Preliminary Programme

Showing: Economics (all days)
Wed 11 April
    8.30 - 10.30
    11.00 - 13.00
    14.00 - 16.00
    16.30 - 18.30

Thu 12 April
    8.30 - 10.30
    11.00 - 13.00
    14.00 - 16.00
    16.00 - 18.30

Fri 13 April
    8.30 - 10.30
    11.00 - 13.00
    14.00 - 16.00
    16.30 - 18.30

Sat 14 April
    8.30 - 10.30
    11.00 - 13.00
    14.00 - 16.00
    16.30 - 18.30

All days
Wednesday 11 April 2012 8.30 - 10.30
X-1 ECO01 Revealing the Black Box: Measuring Economic Performance during and in the Aftermath of World War II
Wolfson Medical Building: Seminar room 1
Network: Economics Chair: Albrecht Ritschl
Organizer: Tamás Vonyó Discussant: Albrecht Ritschl
Taylor Jaworski, Joseph Cullen, Price Fishback & Paul Rhode : World War II and the Changing Structure of the American Economy
Jonas Scherner, Jochen Streb : 'Outsourcing and Supplier Networks in the German Aircraft Industry during World War II
Tamás Vonyó, Pieter J. Woltjer & Nikita E.S. Bos : The Economic Consequences of the War: Productivity growth in German, British and American manufacturing during the 1940s
Harry X. Wu, Tangjun Yuan : Measuring Economic Performance in the Wartime China, 1937-49

Wednesday 11 April 2012 11.00 - 13.00
X-2 ECO02 Innovation and Human Capital
Wolfson Medical Building: Seminar room 1
Network: Economics Chair: Jochen Streb
Organizers: - Discussant: Jochen Streb
Theresa Gutberlet : Mechanization and Industry Agglomeration in the German Empire
Nuno Miguel Lima : Private Initiative, Politics and the Role of Networking to Influence Decisions: the Salamanca to the Portuguese Border Railway Lines in the 1880s
Maurizio Lupo : Technological Innovation in a Peripheral Area: Results from a Research Regarding Inventors, Inventions and Patents in the Italian Mezzogiorno during the First Half of XIXth Century.
Andrea Maestrejuan : Navigating the Costs of Patent Protection: Individual Inventors and the German Patent System

Wednesday 11 April 2012 14.00 - 16.00
X-3 ECO03 Law and Economics
Wolfson Medical Building: Seminar room 1
Network: Economics Chair: Jochen Streb
Organizers: - Discussant: Jochen Streb
Hideaki Ito : A Combination of Market Economy and Communal Farming ; The Common Field System of the Nineteenth Century Willingham
Susana Martínez-Rodríguez : Private Limited Liability Companies “a la Española”: Roots, Diffusions and Contradictions in the Spanish PLLC.

Wednesday 11 April 2012 16.30 - 18.30
X-4 ECO04 Business History and Varieties of Capitalism
Wolfson Medical Building: Seminar room 1
Network: Economics Chair: Peter Meyer
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Matthias Kipping : Home-grown, Imposed or Imported? Anglo-American Influences on the German Business System
Cathie Jo Martin : Party Competition, Business Organization and Democratization
Neil Rollings : The Control of Dividends and the British Variety of Capitalism 1945-1970s
Jeroen Touwen : Liberalization without Losing Coordination: How the Dutch Business System Responded to Globalization, ca. 1970-2000

Thursday 12 April 2012 8.30 - 10.30
X-5 ECO06 Commodity Chains in the First Period of Globalization
Wolfson Medical Building: Seminar room 1
Network: Economics Chair: Werner Scheltjens
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Javier Cuenca-Esteban : Financing U.S. trade in the neutrality years, 1793-1807
Guillaume Daudin, Loïc Charles & Ann Coenen : Comparing Early Trade Statistics: The Case of Austrian Netherlands and France from 1759 to 1791
Jean Pierre Dedieu, Silvia Marzagalli : Tracking Trades in Navigocorpus. The Examples of Fish and Cotton
Per Hallén, Lili-Annè Aldman & Magnus Andersson : Gateways and Shipping during the Early Modern Times - The Gothenburg Example

Thursday 12 April 2012 11.00 - 13.00
M-6 ASI03 Nationalism, Decolonization, Economic Development and State Formation
Main Building: Melville
Networks: Asia , Economics Chair: Ratna Saptari
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Farabi Fakih : The Rise of the Developmental State in Indonesia
Anuradha Jaiswal : Gandhi's Success with Satyagraga: a Case Study of Agrarian Unrest in Champaran and the Nationalist Movement in Bihar
Thomas Lindblad : State and Economy During Modern Indonesia's Change of Regime
Pham van Thuy : The Political Economy of Decolonization in Indonesia, 1945-1960

