Preliminary Programme

Showing: room W (all days)
Wed 24 March

Thu 25 March

Fri 26 March

Sat 27 March

All days
Wednesday 24 March 2004 10:45
W-2 THE02 Realism, Anti-Realism, Irrealism
Room A2
Network: Theory Chair: Chris Lorenz
Organizers: - Discussant: Alun Munslow
Wulf Kansteiner : Vicarious Suffering in Theory and Practice: The Rise of the Holocaust Trauma Metaphor in Philosophy, Literary Criticism, and Psychotherapy
Paul Roth : Changing the Past
Karsten Stueber : Classics in History and the Question of Historical Antirealism

Wednesday 24 March 2004 14:15
W-3 SEX03 Historiography and concepts of homosexuality
Room A2
Network: Sexuality Chair: Ning De Coninck-Smith
Organizers: - Discussant: Jens Rydström
Edgar J. Bauer : Sexual Critique and Social Revolution: On Guy Hocquenghem's Assessment of Magnus Hirschfeld's 'Zwischenstufenlehre'
Susan Clayton : Straight from Discourse's Mouth. Same-sex relationships in British and French Dictionaries
Anne Lopes : Sexualities After Foucault: Inside Feminist Historiography

Wednesday 24 March 2004 16:30
W-4 THE07 Unity and Diversity in the writing of history
Room A2
Network: Theory Chair: Wulf Kansteiner
Organizers: - Discussant: Wulf Kansteiner
Sirkka Ahonen : The moral shaping of collective memory
Georg Christoph Berger Waldenegg : National Mentalities and Historians
Gulie Neeman-Arad : Bystanders to Genocide. A methodological and Historiographical Challenge.
Hendrik Paul : Against Reductionism in Philosophy of History: Hypotheses on Unity and Diversity in the Writing of History

Thursday 25 March 2004 8:30
W-5 ETH13 Expulsion
Room A2
Network: Ethnicity and Migration Chair: Christiane Harzig
Organizers: - Discussant: Christiane Harzig
Frank Caestecker : Dynamic in the expulsion policy of West-European liberal states, 1870-1970
Randall Hansen, Mathew Gibney : Deportation and the Liberal State
Ilse Reiter-Zatloukal : A survey on the legal history of expulsion in Austria from the mid 19th to the early 20th century
Eva Schöck-Quinteros : Expulsion practice in the city-states of Bremen during the German Empire and Weimar Germany: A local focus.

Thursday 25 March 2004 10:45
W-6 WOM03 Post-War Nazi Trials in a gender perspective
Room A2
Network: Women and Gender Chair: Ulrike Weckel
Organizers: - Discussant: Kathleen Canning
Anneke de Rudder : 'A men's trial' - gender images in press reactions towards the Nuremberg trials 1945-56
Sabine Horn : Television coverage of the Majdanek Trial: An Analysis of Gender and History
Regula Ludi : Seductive Fictions: Gendered Representations of the Swiss War Criminal Carmen Mory

Thursday 25 March 2004 14:15
W-7 POL12 Comparative Perspectives on Left Politics in Italy, India and the US
Room A2
Network: Chairs: -
Organizers: - Discussant: Dahlia Elazar
Manali Desai : The Abandoned Terrain: Hindu Right Ascendancy and the 'Secular-Left' in India, 1960-1999
Dylan Riley : Towards An Explanation of Right Party Ascendancy in Italy: The
Maurice Zeitlin, L. Frank Weyher : 'Black and White, Unite and Fight': Interracial Working-Class Solidarity and Racial Employment Equality in the United States, 1935-55

Friday 26 March 2004 10:45
W-10 WOM21 Gender, the Law and Politics
Room A2
Network: Women and Gender Chair: Francisca De Haan
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Simten Cosar : Women in Turkish Political Thought: Alternative Schemes, Identical Bodies?
Yildiz EcevIt : Social history of Women's Organisations as Advocates of Women's Rights
Simona Feci : Constructing women's legal identity: a comparison between ancien regime italian states and the Liberal state
Pauline Prior : Gender and the use of the insanity defence in nineteenth century Ireland

Friday 26 March 2004 14.15
W-11 SEX09 Sex in Postwar Germany
Room A2
Network: Sexuality Chair: Franz Eder
Organizers: - Discussant: Hera Cook
Jennifer Evans : Subversive Sun Seekers: Deviance, Masculinity, and Socialist Personhood in GDR Uranium Mining Communities, 1953-58
Josie Mclellan : Socialism and the Naked Body: Nudes and Nudism in the German Democratic Republic (GDR)

Saturday 27 March 2004 14:15
W-15 LAB22 Trade Unions, Workers and the State in Britain, 1951-79
Room A2
Network: Labour Chair: Chris Williams
Organizers: - Discussant: Chris Williams
Peter Ackers, Adrian Wilkinson : The British Industrial Relations paradigm: A critical
Nina Fishman : Banquo's ghost-relations between Conservative governments and the Trade Union Congress, 1951-64
Dave Lyddon : The British state and strikes, 1951-79
Richard Whiting : Justice and work in modern Britain

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