Preliminary Programme

Showing: all days
Wed 12 April
    08.30 - 10.30
    11.00 - 13.00
    14.00 - 16.00
    16.30 - 18.30

Thu 13 April
    08.30 - 10.30
    11.00 - 13.00
    14.00 - 16.00
    16.30 - 18.30

Fri 14 April
    08.30 - 10.30
    11.00 - 13.00
    14.00 - 16.00
    16.30 - 18.30

Sat 15 April
    08.30 - 10.30
    11.00 - 13.00
    14.00 - 16.00

All days
Wednesday 12 April 2023 08.30 - 10.30
A-1 FAM01 Changing Patterns in Upper Social Strata Families in Central Europe (19th to Mid-20th Centuries)
SEB salen (Z)
Network: Family and Demography Chair: Peter Teibenbacher
Organizer: Alice Velková Discussant: Peter Teibenbacher
Luminita Dumanescu : Rural Elite and Demographic Behavior at the Turn of 20th Century Transylvania
Gábor Koloh : Clergy Mobility in Central Hungary in the Interwar Period
Irena Selisnik, Ana Cergol Paradiž : Postwar Ljubljana: Elite Transformation after First World War
Alice Velková : Changes in Demographic Behaviour in Families of Elite Social Classes in 19th Century Bohemia

B-1 WOM07 Clerical and Academic Families in Early Modern Sweden from a Gender Perspective
Network: Women and Gender Chair: Johanna Ilmakunnas
Organizers: Miia Kuha, Mari Välimäki Discussant: Åsa Karlsson-Sjögren
Miia Kuha : ”Don’t cry, my darling” – Married and Parental Love in the Funeral Sermons of 17th-century Lutheran Clergymen’s Wives
Ina Lindblom : A Clergyman in Search of a Wife - Marriage, Status and Emotion in the Life Description of Pehr Stenberg, 1790-1800
Mari Välimäki : Matrons of the Family – Professors’ Wives as Part of the Academic Community in the 17th Century Sweden
Charlotta Wolff : Poetry and Priesthood. Family, Sensibility and Gender in the Life and Works of Frans Michael Franzén (1772–1847)

E-1 SEX01 Baltic Queer Histories from the Late Soviet and Early Post-Soviet Era
Network: Sexuality Chair: Arturas Tereškinas
Organizer: Rebeka Põldsam Discussant: Arturas Tereškinas
Shaban Darakchi : Navigating “Perversity”: Classification and Control of Homosexuality in Bulgaria 1944-1989
Ineta Lipsa : Criminal File on Hooliganism as an Insight into the Practices of Male Same-Sex Sexual Subculture: the 1966 Case of Sauna at Ziedo?d?rzs (Spring-time Park) in Riga
Rasa Navickaite : In the Name of Love?: Gender Complementarity and Sexual Deviance in Late Soviet Lithuania
Rebeka Põldsam, Riikka Taavetti : “I never was this theoretical lesbian type”: Memories and Experiences of Estonian-Finnish Lesbian Community from the Early 1990s
Karlis Verdinš : Latvian Queers after the Fall of the Iron Curtain: Between Fictionality and Documentality

G-1 CRI01 Crime and Police Cooperation in the Ibero-American Atlantic. 1870-1940
Network: Criminal Justice Chair: Emmanuel Berger
Organizer: Emmanuel Berger Discussant: David Churchill
Fábio Faria : Refugees from the Spanish Civil War and World War II in Portuguese Prisons (1936-1945)
Diego Galeano : Money Counterfeiting and Policing Networks in the Ibero-American Atlantic World, 1880-1940
Gonçalo Rocha Gonçalves : Extradition Practices and Transnational Crime in the Ibero-American World in the 1870s
Maria João Vaz : Petty Crime and Transnational Crime Networks. Lisbon, 1870-1910

H-1 LAB09 Labour, Capital, and Class: Comparative Perspectives from the Atlantic Fringe, 19th and 20th Centuries
Network: Labour Chair: Stephan Curtis
Organizer: Stewart Lawrence Discussant: Stephan Curtis
Michael Kirkpatrick : The Abolition of Forced Labour in Nineteenth Century Guatemala
Kurt Korneski : Class, Place, and Diplomacy in the Gulf of St. Lawrence Fisheries, 1815-54.
Stewart Lawrence : “It Was Their El Dorado”: the Stratification of Stockholm’s Working Class and Drinking as a Form of Resistance at the End of the Nineteenth Century
Lachlan MacKinnon : Industrial Policy in Transnational Perspective: the Development Ethos in Deindustrializing Nova Scotia, 1956-1963

I-1 WOM20 Policy, Religiion and Reproductive Rights
Networks: Sexuality , Women and Gender Chair: Laura Kelly
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Agnieszka Balcerzak : Brave Sisters or “Keep Your Rosaries Off My Ovaries”: Reproductive Rights, Abortion Access and Corporeal Autonomy in Poland and Croatia
Wannes Dupont : Turning the Tide: Vatican Opposition to Birth Control in India (1950-1977)
Nathalie Le Bouteillec : Equal Rights to Parents: the Paternity Procedure in Sweden and its Consequences for the Child

J-1 ELI02a Manors and Modernity. Ownership, Economy and Landscape c1750 to c1950 I
B44 (Z)
Network: Elites and Forerunners Chair: Martin Dackling
Organizers: Martin Dackling, Brita Planck, Göran Ulväng Discussants: -
Arne Bugge Amundsen : Norwegian Transformations: Two Manors from Landed Estate to Industrial Centers
Göran Ulväng : Entailed Manors in Sweden – Numbers, Owners and Size 1750 to 2020
Piet van Cruyningen : The Transformation of Aristocratic Landownership in the Eastern Netherlands, c. 1780 – c. 1850
Gerrit van Oosterom : The Rise and Fall of Dutch Country House Culture and it’s Reception (1750-1850)

K-1 LAB10 Law, Labor and Production: Do Europe’s Peripheries Still Speak to Each Other?
Network: Labour Chair: Stefan Berger
Organizer: Adrian Grama Discussant: Stefan Berger
Ulf Brunnbauer : From the Sea into a Can: Labor and Sardine Processing in Peripheral Europe since the 19th Century
Matthias Ebbertz : Regulated Self-regulation in the Weimar Republic. Praxeological Approaches on the Multinormativity of Co-determination in Westphalia and Bavaria
Adrian Grama : How does Labor Law Travel? Interwar Portugal and Romania in Comparison

M-1 CUL01 (Un)familiar Ground. Unravelling the Links between (Trans)nationalism and Tourism (18th-20th Century)
Network: Culture Chair: Christina Reimann
Organizers: Andreas Stynen, Gerrit Verhoeven Discussant: Christina Reimann
Sune Bechmann Pedersen : Planning for Transnational Travel: Postwar Tourism Boosters and the Reconstruction of Europe
Andreas Stynen, Kas Swerts : Opponents on the Same Grounds. Conflicting Tourist Organizations in Interwar Belgium
Gerrit Verhoeven, Silke Geven : Which Belgium do we sell? Discussions on Tourism Marketing and Nationalism (1930-’80)

N-1 ORA10 Experiencing Migration via Ego Documents
C33 (Z)
Network: Oral History Chair: Sylvie Fogel-Bijaoui
Organizers: Deborah Bernstein, Talia Pfefferman Discussant: Sylvie Fogel-Bijaoui
Liat Alon : Modernity, Migration and the Family Ego-Documents and the 'Aliya' from Egypt to Israel
Deborah Bernstein, Talia Pfefferman : Nationalism and Class in Times of Migration: Letters of Friendship among Immigrating Youth to Palestine, 1920's
Bat-Zion Klorman-Eraqi : Yemeni Jewish Immigrants in Mandate Palestine Preserving their Friendships in a Changing Environment
Esther Meir-Glitzenstein : Nationalism, Family and Personal Life, Shifts in the World of a Young Jewish Woman Immigrant from Iraq to Palestine-Israel in the Late 1940s.

O-1 MID01 Actors, Codes and Strategies of Social Mediation in the Iberian Peninsula between the Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages
Networks: Middle Ages , Social Inequality Chair: Iñaki Martín Viso
Organizers: Raquel Ezquerro Jiménez, Alicia Martín Rodríguez Discussant: Igor Santos Salazar
Gonzalo J. Escudero Manzano : Date et dabitur vobis. The Biblical Evocation as Mediation in the Gift Economy during the Hispanic Early Middle Ages
Raquel Ezquerro Jiménez : Mediating Actors and Tributary Networks in Visigothic Iberian Peninsula
Alicia Martín Rodríguez : Boni homines (et bonae muliebris)? Mediating Actors and Gender in Early Medieval Iberian Peninsula

P-1 EDU01 „At the time, I started with pretty much desire to do my own job well“ . Motivation and Emotions of West-German and Swiss School Teachers in the 1970s and 1980s
Network: Education and Childhood Chair: Nina Verheyen
Organizer: Sylvia Kesper-Biermann Discussant: Nina Verheyen
Lukas Boser : “He loved Teaching and he loved his Students.” The Teaching Profession in the Context of Social Desirability
Andreas Hoffmann-Ocon : "Commitment and Disappointment" – on the Psychologization of the 'Teacher-Student Relationship' in German-speaking Switzerland
Sylvia Kesper-Biermann : How “1968” Transformed Schooling. Teacher-student Relationships in Hamburg, 1970s–1980s