X-6 ECO07 The History of School Finance - Fo(u)r Examples
Wolfson Medical Building: Seminar room 1
Network: Economics Chair: David Mitch
Organizers: - Discussant: David Mitch
Carla Aubry : The Economics of Social Relationship
Esbjörn Larsson : The Economic Aspects on the Introduction of Monitorial Education in Swedish Common Schools
Johannes Westberg : Wasting Public Resources? Intended and Unintended Consequences of State Grants and Regulation in Local School Districts, ca 1842–1900

Thursday 12 April 2012 14.00 - 16.00
X-7 ECO08 Agricultural Development
Wolfson Medical Building: Seminar room 1
Networks: Economics , Elites and forerunners , Rural Chair: Jeroen Touwen
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Paola Avallone : Innovations in Credit Services in Pre-unification Southern Italy
Juan Carmona, James Simpson : Sharecropping Contracts and Conflicts. The Yunteros' Land Invasions in 1930' Spain

Friday 13 April 2012 8.30 - 10.30
G-9 LAB19 An Elusive Warden of Capitalism: the OECD between Prosperity and Crisis, 1961-1989 I
Main Building: East Quad Lecture Theatre
Networks: Economics , Labour Chair: Matthieu Leimgruber
Organizers: - Discussant: Matthieu Leimgruber
Floriane Galeazzi : The OECD Roadmap for Global Finance, 1962-1985
Vincent Gayon : The OECD and the "Crisis" of Keynesianism: the McCracken Report (1975-1980)
Matthias Schmelzer : A 'Temple of Growth' in Crisis? The Production of Economic and Environmental Policy Norms Within the OECD during the 1970s

T-9 RUR11 Dynamics of Agricultural Productivity
Maths Building: 325
Networks: Economics , Rural Chair: Vicente Pinilla
Organizers: Johannes Bracht, Michael Kopsidis Discussant: Vicente Pinilla
Johannes Bracht : Demesne Production, 'Grundherrschaft' and Leasehold Tenancy – Manorial Economy and Agricultural Development in Northwest Germany, 1550-1900
Michael Kopsidis : Peasant Agriculture and Economic Growth: The Case of Southeast Europe c. 1870-1940 reinterpreted
Pedro Lains : Agricultural Productivity Growth in the Iberian Peninsula, 1830-1914
Yücel Terzibasoglu, Alp Yucel Kaya : Dynamics of Agricultural Productivity and Land Organisation in the Hinterland of Bursa in the Mid-19th Century

W-9 ECO10 Beyond Empires: Self Organizing Cross Imperial Networks vs Institutional Empires, 1500-1800 I Mechanisms and Processes
Maths Building: 417
Networks: Economics , World History Chair: Filipa Ribeiro da Silva
Organizers: Catia Antunes, Amélia Polónia Discussants: -
Catia Antunes, Amelia Polonia : Beyond Empires: Self-Organizing Cross-Imperial Economic Networks vs Institutional Empires, 1500-1800
Alexander Bick : Informal Networks within Institutions: Noblemen at the States General
Jessica Roitman : Creating Confusion in the Colonies: Negotiating Nationality across Imperial Boundaries
Daniel Strum : Netherlandish Insurers and Ibero-Jewish Policyholders: Reviewing the Information Asymmetry Problem in Business Relationships Beyond Religious and Ethnic Affiliations

Friday 13 April 2012 11.00 - 13.00
G-10 LAB20 An Elusive Warden of Capitalism: the OECD between Prosperity and Crisis, 1961-1989 II
Main Building: East Quad Lecture Theatre
Networks: Economics , Labour Chair: Matthias Schmelzer
Organizers: - Discussant: Richard Woodward
Thomas Hajduk : First Come, First Served? The Struggle for a Code of Conduct for Multinational Enterprises and the OECD Guidelines during the 1970s
Matthieu Leimgruber : The Embattled Standard-bearer of Social Insurance and its Challenger : The ILO, the OECD, and the «Crisis of the Welfare State» (1975-1985)
Jochen Mayer : The OECD as Centre of Calculation and Evaluation. The Example of the Working Party on Employment and Unemployment Statistics, 1976-1985

W-10 ECO11 Beyond Empires: Self Organizing Cross Imperial Networks vs Institutional Empires, 1500-1800 II The European Context
Maths Building: 417
Networks: Economics , World History Chair: Catia Antunes
Organizers: Catia Antunes, Amélia Polónia Discussant: Amélia Polónia
Ana Crespo Solana : Networks between Transnational Systems: Theoretical Rapprochements in the Case of the Hispanic Atlantic World (XVII-XVIIIe)
Ana Sofia Ribeiro : The Evolution of Norms in Trade and Financial Networks in the First Global Age. The Case Study of Simon Ruiz’s Network (Second Half of the 16th Century)
Siobhan Talbott : There is Many English and Severall Scots that you Might Deall with.’ Self-organizing European Entrepreneurial Networks in the Long Seventeenth Century: The Case Study of Britain and France

