbasser Discussant: Jürgen Schlumbohm
Eric Brian : State reforms and population evaluations in 18th Century Europe
Jean-Marc Rohrbasser, Jacques Véron : Inoculation Controversy and Mathematics of Chances : d'Alembert, Bernoulli and Lambert
Christine Théré : Daignan and the duration of human life

Friday 26 March 2004 14.15
A-11 HEA11 Historical Perspectives on occupational health in Scotland
Room A
Network: Health and Environment Chair: Bernard Harris
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Ronald Johnston : Breathless: Occupational health and safety in Scottish coalmining since 1945
Arthur McIvor : The war at work: occupational health and safety in World War Two in Scotland
David Walker : Chemical Workers and Occupational Health in Scotland, 1880-1920

Friday 26 March 2004 16.30
A-12 SOC15 Welfare States Cross-Examined
Room A
Network: Social Inequality Chair: Paul M Hohenberg
Organizers: - Discussant: Lynn Lees
Nils Edling : Unions, unemployment and social insurance in Denmark, Norway and Sweden before WWI
Lena Eriksson, Eero Carroll : Welfare Politics Cross-Examined: Eclecticist Analytical Perspectives on Sweden and the Developed Countries
Peter Johansson : Haunted by the Past: Continuity and Change in Swedish Sickness Insurance Policy 1910-1931
Ingela Naumann : The Family and the Welfare State: Child Care Politics in Germany and Sweden

Saturday 27 March 2004 8:30
A-13 THE05 The Role of Historical Conceptions in Politics
Room A
Network: Theory Chair: Stefan Berger
Organizers: - Discussant: Kevin Morgan
James Cronin : New Labour and its Pasts
Waldemar Czajkowski : Fascism, Communism, Totalitarianism, and - Modernity

Saturday 27 March 2004 10:45
A-14 FAM27 Public life and family life at the Savoy Court ( XVIIth-XVIIIth century): the case study of Venaria Reale
Room A
Network: Family and Demography Chair: Isabella Ricci Massabò
Organizer: Paolo Cornaglia Discussant: Isabella Ricci Massabò
Paola Bianchi : How Noblemen Become Courtiers in Turin during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century
Paolo Cornaglia : Public life and family life of the court in the palace of Venaria Reale in the XVIIIth century
Silvia Maria Carla Ghisotti : Ceremonies and public life of the court at Venaria Reale in the XVIIth century. The rite of hunting in the framework of the decoration.
Andrea Merlotti : Serving the King. Nobilities at the courts of Savoy and Savoy-Carignan between Seventeenth and Eighteenth
Tomaso Ricardi Di Netro : Roles, apanages and spaces of the King's sons. State politics and family strategies of Victor Amadeus III, king of Sardinia (1773-96)

Saturday 27 March 2004 14:15
A-15 ORA17 Embodied Experience
Room A
Network: Oral History Chair: Graham Smith
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Magdalena Bengtsson : Experiences of the female body and reflections upon health, sexuality, life and death
Margriet Heesch, Van : Ethical Trouble and the Lives of Dutch Adults Born with intersex conditions
Margot Souliere : Plural perspective, a multivocal approach in narrative analysis in Medical Anthropology. The Mindful Body : listening, reading and interpreting the multiple voices in ethnographic narratives
Laura Stark : The 'open body' in early modern Finnish rural experience
Saara Tuomaala : First Bike and the Joy of the Handlebars.Technical Modernization and Bodily Identities of Rural Youth in Finland of the 1920's and 1930's

Saturday 27 March 2004 16:30
A-16 CUL23 Visual Arts: Mythmaking and Images of Identity
Room A
Network: Culture Chair: Claire Levy
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Christine Gorby : Provisioning the City - Rural and Urban Life Contrasted: United States Cooperative Extension Service Films between 1917-1931
Julia Tuñon : Loving rituals in the classical mexican film

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