R-1 HEA01 Charity and the Hospital in the British Welfare State since 1945
Network: Health and Environment Chair: Martin Gorsky
Organizer: Martin Gorsky Discussants: -
Bernard Harris : Repugnant to a Civilized Community: Charitable Funding in the Early NHS
Gareth Millward, Martin Gorsky : The Internet as a Site of Voluntary Activity: NHS Charities and the World Wide Web since 2000
Gareth Millward : ‘Its many workers and subscribers feel that their services can still be of benefit’: Hospital Leagues of Friends in the English West Midlands, c. 1948–1998

Wednesday 12 April 2023 11.00 - 13.00
A-2 MAT10 Consumer Preferences and Practices
SEB salen (Z)
Network: Material and Consumer Culture Chair: Jon Stobart
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Marcus Falk : Consumption Patterns in the Rural Early Modern Household, Southern Sweden 1670-1860
Matleena Frisk : Before Green Thinking: Shortening Lifespan and Disposability of Products in Finland from the Second World War to the 1970s
Ilja Van Damme, Lith Lefranc : Gender, Class, Age and Consumption. Shoplifting and Criminal Detection Bias during the Development of a New Retail Culture in Antwerp, c. 1870-c. 1940

B-2 WOM03a An Inclusive History of Women’s Labour Activism: Forms and Scales of Organizing and the Politics of Women’s Work I
Networks: Labour , Women and Gender Chair: Anne Cova
Organizers: Selin Cagatay, Jelena Tesija Discussants: Ulf Brunnbauer, Daniela Koleva
Selin Cagatay : Gendering Adult Education in the Developing Word: Vocational Training of Women in Turkey, 1960s-1990s
Veronika Helfert : The Right to a Job: Austrian Women Labour Activists and the Question of Female Unemployment, from the Late-1940s to the 1980s
Ivelina Masheva : International Labour Standards and Local Realities: Women Workers and the Enforcement of Working Time Regulations in Bulgaria, 1920s-1940s
Zhanna Popova : Halina Krahelska: Labour Inspector at Home and Abroad, 1919-1931

C-2 THE01 Historical Peace Research as Social Science History: Theories and Categories, Peace Movements and International Diplomacy
Network: Theory Chair: Anne Heyer
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Norbert Fabian : „Steps to Peace“ – Social Democrats and Christians in the Peace Movement of the Early 1980s. Arguments against the International Arms Race and Discussions on Gradualism
Lukas Mengelkamp : Why the History of Theories and Methods Matters
Christoph Weller : A Reconstruction of the Development of German Peace and Conflict Studies from a Social Science Perspective

D-2 ECO02 Historical Legacies of the Cash Crop Boom
Networks: Africa , Economic History Chairs: -
Organizer: Thomas Westland Discussants: -
Gareth Austin : The Political Economy of Growth in Beverage-Crop Economies in Independent Africa: Ghana and Kenya Compared, 1973-1983
Michiel de Haas : Africa and the ‘New History of Capitalism’: Colonialism, Coercion and Cotton, 1820-1960
Per Hallén : Company Organization and Technological Change in Scandinavian Fishing until 1945
Thomas Westland : The Colonial Commodity Lottery: Linkages from Agriculture to Industry in the Tropics, c.1950-1970

E-2 SEX02 Catholicism, Gender and Anti-abortion Activism in Europe (1970s-Present)
Networks: Health and Environment , Sexuality , Women and Gender Chair: Agnieszka Koscianska
Organizer: Agata Ignaciuk Discussant: Azzurra Tafuro
Anne-Sophie Crosetti : Feminism and “Pro-life” Groups in Belgium and France: from Hatred to (Strategic) Love? (1970-Present)
Agata Ignaciuk, Ángela Segura-Arenas : Catholicism and Anti-abortion Activism in the Spanish 1980s
Laura Kelly : Anti-abortion Activism in the Republic of Ireland, c.1980s-1990s: Gender, Emotions and Transnational Influences
Sylwia Kuzma-Markowska : “The Right to Life” Behind the Iron Curtain: the Polish Anti-Abortion Movement, the Catholic Church, and the Communist State in the 1970s and 1980s
Lucas Ramos : Catholics in the Age of Sexual Revolution: Homosexuality, Marriage, and Welfare in Postwar Italy (1948-1965)

F-2 LAB02 Disputed Endings: How Labour Relations were Terminated in Pre-Industrial Europe
Network: Labour Chair: Jane Whittle
Organizers: Taylor Aucoin, James Fisher Discussant: Jane Whittle
Taylor Aucoin : Unfinished Business: Mediating Servant Wage Disputes and Broken Contracts through the English Labour Laws, 1563-1700
James Fisher : Premature Exits? The Termination of Compulsory Apprenticeships before the Statutory Age of Expiry in England 1600-1750
Teresa Petrik : Taking the Disobedient to Court: Uncovering Mechanisms of Coercion and Autonomy in 17th and 18th Century Austrian Servant Legislation
Vilhelm Vilhelmsson : Strategies of Exit: Absconding from Service in Nineteenth-century Iceland

G-2 CRI02 Interrogating Interrogations: Knowledge and Power in Modern Criminal Justice
Network: Criminal Justice Chair: Xavier Rousseaux
Organizer: Elwin Hofman Discussants: -
Claire Eldridge : Creating and Contesting Colonial Knowledge in the Courtroom: French Military Justice during the First World War
Elwin Hofman : Experimental Interrogations: Psychology and Criminal Investigation in France and Germany, c. 1900
Jennifer Sessions : Colonial Magistrates’ Tales: Interrogating Suspected Insurgés in French Algeria, 1901

H-2 WOM02 Academic Citizenship, Persona and Gender – Exploring the Micropolitics of Inclusion and Exclusion in Science and Scholarship
Network: Women and Gender Chair: Katie Barclay
Organizers: Dunja Blazevic, Kirsti Niskanen Discussants: -
Dunja Blazevic : The Ideal Philologist and Historian, seen through the Eyes of a Hiring Committee
Heini Hakosalo : What’s in a Space? The Dissection Room and the Clinic as Normative and Formative Spaces in Fin-de-siècle Medical Training
Kirsti Niskanen : Research Economy and Gendered Academic Citizenship in Sweden, 1920s -1950s

I-2 EDU02 Adapting Children to Socialist Societies: Experts at the Crossroad of State Ambition and Parental Care
Network: Education and Childhood Chair: Dora Vargha
Organizer: Annina Gagyiova Discussant: Dora Vargha
Annina Gagyiova : “Children as Flowers in the Garden of Education”: Expert Discourses and Practices Towards School Maturity in East-Central Europe, 1970s-1980s
Barbara Klich-Kluczewska : Knowledge contra Feelings. Experts’ Networks and Initiatives to Modernize the Adoption Process in Post-War Poland, 1960s-1970s
José Luis Aguilar López-Barajas : From Preterm Babies into Normal and Healthy Citizens. The Expert Discourse on Long-term Development of Premature Babies in East-Central Europe

J-2 ELI02b Manors and Modernity. Ownership, Economy and Landscape c1750 to c1950 II
B44 (Z)
Network: Elites and Forerunners Chair: Göran Ulväng
Organizers: Martin Dackling, Brita Planck, Göran Ulväng Discussants: -
Martin Dackling : Nobility, Land and Political Power in Nineteenth Century Sweden
Mia Löwengart : Jewish Country Houses in Sweden c1800-c1950
Brita Planck : Why did Mary have to marry Matthew? Deeds of Entail in 18th Century Sweden

K-2 LAB01 Book Session: the Digital Factory: the Human Labor of Automation by Moritz Altenried (The University of Chicago Press, 2022)
Networks: Labour , Social Inequality , Theory Chair: Christian De Vito
Organizer: Görkem Akgöz Discussants: Görkem Akgöz, Moritz Altenried, Bridget Kenny, Nicola Pizzolato

L-2 ETH04 Jews, Europe, and the Business of Culture?
Network: Ethnicity and Migration Chair: Maja Hultman
Organizer: Karin Hofmeester Discussant: Gideon Reuveni
Laura Katarina Ekholm : How Eastern European Jewish Diaspora has Shaped the Garment Industry Sweden and Finland
Karin Hofmeester : The Amsterdam Diamond Industry, its Workers and their Trade Union: a Local, European and Global Perspective
Trisha Oakley Kessler : Searching for Refuge and Business Renewal: Jewish Refugee Hat Industrialists and Global Trade Networks 1938-1940
Angelina Palmén : Jews, Business and Bourgeois Feminism 1890-1914: Commerce and the Making of a Cultural Moment?