Friday 13 April 2012 14.00 - 16.00
S-11 RUR08 Peasant and the Market: Between Accumulation, Distress and Life Cycle-strategies
Maths Building: 204
Networks: Economics , Rural Chair: Miriam Muller
Organizer: Tim Soens Discussant: Miriam Muller
Frédéric Aparisi : Peasants and Markets in the Kingdom of Valencia during the Later Middle Ages
James Davis : Negotiating the marketplace: the expectations and fears of medieval English peasants
Kristof Dombrecht, Erik Thoen : The Land Market in a Changing Peasant Society during the Late Middle Ages – 16th Century: The Case of Flanders
Piotr Guzowski : Land Market and Peasants’ Life-cycle in Poland in the 15th and 16th Centuries
Tim Soens, Eline Van Onacker & Maïka De Keyzer : Beyond the Flock. Sheep Farming, Wool Sales and Peasant Economy in the Late Medieval Campine Area (Brabant, Belgium-The Netherlands)
Lies Vervaet, Erik Thoen : Tenure and Lease Holding Payments of Peasants and Farmers in Late Medieval Rural Flanders

W-11 ECO12 Beyond Empires: Self Organizing Cross Imperial Networks vs Institutional Empires, 1500-1800 III The Atlantic Context
Maths Building: 417
Networks: Economics , World History Chair: Amélia Polónia
Organizers: Catia Antunes, Amélia Polónia Discussant: Catia Antunes
Bram Hoonhout : 'Subprime Mortgages in the Caribbean: the Financial Opportunities Illegal Trade Created, 1740-1815
Silvia Marzagalli : The French Colonies in the Late 18th Century, or the Necessity of Cross-imperial and Foreign Trade
Filipa Ribeiro da Silva : Trans-imperial and Cross-cultural Networks for the Slave Trade, 1580s-1800s

Friday 13 April 2012 16.30 - 18.30
W-12 ECO13 Beyond Empires: Self Organizing Cross Imperial Networks vs Institutional Empires, 1500-1800 IV The Indian Ocean and Beyond
Maths Building: 417
Networks: Economics , World History Chair: Catia Antunes
Organizers: Catia Antunes, Amélia Polónia Discussant: Amélia Polónia
Michael Kempe : The „Pirate Round“. Self-Organizing and Illegal Economic Networks beyond Empires around 1700
Leos Muller : Trading with Asia without a Colonial Empire. Swedish Merchant Networks and Chartered Company Trade, 1750-1800
Chris Nierstrasz : In the Shadow of the Companies, Empires of trade in the orient and informal entrepreneurship, 1600-1800
Guido Van Meersbergen : “The Nature of the People and their Government”: The Role of Cultural Perceptions of Trustworthiness in Dutch and English East India Company Commercial and Diplomatic Strategies

Saturday 14 April 2012 11.00 - 13.00
X-14 ECO09 Economic Development since 1800
Wolfson Medical Building: Seminar room 1
Network: Economics Chair: Jeroen Touwen
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Ernesto Clar : Was Spain Different? Spanish Production and Consumption of Cereals and Meat in South European Comparison, 1950-1980
David Greasley, Nick Hanley, Les Oxley, Paul Warde & Eoin McClaughlin : History and the Future: Predictive Power of Sustainable Development Indicators in the UK since 1750
Gudmundur Jonsson : Economic Crises in Iceland since 1870
Conor Mccabe : The Irish Economy from 1922 to the 2008 Bank Guarantee: Tracing the Decisions which Undermined a State
Korinna Schoenhaerl : Giving Money for the Revolution: The Greek Loan of Independence in 1825

Saturday 14 April 2012 16.30 - 18.30
E-16 WOM15 Women, Work and Economy
Boyd Orr: Lecture Theatre E
Networks: Economics , Women and Gender Chair: Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Ziynet Seldag Ceylan : The Changing Position of Turkish Women by the 20th Century
Patricia Grimshaw : The Long Trail of Women in the Academic Profession in Australia, 1920- 2010
Irina Mukhina : Gender in History Through the Prism of Social Sciences: Multi-disciplinary Approaches to Historical Developments in the Context of Soviet Studies
Yvonne Svanström : From Maid to Household Services - Conceptual Changes with the Swedish Political Economy 1900-2010
Anna-Carolina Vogel : Women and long-term credit in 19th century Germany

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