M-2 ETH20 Intersectionality
Networks: Ethnicity and Migration , Sexuality Chair: Marjolein Schepers
Organizers: - Discussant: Marlou Schrover
Betty De Hart, Julia Woesthoff : Gender and Citizenship Law in the Netherlands and (West) Germany after 1945: a Comparative Perspective on Consequences and Responses
Linda Reeder : Modern Italy and the Making of the Migrant: State Surveillance, Gender, and Mobility in the 19th century

N-2 ANT01 Balancing between Social Performance and Offensive Discourse: an Intersectional Approach to Religio-Political Authority in the Greco-Roman World
C33 (Z)
Network: Antiquity Chair: Douglas Cairns
Organizer: Marika Rauhala Discussants: -
Marja-Leena Hänninen : The Right to Negotiate with Divine Powers - Privilege or Civic Duty? Religious Conflicts in Mid-Republican Rome
Suvi Kuokkanen : Disparaging Low-Status Politicians in Post-Periclean Athens
Marika Rauhala : Intersections of Otherness in (Ab)Use: Oriental Eunuchs in Greco-Roman Cult and Society
Julietta Steinhauer : Migrant Women in the Greek Aegean: Integration, Religion, and Cross-cultural Exchange from an Intersectional Perspective
Darja Sterbenc Erker : Intersectionality of Gender, Social Status and Ethnicity in Literary Devalorizations of Roman Emperors Worshipping “Foreign” Gods

O-2 MID02 Economic Inequality before the Black Death: Sources, Methods and Case-studies (1290-1348)
Network: Middle Ages Chair: Antoni Furió
Organizer: Davide Cristoferi Discussant: Antoni Furió
Luis Almenar Fernández : Animals, Land, Silver. Peasants’ Wealth Inequality through Probate Inventories in the Kingdom of Valencia during the Fourteenth Century
Davide Cristoferi : Economic Inequality and Socio-property Relations at the Peak of Medieval Development: Comparing Sienese Tuscany and Northern France (c. 1295-c. 1320)
Sam Geens : From top to Bottom. Estimating Wealth Inequality through Elite Taxation: Comparing Fourteenth-century Bruges, Mons, and Florence.
Laura Miquel Milian : Sources for the Study of Inequality in the City of Tortosa before and after the Black Death

R-2 HEA02 Experiencing Madness and Disability in Early Modern Europe
Network: Health and Environment Chair: Raisa Toivo
Organizer: Mari Eyice Discussants: -
Catherine Beck : As he did his Duty...: the Meaning of Mental Impairment, Difference and Disability at Sea in the Long Eighteenth Century
Mari Eyice : Experiencing Disability in 17th Century Stockholm
Julia Heinemann : Narrating War Disabilities in the Early Modern Habsburg Monarchy. Petitions from Soldiers and their Families
Riikka Miettinen : Sensing Madness: Bodily Experiences of Mental Disability in Early Modern Sweden

S-2 CUL15 Social Approaches to Cultural History
Victoriagatan 13, A252
Network: Culture Chair: Fernando Mouta
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Heikki Kokko, Minna Harjula : Towards Social History of Experiences
Elisabeth Lobenwein : Information Transfer from Constantinople to Vienna before 1683: Actors – Strategies – Challenges
Kristof Loockx : Sewers of Debauchery and Depravity? A Comparative Socioeconomic Analysis of Boston’s and Antwerp’s Sailortown, 1850-1930
Alice Reininger : The Franzenskanal. The Construction of the Tisa-Danube Canal should improve Economy in the Central Danube Basin in the End of the 18th Century. Wolfgang von Kempelen’s Steam Engine was used for Drawing Water

T-2 RUR10 Lordship and Serfdom from the 16th to the 20th Century
Victoriagatan 13, Victoriasalen
Network: Rural Chair: Arnoud Jensen
Organizers: - Discussant: Arnoud Jensen
Florin Nicolae Ardelean : Rural Militias: the Conscription of Peasant-Soldiers in Transylvania during the Second Half of the Sixteenth Century
Branimir Brgles : Freedom and Coertion: Serfs between the Adriatic and the Alps
Piotr Pomianowski : Peasants' Rights to Land in the Duchy of Warsaw and in the Congress Kingdom of Poland

U-2 RUR03 Connecting Social History with Environmental Sciences: the Reclamation of Exmoor Project
Västra Hamngatan 25 AK2 133
Network: Rural Chair: Piet van Cruyningen
Organizer: Henry French Discussants: -
Leonard Baker : Internal Colonialism on Exmoor, c. 1818 – 1880.
Henry French : Tenant-Farmers and the Reclamation of Exmoor, 1840-1886.
Ralph Fyfe : Historical Knowledge and Contemporary Landscape Management

V-2 SOC03 Transnational Actors and Social Protection in the 20th Century
Västra Hamngatan 25 AK2 134
Network: Social Inequality Chair: Marco H.D. van Leeuwen
Organizers: Michele Mioni, Marco H.D. van Leeuwen Discussants: -
Deona Cali : The League of Nations and Decolonization in Albania
Célia Keren : Productive Entanglements: the Co-constitution of Public and Private Actors in the Field of Welfare, Humanitarian Aid and Global Health
Michele Mioni : Connecting Global and Regional Scales of Action: Geographic, Diachronic, Conceptual Issues of “Post-Colonial Transitions”, “Social Reform”, and “International Actors”

W-2 SPA02 Complex Source Analysis
Västra Hamngatan 25 AK2 135
Network: Spatial and Digital History Chair: Bogumil Szady
Organizers: - Discussant: Rick Mourits
Ulf Christian Ewert, Leif Scheuermann & Susanne Rau : Contemporary Perceptions of Trade: a Spatial Analysis of Trade Fair Calendars Published in the 16th and 17th Century
Maelle Le Roux : “A Midnight of Utter Despair”: Representations of the Irish Civil War in the Capuchin Annual Periodical (1930-1977)
Johan Malmstedt : The Same Old Song: Harmonic Complexity in Parliamentary Speeches, 1978 - 1988

X-2 ORA01 Oral History and Methodology
Västra Hamngatan 25 AK2 136 (Z)
Network: Oral History Chair: Malin Thor Tureby
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Jesper Johansson : Narratives of Belonging – Intersections of Place, Space and Time in Archived Migrant Narratives from the Collection MIGTALKs
Alexander Prenninger : The Challenges of Secondary Analysis
Irena Saleniece : The Trajectory of Latvian Lives in the Context of Sovietization (1945-1991), in Oral History and Other Types of Historical Source
Samira Saramo : Mapping the Feelings of Finnish Migrant-Settler Places & Stories

Wednesday 12 April 2023 14.00 - 16.00
A-3 FAM02a Data & Methods I
SEB salen (Z)
Network: Family and Demography Chair: Glenn Sandström
Organizers: - Discussant: Glenn Sandström
Alan Dearle, Graham Kirby & Özgür Akgün : Linking Swedish Records Posing as Scottish Data: Exploring Linkage Methodologies, the Effects of Missing Data and the Use of Graph Databases
Rick Mourits, Prats López, M. & Van Oort, T. & Ganzevoort, W. & Van Galen C. : Engaging the Crowd: Citizen Science for Historical Demography
Barbara Revuelta-Eugercios, Asbjørn Thomsen & Nicolai Rask Mathiesen & Olivia Robinson & Anne Løkke & Lise Bødtker Sunde & Anna Lodberg Sparres & Line Hjørt-Moritzsen : Occupation, Position in the Household and Socio-economic Status in 19th Century Denmark: Combining Historical Expertise and Automated Methods to Code Millions of Strings

B-3 WOM03b An Inclusive History of Women’s Labour Activism: Forms and Scales of Organizing and the Politics of Women’s Work II
Networks: Labour , Women and Gender Chair: Manuela Martini
Organizers: Selin Cagatay, Jelena Tesija Discussants: Ulf Brunnbauer, Daniela Koleva
Alexandra Ghit : “From an Organizational Point of View, We Must Learn Everything”: International Cooperation and Women’s Trade Union Education in Early-1990s Romania
Jelena Tesija : Converging Divergent Systems: Yugoslav Women Co-operators and the International Co-operative Women’s Guild in the 1950s
Eszter Varsa : Gender, Anarchist Thought and Women in the Agrarian Socialist Movement in Hungary and Internationally, 1890s-1900s
Susan Zimmermann : A Dance Around a “Sacred Cow”: Trade Unions, the ILO, and Women’s Third Shift in the Hungarian Textile Industry, 1960s and 1970s

C-3 WOM26 Women - Gender in Academia
Networks: Education and Childhood , Women and Gender Chair: Kirsti Niskanen
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Dijana Dijanic Plesko : Education is for Everyone
Anna Horstmann : „I hate anything Chemical-female at all“. The Social Closure of Occupational Fields qua Gender using the Example of the German Chemical Industry in the 20th Century
Olga Tabachnikova, Natalia Vinokurova : Oral History through the Prism of Gender Research: Russian Scientists’ Preferences in the Sphere of Employment for the Younger Generation

D-3 ECO04 New Uses of Individual Financial Instruments in Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Trade
Network: Economic History Chair: Janine Maegraith
Organizers: Craig Muldrew, Joris van den Tol Discussant: Elise Dermineur Reuterswärd
Craig Muldrew : Measuring the Use of Inland Bills in Early Eighteenth Century England
Ellen Nye : Tax Farming Assignments as Credit Instruments in an Ottoman Era of Fiscal Innovation, 1690-1720.
Moto Takahashi : Savings Institutions in Eighteenth Century Japan
Joris van den Tol : Capital Colony: Credit on Barbados, 1634-1659

E-3 LAB03 Female Friendly Societies across Europe, 1840s-1940s: Labour, Health, and Mutual-aid
Networks: Labour , Women and Gender Chair: Llorenç Ferrer Alos
Organizers: Llorenç Ferrer Alos, Alfons Zarzoso Discussant: Llorenç Ferrer Alos
Lars Fredrik Andersson, Bernard Harris & Liselotte Eriksson : Exploring Female Morbidity in Early 20th Century Sweden
Julien Caranton : Solidarity and Autonomy: Female Mutual Aid Societies in Grenoble (1840s-1914)
Jose Joaquin Garcia Gomez, Pilar Beneito López & Ángel Pascual Martínez Soto : Gender Pay Gap, Unionisation and Welfare during the Spanish Industrialisation (1870-1920)
Alba Masramon : Working Women’s Institut: Mutual Aid, Labour, Health and Female Agency (1920-1936)
Alfons Zarzoso : Regimes of Self-help: Female Mutual Aid Societies in Late 19th- and Early 20th-century Barcelona

F-3 LAB08 Labour, Capital and European Integration
Networks: Labour , Politics, Citizenship, and Nations Chair: Fia Sundevall
Organizer: Johan Svanberg Discussants: -
Susanne Berghofer : The Swedish Textile and Clothing Industry – Crises and Opportunities as European Markets Opened, and International Trade Barriers Diminished
Marvin Schnippering : The German Trade Union Confederation (DGB) and the Balancing Act between German Interests and a European Spirit
Brian Shaev : Transnational Socialism, Welfare, and Social Policy in the early European Communities
Johan Svanberg : Trade-Union Internationalism in the Textile and Garment Sector and European Integration

G-3 CRI03 Migration and Crime in Early Modern Europe
Network: Criminal Justice Chair: Joachim Eibach
Organizers: Karlijn Luk, Samantha Sint Nicolaas Discussant: Joachim Eibach
Tina Adam : Migrants Face Trial in Bern: Migration Policy and its Impact on Criminal Justice in the Seventeenth Century
Karlijn Luk : Conflicts between Migrants and Locals in Early Modern Leiden and Rotterdam
Samantha Sint Nicolaas, Ariadne Schmidt : Zeroing in on the Criminal Migrant: Shifting Patterns in the Origins of Migrant Defendants in Early Modern Amsterdam, 1620-1790

H-3 POL03 Anarchism and Global Antifascist Politics
Network: Politics, Citizenship, and Nations Chair: Kirwin Shaffer
Organizer: Tom Goyens Discussants: -
Spencer Beswick : Anarchist Anti-Fascism: Love and Rage and Anti-Racist Action in the Late Twentieth Century
Tom Goyens : Friedrich Kniestedt and Anti-Nazi Politics in Brazil during the 1930s
Dieter Nelles : Anarchosyndicalism versus Antifacism. The Conflict Between the IWMA and the CNT/FAI during the Spanish Civil War
Kenyon Zimmer : An Accidental Antifascist Network: Deportation, America’s First Red Scare, and Transnational Resistance

I-3 ANT03 Cognitive Approaches to Ancient Greek History
Network: Antiquity Chair: Douglas Cairns
Organizers: Samuel Ellis, Riccarda Schmid Discussant: Douglas Cairns
Samuel Ellis : I am your Father: the Pater Metaphor and its Effectiveness in Framing Sole Rule in the Greek Polis
Neville Morley : Cognitive Biases in Thucydides’ Sicilian Debate
Riccarda Schmid : Applicability and Accessibility: Framing-Effects in Athenian Oratory

J-3 ELI01 Elites, Civil Service and Politics: the Role of State Representatives in the Territory in Central and Eastern Europe (1860s–1940s)
B44 (Z)
Network: Elites and Forerunners Chair: Martin Klecacky
Organizers: Martin Klecacky, Judit Pál Discussant: Vlad Popovici
Stjepan Matkovic : Politics and Bureaucracy in Kingdoms of Croatia and Slavonia at the Turn of the 20th Century
Ploscaru Nelu Cristian : The Institution of the Prefecture in Romania (1864-1892): Between Political Networks and Social Relations of Patronage
Judit Pál : Changes in the Recruitment of Transylvanian Local Government Representatives (Lord Lieutenants) during and after the First World War
Martin Pekár : The Nature and Role of State Representatives in the Para-fascist Regime of the Slovak State (1939-1945) at the Regional and Local Level
Andrei Sora : A Path to an Ascending Career: the “Delegated Prefects” in Transylvania, 1918–1928

K-3 FAM15 Sibling Relations: Early Modern Noble Siblings. Situational Configurations between Alliance and Conflict
Network: Family and Demography Chair: Margareth Lanzinger
Organizers: Siglinde Clementi, Margareth Lanzinger Discussant: Michaela Hohkamp
Florian Andretsch : Non-partitioned Patrimonies Sharing Lower and Upper Austrian Noble Lordships in Fraternal Community, ca. 1600
Siglinde Clementi : Noble Sibling Relations in the Step Constellation. Tyrol, 16th and 17th Centuries
Liesbeth Geevers : Runt of the Litter: Archduke Charles "the Posthumous" and his Many Older Siblings
Claudia Rapberger : Noble Sisters in their Correspondences in 17th Century Austria

L-3 ETH12 The History of the European Migration Regime
Networks: Ethnicity and Migration , Politics, Citizenship, and Nations Chair: Philippe Rygiel
Organizer: Emmanuel Comte Discussants: Marcel Berlinghoff, Philippe Rygiel
Emmanuel Comte : The History of the European Migration Regime
Leo Lucassen : The Rise of the European Migration Regime and its Paradoxes

M-3 ETH06 Migration and “Forced” Return to the Iberian Peninsula in Time of Crises
Network: Ethnicity and Migration Chair: Cigdem Billur Ada
Organizer: Yvette Santos Discussant: Cigdem Billur Ada
Francisco Bernal García : The Forced Return of Emigrants during the Processes of Decolonisation of Spanish Territories in Africa (Second Half of the 20th Century). Comparative Notes
Morgane Delaunay : The Return of Portuguese Settlers from Angola and Mozambique during the Decolonization Processes (1975-1977)
Alícia Gil Lázaro : The Forced Returns of Spanish Emigrants from Latin America during the Interwar Crises
Yvette Santos : Desirable or Undesirable? The Portuguese Emigrants and the Repatriation Process during the Great Depression from Brazil

N-3 EDU03 Demanding Justice: Survivor Activism Against Institutional Child Abuse
C33 (Z)
Network: Education and Childhood Chair: Johanna Sköld
Organizer: Katie Wright Discussant: Malin Arvidsson
Stine Grønbæk Jensen : Autobiographies as Activism among Care-leavers
Patricia Lundy : Activism and Historical Institutional Abuse
Sarah Smed : Sharing Painful Memories to Support Positive Change
Danny Taggert : Survivor Activism, Identity and Therapeutic Approaches to Participation in Child Abuse Inquiries
Katie Wright : Mobilising for Justice: Survivor Activism Against Institutional Child Abuse

O-3 MID03 Navigating the Normative and Juridical Framework in the Burgundian and Habsburg Low Countries
Network: Middle Ages Chair: Klaas Van Gelder
Organizer: Tom De Waele Discussants: -
Tom De Waele : “To avoid all further lawsuits and difficulties”: Conflict, Dialogue and Pragmatic Strategies in Seigneuries of Burgundian and Habsburg Flanders
Adam Hall : Closing the Distance: Hanseatic Traders in Holland and at the Great Council, 1525-1545
Bente Marschall : Extra-territoriality and Legal Pluralism: Wine and Beer Taxation in Late Medieval Maastricht
Jurriaan Wink : Diplomacy to Litigate (or not): Urban Diplomatic Assistance in the North-eastern Low Countries for Traders and Shippers with Conflicts Abroad (ca. 1450-1550)

P-3 MAT01a Auctions and Households. Comparative Perspectives across the Globe, 17th-20th Centuries I
Network: Material and Consumer Culture Chair: Bruno Blondé
Organizers: Bruno Blondé, Anne Sophie Overkamp, Jon Stobart Discussant: Anne Sophie Overkamp
Elizabeth Harding : A Risky Profession in Transition: Selling Art and Books at Early Modern German Auctions in 18. Century Leipzig
Emma Hart : Selling People: The Auction as a Commercial Tool of the Early American Slave Trade
Jozias Kole, Bruno Blondé : Elite Household Estate Auctions in Eighteenth-century Antwerp and Amsterdam. A Comparative Exploration of Changing Practices and Values
Jon Stobart, Sara Pennell : ‘Genteel and Modern’: Auctioning the Household Belongings of Church of England Clergy, 1760-1840

R-3 HEA03a From the Workplace to the Death Bed: Conceptualising and Assessing Morbidity and Mortality in 19th and 20th Century Europe I
Network: Health and Environment Chair: David Green
Organizer: David Green Discussants: -
Ciara Breathnach : ‘Information Received’: Dublin City Coroner’s Court and Civil Registration of Death
Nadeche Diepgrond, Tim Riswick : From Sick Bed to Death Bed: Morbidity and Mortality in the Amsterdam Hospital, 1886-1896
Louise Ludvigsen : ‘The Vital Age”: Death of Young Adults in Copenhagen 1861-1911
Mathias Mølbak Ingholt : From a Traditional to a Modern Rationale: the Meaning of Intermittent Fever in Denmark, 1826-1886
Harry Smith : Codifying Morbidity: Links between Sickness and Death in the British Post Office 1861-1901

S-3 AFR01a European Identities in Africa – Session 1: Going European
Victoriagatan 13, A252
Network: Africa Chair: Márcia Gonçalves
Organizer: Márcia Gonçalves Discussants: -
Alexander Keese, Naïma Maggetti : What Remained of the Assimilation Paradigm? Late Colonial Senegal, Material Culture, Interaction, and Political Decolonization, 1945–1960
Eva Schalbroeck : The Unlikely ‘Fathers’ of European Identity in Belgian Colonial Africa: how Catholic Missionaries Navigated Racial Diversity and Modernity through ‘Europeanness’
Stephanie van Dam, Catia Antunes : Expertise & Whiteness as Social Capital: Sir Granville St John Orde Browne’s Imperial Career, 1883-1947

T-3 CUL10 Soviet Cultural and Education Policy
Victoriagatan 13, Victoriasalen
Network: Culture Chair: Verena März
Organizers: Christina Engelmann, Tobias Haberkorn, Ingrid Miethe Discussants: -
Christina Engelmann : “Self-education will therefore remain very important here in Russia for a long time”: Nadezhda K. Krupskaya and Soviet Education Policy
Tobias Haberkorn : Moscow’s Proletarian Museums: Education through Art of the Past
Franziska Haug : Alexandra Kollontai on the New Collective Type of Family and the Principle of Mutual Education as a Precondition for the Liberation of Women
Ingrid Miethe : “I don’t know which is more helpful, speaking up or keeping silent”: Clara Zetkin’s Perception of Developments in the Soviet Union

U-3 RUR01 Agricultural Improvement and Foreign Models: How Agricultural Improvement in Germany and Russia Got on Track
Västra Hamngatan 25 AK2 133
Network: Rural Chair: James Fisher
Organizers: Marten Seppel, Keith Tribe Discussant: James Fisher
Verena Lehmbrock : Untangling the Histories of Economy and Science: the Personae of Agricultural Improvement
Marten Seppel : Prussian, Danish and other Foreign Models in the Debates over Serfdom and Agricultural Improvement in the Baltic Provinces of Russia, 1750-1820
Keith Tribe : Setting an Example: Representations of English Agriculture in the Later Eighteenth Century

V-3 ORA02 Oral History and Public History
Västra Hamngatan 25 AK2 134
Network: Oral History Chair: Jakub Galeziowski
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Elmar Gams : Kogu Me Lugu - a Collection of Personal Stories of Estonia from the 20th Century
Leslie McCartney : Preserving the Unangax? (Alaska Aleut) Cuttlefish Project Recordings
Santiago Ponsoda-López de Atalaya, Rubén Blanes-Mora : Teaching History through Oral History: an Educational Experience in the Training of History Teachers
Vishal Singh Deo : What’s in it for the Archive? Revisiting the Archival Method as an Interrogation of Empire, Property and the Rational of Laissez-faire

W-3 SPA01 Archives
Västra Hamngatan 25 AK2 135
Network: Spatial and Digital History Chair: Don Lafreniere
Organizers: - Discussant: Ivo Zandhuis
Natália Váradi : The Hungarian Revolution of 1956 in the KGB Documents Held in Sectoral State Archive of the Security Service of Ukraine and the State Archive of Transcarpathian Oblast
Douwe Zeldenrust : Managing Humanities Research Data and Collections, the Records Continuum Model and the Collections of the Meertens Institute

X-3 SOC04 Disability and Tourism from the 19th to the 21st Century
Västra Hamngatan 25 AK2 136 (Z)
Network: Social Inequality Chair: Carlo Baderna
Organizers: Martino Lorenzo Fagnani, Luciano Maffi Discussant: Carlo Baderna
Trinidad Domínguez Vila : The Influence of Disability Models on the Development of Tourism for People with Disabilities from 1900 to the Present
Martino Lorenzo Fagnani : Mediterranean Environment, Disabilities, and Tourism: Scientific Debates in the Early 19th Century
Giovanni Gregorini, Maria Paola Pasini : The Rock Carvings in Valle Camonica: the First Italian Unesco Site has become more Accessible
Stefano Magagnoli, Luciano Maffi : Disability and Religious Tourism in Twentieth Century Italy: the Case of Oftal
Lotta Vikström, Johan Junkka & Erling Häggström Lundevaller : Occupational Opportunities among Disabled and Non-disabled Groups in Swedish Populations from the 1800s until 1959

Wednesday 12 April 2023 16.30 - 18.30
A-4 FAM02b Data & Methods II
SEB salen (Z)
Network: Family and Demography Chair: Grazyna Liczbinska
Organizers: - Discussant: Rick Mourits
Samantha Nordholt Aagaard : Internal Migration Trajectories of Women in Denmark in the 19th Century – New Perspectives
Göran Broström, Tommy Bengtsson : A Hazards Approach to the Biometric Analysis of Infant Mortality
Samuel Sundvall, Glenn Sandström & Johan Junkka : The Impact of Migration Flows on the Population Structure of the Northern Swedish Inland, 1900-1950

B-4 WOM05 Biographical Methods and Social History: Gender and Experience in Witchcraft
Networks: Religion , Women and Gender Chair: Louise Hauberg Lindgaard
Organizer: Raisa Toivo Discussants: -
Louise Nyholm Kallestrup : Christian IV of Denmark and the Experience of Witchcraft
Raisa Toivo : The Village Witch Alone in the Forest or Social Experiences from a Distance?
Emilie Luther Valentin : Trusting a Clergyman: the Parish Priest as a Figure of Authority in Witchcraft Trials in 17th-Century Denmark

D-4 ECO19 The Causes and Effects of Economic Inequality since 1700
Network: Economic History Chair: Christiaan van Bochove
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Alfonso Diez Minguela, Alicia Gómez-Tello, Francisco J. Beltrán Tapia, Julio Martinez-Galarraga & Daniel A. Tirado-Fabregat : State Capacity and the Uneven Cost of Nation Building: Language Mismatch and Literacy Levels in Valencia
Jonas Geweke, Katja Rost & Malte Doehne : Determinants of Early Modern State Capacity: the Case of Swiss City-States, 1650-1798
Mikolaj Malinowski : Incredible Commitment: Oligarchy and State Failure in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

E-4 SEX12 New Books session
Network: Sexuality Chair: Kate Davison
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Laura Kelly : Contraception and Modern Ireland: A Social History, c.1922–92, Cambridge University Press, 2022.
Agnieszka Koscianska : To See a Moose: The History of Polish Sex Education, Berghahn Books, 2021
Michael Rosenfeld, Peniston William A. : The Italian Invert. A Gay Man’s Intimate Confessions to Émile Zola

G-4 CRI04 Outsiders before the Law
Network: Criminal Justice Chair: Joachim Eibach
Organizer: Margo DeKoster Discussant: Joachim Eibach
Margo DeKoster : 'Nights on Request’, Removing Local Nuisances and Arresting Masterless Strangers. The Policing of Vagrancy in Late-nineteenth-century Brussels and Antwerp
Jasper Segerink : Containing the Flow. Monitoring and Controlling Mobility in the Accommodation Sector, Antwerp (1850-1914)
Maïté Van Vyve : In Hot Pursuit. Chasing the Trail of Migrants from the Tsarist Empire by the Belgian and Russian Police (1880-1914)

H-4 REL01 Christian Martyrs in the 19th and 20th Century: on Devotion, Politics & Consumerism
Network: Religion Chairs: -
Organizers: Leonardo Rossi, Kristof Smeyers, Tine Van Osselaer Discussants: -
Mary Heimann : Cold War Martyrology in 1950s Central Europe
Natalia Núñez Bargueño : The Politics of Sainthood in Contemporary Spain (20th-21st Centuries)
Leonardo Rossi : “Do you have any doubts? Well, keep it to yourself.” Ecclesiastical Debate, Historical Revisionism, and Popular Devotions to the Early Christian Martyrs in the 19th and 20th Century
Kristof Smeyers : Missionaries after Death: how the Martyrs of Shanxi and Patong came Home
Tine Van Osselaer : Catacomb Romanticism. On the Intersection between Devotion and Consumerism in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century.

I-4 ELI04 Responses in Hard Times. Ruling Emergencies in Mediterranean Cities and Territories
Network: Elites and Forerunners Chair: Mauro Carboni
Organizers: Isabella Cecchini, Idamaria Fusco, Geltrude Macrì Discussant: Francesca Ferrando
Isabella Cecchini : Business Communities in Hard Times: Venice in the 1620s
Idamaria Fusco : Governing Emergencies in the Kingdom of Naples at the End of the Seventeenth Century
Geltrude Macrì : Urban Patriciate and Emergency Management in Palermo in the First Half of the 17th Century
Mariarosaria Rescigno : Bureaucratic Elites and Land Management: Abruzzo citeriore in the French Decade (1806-1815). Stories of Emergency

J-4 SPE01 ELHN meeting
B44 (Z)
Network: Chairs: -
Organizers: - Discussants: Jenny Jansson, Silke Neunsinger, Jonas Söderqvist, Donald Weber

L-4 POL04 Early European Climate Policy - Conflict and Compromise
Network: Politics, Citizenship, and Nations Chair: Martin Hultman
Organizers: Kristoffer Ekberg, Stephen Milder Discussant: Martin Hultman
Christophe Bonneuil : Parallel Diplomacy. French Government and French Oil Companies in the International and European Arenas of Climate Policy, 1979-1993
Kristoffer Ekberg, Thomas David : Green Self-regulation – Swedish Industry Mobilization against Environmental Protection
Stephen Milder : Trusting the Science, Seeking Consensus: the Emergence of Climate Politics in 1980s West Germany

M-4 ETH03 Finns in the Soviet Union, 1917-1964
Network: Ethnicity and Migration Chair: Andrej Kotliartchouk
Organizer: Aappo Kähönen Discussant: Andrej Kotliartchouk
Jesse Hirvelä : Red Saviours: Finnish Immigrants and the Colonization of Soviet Ingria in the 1920s
Ira Jänis-Isokangas : Finnish Special Settlers and their Guards in the Ural Region
Aappo Kähönen : Finnish Everyday Bolshevism in the Murman Coast in the 1930s
Sami Outinen : Interactive Database on Finns in Russia 1917–1964: Destinies, Deaths and Social Background

N-4 EDU04 Educational Miracles under Empirical Scrutiny: Schooling, Inequality and Economic Development in the Nordic Countries and Switzerland
C33 (Z)
Network: Education and Childhood Chair: David Mitch
Organizer: Sakari Saaritsa Discussant: David Mitch
Anne Berg, Johanna Ringarp & Emma Laurin : From the Sidelines? The Role of the Academic Field and Social Movements in the Rise of Integration Policies regarding SEN-pupils in Sweden 1960s-1990s
Joël Floris, Stefan Kessler & Gabriela Wüthrich : Switzerland's Secret Success Story? Vocational Education and Industrialisation in Switzerland, 1880-1930
Heidi Hirvonen : Educational Inequality in Early 20th Century Finland
Francesco Maccelli, Gabriele Cappelli : The Political Economy of Primary-education State Funding: France and Italy in the Late 19th Century
Sakari Saaritsa : The Impoverished Insophisticate: Human and Economic Development in Finland, 19th-20th Centuries

O-4 URB01 Exploring Everyday Life and Experiences of Urban Space in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Network: Urban Chair: Christina Reimann
Organizer: Maja Hultman Discussant: Sophie Cooper
Agnes Fulemile, Balázs Balogh : Folk Fans and Rock Fans. Youth, Cultural Alternatives, Resilience, and Grassroots Resistance in Socialist Hungary
Maja Hultman : Everyday Spaces of the Urban ‘Other’: GIS, Quantitative Sources, and Emotions
Jacinta Mallon : Mass Observation and Experiences of Urban Home-loss in Second World War Britain
Mara Marginean : Differentiation in the Making: Environmental Policies and Residential Segregation of Roma Industrial Workers in Late Socialist Romania

P-4 MAT01b Auctions and Households. Comparative Perspectives across the Globe, 17th-20th Centuries II
Network: Material and Consumer Culture Chair: Jon Stobart
Organizers: Bruno Blondé, Anne Sophie Overkamp, Jon Stobart Discussants: -
Kerry Bristol : Buying Old? Selling New? Auctioneers and St James’s Square, London, in the Long Eighteenth Century
Anne Sophie Overkamp : A Window of Opportunity – the Country House Sales at Haus Hueth, 1792-1827

R-4 HEA03b From the Workplace to the Death Bed: Conceptualising and Assessing Morbidity and Mortality in 19th and 20th Century Europe II
Network: Health and Environment Chair: David Green
Organizer: David Green Discussants: -
Helene Castenbrandt : Unable to Work: the Long-term Sick and the Role of the Diagnosis for Invalidity Pension in Sweden, 1914-1962
Joe Chick, David Green : Under the Weather: The Effects of Outdoor Work on Health for Postal Workers and Metropolitan Policemen, 1860-1908
Tobias Karlsson : The Gender Gap in Sick Leave: Evidence from Twentieth Century Sweden
Holly Marley : ‘Weeding Out’ the ‘Weakly Subject’: Medical Screening in the Post Office, 1855-1914
Natasha Preger : Occupational Health and the Life-Cycle in the British Post Office, 1870 – 1914

S-4 AFR01b European Identities in Africa – Session 2: Going African
Victoriagatan 13, A252
Network: Africa Chair: Márcia Gonçalves
Organizer: Márcia Gonçalves Discussants: -
Julien Charnay : The « Lebanese Issue » in Dakar from the Second World War to the Independence of French West Africa (Afrique Occidentale Française). A Middlemen Minority seen from a Colonial Outlook
Ruhan Fourie : We are not Europeans, we are of Africa as any other Person is of Africa”: Afrikaner Africanisation in the Wake of Decolonisation
Gabriele Montalbano : Latin Africa. An Euro-African Colonial Project. The Case of the Italian Migrants in French Protectorate of Tunisia

T-4 CUL04 Changing Historical Culture: Narrating a Nation in a State of Flux
Victoriagatan 13, Victoriasalen
Network: Culture Chair: Jukka Kortti
Organizer: Jukka Kortti Discussant: Stefan Berger
Aleksi Marti : A Defence Victory or a Broken Mirror? Upper Secondary School Students´Narratives on Finland and the Role of Finns in the Second World War
Mari Viita-aho : The Finnish National Museum Redefining its Practices in ‘The Story of Finland’-exhibition

U-4 RUR04 Agricultural Education: Practices, Cultures, and Policies (19th-20th Cent.)
Västra Hamngatan 25 AK2 133
Network: Rural Chair: Luciano Maffi
Organizers: Luciano Maffi, Omar Mazzotti Discussant: Luciano Maffi
Omar Mazzotti : The Agricultural Education in Italian Primary Schools: Culture, Institutions and Policies (1861-1914)
Attila Nóbik : "What can a Teacher do in the Field of Beekeeping?" Elementary Teachers in an Apiculture Journal
Gabriel Tober : Soy and Agro-Food Transitions: Austria in the 1970s.

V-4 ORA03 Oral History and Family Memory
Västra Hamngatan 25 AK2 134
Network: Oral History Chair: Samira Saramo
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Tiiu Jaago : Mothers and Daughters: either Intergenerational Conflict or Conciliatory Negotiation?
Ulla Savolainen : Mnemonic Affordances of Family Photographs: Exploring Memorability of Soviet Repression of Ingrian Finns on Multiple Scales
Radmila Svarickova Slabakova : Family Memories, Oral Histories and the Senses

W-4 URB04 Experiences of Urban Space through Different Media
Västra Hamngatan 25 AK2 135
Network: Urban Chair: Anna-Lisa Müller
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Shahal B : Multisensorial Boundaries between Urban and Non-urban: a Study on Playing Film Songs in Private Buses of Kerala, India
Samuel Holleran : Stone, Dirt, and Brick: Ash Remains in the Built Environment
Vladimir Rizov : A Walk in Thomas Annan's Glasgow: Documentary Photography, Class, and Urban Space
Harutyun Vermishyan : Diagnose the "Post-Soviet" by Exploring the Urban Space: the Case of Yerevan

X-4 ETH13 Migration and Health
Västra Hamngatan 25 AK2 136 (Z)
Networks: Ethnicity and Migration , Health and Environment Chair: Linda Reeder
Organizers: - Discussant: Linda Reeder
Margo Anderson : The 2020 U.S. Census: Trump, the Pandemic, and Threats to Democracy
Olle Jansson : A Reluctant Retreat. Attempts by the Swedish Medical Association to Obstruct the Immigration of Physicians in Early Post-war Sweden
Jose G. Moreno : The Social-Historical and Health Effects Of COVID-19 Among United States Essential Mexican and Latina/o Farmworkers
Aiko Nishikida : Comparative Analysis of Coping Measures for COVID-19 in the Host Countries of Middle Eastern Migrants-Refugees

Thursday 13 April 2023 08.30 - 10.30
A-5 FAM13 Reproductive Behaviours
SEB salen (Z)
Network: Family and Demography Chair: Mary Nagata
Organizers: - Discussant: Martin Kolk
Ivana Dobrivojevic Tomic : Family Planning in Socialist Yugoslavia
Bartosz Ogórek : Polish Fertility Transition from Below. Micro-level Analysis of 1933 Polish Fertility Survey

B-5 EDU05 History Education at the Edge of the Nation
Network: Education and Childhood Chair: Daniel Tröhler
Organizer: Machteld Venken Discussant: Daniel Tröhler
Rubén Blanes Mora, Santiago Ponsoda López de Atalaya : Documentary Photography as a Historical Teaching Resource for the 21st Century: Possibility, Challenges and Opportunities
Piero Colla : A Nation-building Tool under Siege: Regional Revival, European Integration and History Teaching in Western Europe after 1989
Andrea Di Michele : History at School in South Tyrol: from Identity Tool for the "Small Homeland" to a Contribution to Reconciliation among Linguistic Groups
Machteld Venken : Teaching History in Luxembourgish Secondary Schools in the 1950s-1970s: Ideas and Experiments

C-5 ECO05 On the Regulation of Alcohol in Sweden – Consumption, Distribution and Production
Network: Economic History Chair: Lars Fredrik Andersson
Organizer: Lars Fredrik Andersson Discussants: -
Liselotte Eriksson : Voluntary Regulation of Alcohol – Health Effects of Abstinence and ‘Moderate Drinking’ in Early Twentieth Century Sweden
Kasper Hage Stjern : Brewing Under Pressure: Brewery Industry Response to State Alcohol Regulation in Norway and Sweden, 1900-1955
Paul Nystedt : The Causal Effects of Alcohol Policy Interventions on Strong Liquor Consumption in Sweden between 1900 and 1920
Hedvig Widmalm : Problems and Opportunities for Women Selling Alcohol in 18th Century Sweden

D-5 ECO15 Measuring and Comparing Past Economic Performances
Network: Economic History Chair: Mikolaj Malinowski
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Mario Holzner : Estimation of the Gross Domestic Product in Prussia from 1688-1806
Elena Korchmina, Mikolaj Malinowski : Income and its Extraction in Tzarist Russia in a Global Perspective
Svante Prado, Erik Bengtsson & Jakob Molinder : New Estimates of Swedish Historical National Accounts from the Income Side, 1860–1910

E-5 SEX03 International Aspects of the Pornography Trade (1850-2000)
Network: Sexuality Chair: Wannes Dupont
Organizer: Leon Janssens Discussant: Wannes Dupont
Leon Janssens : Auguste Brancart and the Fear of Pornography, 1851-1911
Claudio Monopoli : The Agency of Pornographic Photography: Sexuality and Visual Culture in Italian Censorship Nets, 1839-1919
Alessio Ponzio : Homophile Ambivalence: Respectability, Transnational Porn, and Erotic Escapades
Jens Rydstrom : Into the Wild: Swedish Pornographic Discourse 1954–1986

F-5 LAB19 The Great War and its Impact: Labour and Product History in Comparative and Interdisciplinary Perspective
Network: Labour Chair: Svatopluk Herc
Organizer: Ondrej Sevecek Discussants: -
Martin Jemelka : The Great War and the Cisleithania Footwear Industry from the Perspective of Labour History
Jan Vondracek : Local Administration and the Supply of Labor in the First and Second World Wars in Bohemia
Michaela Závodná : Smile and Keep Quiet - the Transformation of the Concept of Woman and Work in the First Half of the 20th Century in Selected Industries – a Case Study

G-5 CRI06 Witchcraft and Authority in the Godly State
Network: Criminal Justice Chair: Louise Nyholm Kallestrup
Organizer: Louise Nyholm Kallestrup Discussant: Louise Nyholm Kallestrup
Lionel Dorthe : Lausanne (Switzerland) 1573-1576: a Witch-hunt to Maintain Faith and Independence?
Louise Hauberg Lindgaard : The King’s Lieutenants’ Role in the Danish Witch Trials
Michaela Valente : Witches and Politics: Bodin and James VI

H-5 REL02 Religious Manoeuvrability in Mediaeval Chinese Society
Networks: Asia , Middle Ages , Religion Chair: Natalia Núñez Bargueño
Organizer: Qingfeng Nie Discussants: -
Chao Ling : Poetic Construction of Multiple Times in Li Shen’s “Twenty Poems on the New Tower”
Qingfeng Nie : Statesmen's Religious Dilemma in Late Tang
Yu Wen : The Perfidious Poems: Buddhism in Han Yu’s Poetry Writing
Bo Xie : The Ambivalence of Yin: the Conflicting Images of Women in Early Daoist Rituals

I-5 LAT03a New Perspectives on Latin American Social History I
Network: Latin America Chair: Lucas Poy
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Bernardo Buarque de Hollanda : Football Culture and Sports History in Latin America: an Overview
Diogo Cardoso : Profiling the Portuguese Settlers in Brazil in the 17th Century
Enrico Castro Montes : Football, Ethnicity and the Visual Representations of National Identity in Ecuadorian Sports Magazines since the 1960s
Janne Schreurs, Marte Van Hassel : Belgian Transatlantic Travel Writing: Three Members of the Family Carton de Wiart in Congo and Latin America

J-5 LAB27 Labour in Early Modern World
B44 (Z)
Network: Labour Chair: Viola Müller
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Johan Heinsen : Escape Trajectories: Mapping Coercion in Early Modern Denmark
Hanna te Velde : Women and their Work Strategies in the West Part of the Early Modern Dutch Empire: the Case of Paramaribo, Suriname and its Surroundings, 1667-1792
Katrina Q. Wang : Captains in the Dutch United East India Company: the Effects of External Hiring and Internal Promotion on Performance
Jeremy Young : Looking for Black Seamen in the French Maritime World

K-5 LAB05a Housewives or Workers? Domestic Work and Care Work (16th-20th Centuries) I
Networks: Family and Demography , Labour Chair: Celine Mutos Xicola
Organizers: Celine Mutos Xicola, Beatrice Zucca Micheletto Discussant: Beatrice Zucca Micheletto
Cristina Borderias, Raffaella Sarti : Lavori donneschi, amas de casa, sus labores, casalinghe”: the Making of the Housewife in Italy and Spain (18th-20th Century)
Alessandra Gissi : The 'Essential Function' of Women: Family, Housewives, Domestic Work and Wages in Italy between Fascism and the Republic
Maria Papathanassiou : Peasant Women in Early Twentieth Century and Interwar Austria: Housewives of a Pre-industrial European Past in an Industrial European Present?
Sofi Vedin : Division of Labor among Swedish Mistresses and Maids 1890-1939

L-5 ETH07 Negotiating Belonging: Local Administrative Practices of Migration Control in Modern Europe
Network: Ethnicity and Migration Chair: Hilde Greefs
Organizers: Beate Althammer, Sigrid Wadauer Discussant: Hilde Greefs
Beate Althammer : Policing Migrants in Prussian Cities (ca. 1850 to 1914)
Levke Harders : Translating Migration—Negotiating Belonging
Christina Reimann : Migration Policy in Late Nineteenth Century Antwerp and Rotterdam
Sigrid Wadauer : The Bureaucracy of Belonging (Late Habsburg Monarchy/Austria)

M-5 ETH18 Mobilities
Network: Ethnicity and Migration Chair: Bethany Hicks
Organizers: - Discussant: Bethany Hicks
Sari Nauman : Internally Displaced Persons in the Baltics, 18th Century
Peter Olausson : Stability and Mobility in a Rural Part of Sweden during the Late 1600s and the Beginning of the 1700s
Erik Thosteman : Collecting a Community: History and Swedish-American Identity 1860-1920

N-5 WOM01 ‘Who Keeps the Family’: the Tenacity of the Male Breadwinner Model in Britain
C33 (Z)
Networks: Family and Demography , Women and Gender Chair: Pat Thane
Organizer: Ruth Davidson Discussant: Pat Thane
Caitríona Beaumont : Housework or Paid Work? How Women’s Organisations challenged the Male Breadwinner Model of the Family in Postwar Britain
Ruth Davidson : Mothers in Action: Campaigning for the Rights of Single Mothers during the 1970 and 1980s
Helen Glew : ‘Let them go out who wish’: Views of Married Women and Paid Work in and around Second World War Britain

O-5 THE06/EMPa Exploiting the Empire of Others: Session 1 – Entrepreneurial Transnationalism and Empire Building, 1500-1918
Network: Theory Chair: Catia Antunes
Organizer: Catia Antunes Discussant: Edmond Smith
Susana Munch Miranda : Challenges and Approaches to the Exploitation of Non-European Fiscal Resources and Rents
Filipa Ribeiro da Silva : Winners and Wins in Labour Allocation in Early Modern European Empires: Towards a New Framework of Analysis

P-5 MAT02 Consumer Decisions: Professional Women’s Advice on Energy Transitions, 1870-1965.
Network: Material and Consumer Culture Chair: Graeme Gooday
Organizers: Abigail Harrison Moore, Ruth Sandwell Discussant: Graeme Gooday
Jan Hadlaw : A ‘Hello Girl’ with a ‘Big Dial’: Gender, Automation Anxiety, and Displays of Technological Expertise in Interwar Telephony
Jan Hadlaw : A ‘Hello Girl’ with a ‘Big Dial’: Gender, Automation Anxiety, and Displays of Technological Expertise in Interwar Telephony
Abigail Harrison Moore : ‘Lady Experts’ and Housewives. Mediation, Women and Energy Transitions
Ruth Sandwell : Energy Consumption Professionals: the Role of Home Economists in the Transition to Fossil Fuels
Cameron Tailford, Graeme Gooday : Women as Consumers of Inter-war Radio

R-5 HEA06 Mortality and Quality of Life in Pandemics
Network: Health and Environment Chair: Jessica Dimka
Organizer: Benjamin Schneider Discussant: Jessica Dimka
Svenn-Erik Mamelund : Age-specific Mortality as a Result of Isolation in the 1918-pandemic: the Spanish Flu in Kautokeino and Karasjok, Norway
Lisa Sattenspiel : Indigenous vs. Non-indigenous Mortality during the 1918 Influenza Pandemic in Alaska: a New Assessment
Kaspar Staub, Katarina Matthes : Excess Mortality in Swiss Districts in the Pandemic Years 1890, 1918 and 2020

S-5 ELI05 The Swedish, Ukrainian, and Russian Elites in the Time of the Great Northern War and Its Aftermaths
Victoriagatan 13, A252
Network: Elites and Forerunners Chair: Vlad Popovici
Organizer: Svitlana Potapenko Discussants: -
Andrii Bovgyria : "Hetman - Traitor". Ivan Mazepa and Russian Propaganda in 1708-1709
Hanna Filipova : Favoritism at the Court of Peter I in the Perspectives of Queer- and Gender Studies
Svitlana Potapenko : “As Lived Peter on Earth, He Lives in Heaven in Glory…” or How the Ukrainian Intellectual Mykhailo Kozachynsky Constructed the Image of Peter I in 1740s

T-5 CUL05 Colonial Knowledges in the Baltic Sea Region
Victoriagatan 13, Victoriasalen
Network: Culture Chair: John Hennessey
Organizers: Johanna Skurnik, Mikko Toivanen Discussant: John Hennessey
Marta Grzechnik : Colonial Knowledge in Interwar Poland: the Case of the Maritime and Colonial League
Johanna Skurnik : Publishing Global Knowledges and Popularizing Colonial Geographies in Finland in the 1920s
Mikko Toivanen, Lisa Hellman : Coerced Circulation of Knowledge: 18th-century Swedish Prisoners of War in Russia and Central Asia

U-5 MID06 Power Law, and the Market in Medieval Towns
Västra Hamngatan 25 AK2 133
Network: Middle Ages Chair: Jelle Haemers
Organizer: Jesús Ángel Solorzano-Telechea Discussants: -
Elisa Bonduel : Toll Tariffs and Economic Development in Flanders during the Central Middle Ages
James Davis : The Flow of Information in the Local Markets of Medieval England
Jan Dumolyn : Economic Development and Urban Growth during the Central Middle Ages in the Southern Low Countries: a Theoretical Exercise
Zrinka Pešorda Vardic, Irena Benyovsky Latin : Topography of Power: Social Topography of Ragusan Urban Elite in the Late Middle Ages

V-5 WOM14 Mothers at Risk in Socialist East-Central Europe. Medical and Psychological Expertise on Healthy Motherhood in a Comparative Perspective, the 1950s-1980s
Västra Hamngatan 25 AK2 134
Network: Women and Gender Chair: Agata Ignaciuk
Organizer: Katerina Liskova Discussant: Agata Ignaciuk
Ema Hresanova : No Room for ‘Rooming-in’? Gender, Risks and Competing Moralities around Birth Care Innovations in Czechoslovakia in the Early 1980s
Natalia Jarska : Women, Preterm Birth and Socialist Medicine. The Understanding of Women’s Health in East Central Europe, 1950s-1980s
Katerina Liskova : Women without (Enough) Children

W-5 LAB04 Histories of Minimum Wage Struggles
Västra Hamngatan 25 AK2 135
Network: Labour Chair: Jenny Jansson
Organizer: Silke Neunsinger Discussant: Stefano Bellucci
Samuel Andreas Admasie : Lineages of Minimum Wages in Ethiopia
Silke Neunsinger : Minimum Wages in the Indian Bidi Industry - a Journey from Ahmedabad to Geneva
Shobhana Warrier : MInimum Wages in India during the 1st Half of the 20th Century

X-5 ORA09 Economic Transformation in Poland in Biographical Perspective
Västra Hamngatan 25 AK2 136 (Z)
Network: Oral History Chair: Alexander Prenninger
Organizer: Jakub Galeziowski Discussants: -
Piotr Filipkowski : Shipbuilders in Transformation(s) – a Polish Case
Jakub Galeziowski : The Origins of the Managers' era or the Escape from a Sinking Ship – Agents of Polonia Firms in Their Oral Histories
Martin Gumiela : Polonia Firms as Familial Networks? The Case Study of „Sofal“ and „Interbau“.
Agata Zysiak : Stories of Success, Stories of Catastrophe – Structural Blindness of Transition in Working-class Textile City of Lodz

Thursday 13 April 2023 11.00 - 13.00
A-6 THE03 Roundtable: What are we doing with Collective Identity?
SEB salen (Z)
Network: Theory Chairs: Moira Pérez, Lisa Regazzoni
Organizers: Moira Pérez, Lisa Regazzoni Discussants: Sara Edenheim, Ludmilla Jordanova, Bettina Severin-Barboutie

B-6 WOM08 Crime and Conjugality: Constructing Marriage in Pre-Modern Europe
Networks: Criminal Justice , Women and Gender Chair: Sara Butler
Organizer: Krista Kesselring Discussant: Sara Butler
Krista Kesselring : Power and Possession: Forced Marriages in Early Modern England
Mia Korpiola : Spousal Behaviour and Adultery in Sweden ca. 1600
Gwen Seabourne : To Marry and to Burn: the English Common Law’s Response to ‘Petty Treason’ by Wives
Justine Semmens : Definitions of Consent and Patriarchalism in Bigamy Appeals at the Parlement of Paris, 1523-1640

C-6 AFR03 Studies in African Economic History
Network: Africa Chair: Stefano Bellucci
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Valeria Lukkari, Maria Mwaipopo Fibaek : Income Inequality in Colonial Kenya, 1914-1960
Fernando Mouta : Commerce, Cooperation and Conflict in the Atlantic Coast of Africa (1435-1622)

D-6 ECO06 Technology, Work, and Wellbeing
Network: Economic History Chair: Alexandra de Pleijt
Organizer: Benjamin Schneider Discussant: Alexandra de Pleijt
Benjamin Schneider : The Race Between Productivity and Job Quality: British and American Cotton Spinning, 1830–1910
Guy Solomon, Joshua Rhodes : Work, Occupational Change, and Technological Adoption: Britain, 1851–1911
Hillary Vipond : Technological Change and Labour Displacement in Historical Perspective

E-6 SEX11 Roundtable: Teaching the History of Sexuality in Europe
Network: Sexuality Chair: Rebecca Jennings
Organizers: - Discussants: Henk de Smaele, Martin J. Goessl, Agata Ignaciuk, Katerina Liskova, Jens Rydstrom

F-6 LAB20 The Representations of Labor as Bodily Experience: Senses, Spaces, Objects and Industrial Heritage in the Making
Network: Labour Chair: Marta Kurkowska-Budzan
Organizer: Marta Kurkowska-Budzan Discussant: Agata Zysiak
Frank Meyer : The Ironworks as a Sensory Experience
Jakub Muchowski, Marta Kurkowska-Budzan : The Coal Mining Heritage in the Making: Narratives of Bodily Experiences of Work
Anu Printsmann : Inner Workings of the Landscapes of Brown Gold
Kirsti Salmi-Niklander, Pete Pesonen : “Duck Lamps” and “Homers”. Changes and Continuities in the Oral Histories Related with Norms, Hierarchies and Tacit Knowledge in Högfors Ironworks during the 20th Century

G-6 CRI13 The Business of Security
Network: Criminal Justice Chair: Marion Pluskota
Organizers: - Discussants: -
David Churchill, Miranda Clow : Business, Labour and Violent Crime: Managing the Risk of Bank Robbery in Postwar Britain
Björn Furuhagen : Policing without Police. Private Security Guards in Swedish Municipalities during the 20th Century
Anders Pedersson : "It is too Easy to Steal!": Private and Public Interests in the Fight against Property Crime in Sweden ca 1935-1960
Sarah Wilson : Aligning History and Social Science Theory: Financial Crime and the Nineteenth-century Origins of Criminal Acts and Actors not Conforming to ‘Popular Stereotypes’

H-6 ELI06 WW II and After: from Totalitarian/authoritarian to Liberal/democratic Elites
Network: Elites and Forerunners Chair: Aappo Kähönen
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Marc Gil Garrusta, Joana Maria Pujadas-Mora : (Dis)Progression of Local Political-administrative Elites in Early Francoism: Analyzing Individual Labor Trajectories in the City Council of Barcelona (Spain) 1939 - 1950
Kaisa Hirvonen : Festivities Serving the Ideology and Constructing the Society: Volksweihnachtsfeier – the Christmas Celebrations of the NSDAP
Adrian Magaldi : Alfonso Osorio: a Biography of Spanish Transition
Ahti Valkonen : The Ideological Evolution of the Finnish Young Liberals in the Context of Student and Youth Radicalism from the 1960’s through to the Early 1980’s

I-6 ETH23 Migration, Trade and Empire
Networks: Ethnicity and Migration , Latin America Chair: Laura Katarina Ekholm
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Hillel Eyal : Female Migration in the Spanish Empire: Domestic and Transatlantic Flows in the 18th Century
Thomas Mareite : A Benevolent Empire: Exile and Politics of Relief in Havana (1790-1810)

J-6 ASI05/EMPb Exploiting the Empire of Others: Session – 2 Transnational Entrepreneurship and Exploitation in the Building of Empires in Eurasia, 1500-1918
B44 (Z)
Network: Asia Chair: Catia Antunes
Organizer: Catia Antunes Discussant: Susana Munch Miranda
Anne Gerritsen : Chinese Tea and Porcelain Merchants and the Trading Houses of Canton
Ghulam A. Nadri : Trans-Imperial Traders of the Western Indian Ocean: the Turkish Maritime Merchants of Surat and their Commercial World in the 18th Century
Noelle Richardson : The Participation and Exploitation of Autochthonous Dutch Firms and Entrepreneurs in the Opium Trade in Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Asia
Miki Sugiura : Colonial Housewives and the Global Empire: Women’s Generational Property Formation in the Dutch Cape Colonies

K-6 LAB05b Housewives or Workers? Domestic Work and Care Work (16th-20th Centuries) II
Networks: Family and Demography , Labour Chair: Beatrice Zucca Micheletto
Organizers: Celine Mutos Xicola, Beatrice Zucca Micheletto Discussant: Celine Mutos Xicola
Francesca Ferrando : A School for Wives? Education, Domestic Work and Care Work in the Genoese Hospitals (1600- 1700)
Phil Lyon : The Efficient Housewife: Kitchen Narratives from 1920s’ British Newspapers
Charmian Mansell : The Labour of Care in England, 1550-1700
Manuela Martini, Céline Mutos-Xicola : Domestic Work in the Urban Textile Workhop. A Comparative Perspective between Lyons and Catalunya (1830-1860)
Tura Tusell Latorre : Who Performed Domestic and Care Work in Charitable Institutions? Barcelona, 1815-1900

L-6 POL06 Narrating and Representing Habsburg Post-imperial Transitions. Discourses and Historical Markers at the Local and Regional Levels in the Interwar Period
Network: Politics, Citizenship, and Nations Chair: Alison Carrol
Organizer: Ivan Jelicic Discussants: -
Gábor Egry : Symbolic Engineering in the Void? Street Renaming, Nationalization, and Local Traditions in Post-WWI Transylvania
Anikó-Borbála Izsák : The People of Maramure?: The Symbolism of an Assumed Regional Identity
Ivan Jelicic : Creating Fiume’s Italianity: Interpreting and Incorporating Local Events Through a National Lens
Ségoléne Plyer : As Heard at the Marketplace. Discourses of Transition and the Northeast Bohemian Countryside in the 1920s.

M-6 TEC01 The Social Impact of Infrastructure in Southeastern Europe, 1900-1970
Network: Science & Technology Chair: Evguenia Davidova
Organizer: Brigitte Le Normand Discussant: Evguenia Davidova
Malte Fuhrmann : Petitioning for Penetration: Railway Populism from Below in Turn-of-the-Century Bulgaria
Luminita Gatejel : Turning Wetlands into “Productive” Land: River Bank Engineering in Interwar Romania
Brigitte Le Normand : The Meeting of the Local, the Regional, and the Global: Urban Planning and Infrastructure in Rijeka, Yugoslavia, 1945-1970

N-6 EDU06 International Child Relief in Times of War and Crisis: Humanitarianism, Politics and Children
C33 (Z)
Network: Education and Childhood Chair: Maren Hachmeister
Organizer: Johanna Sköld Discussants: -
Friederike Kind-Kovács : Rädda Barnen in Budapest: Swedish Humanitarianism and Hungarian Children after both World Wars
Martina Koegeler-Abdi : Politicized Children and Humanitarianism—Comparative Perspectives on Scandinavian Children Born of War in Post-WWII Germany and Post-2019 Syria
Samuël Kruizinga : ‘That curious, magical cry that penetrates everything: the cry of a hungry child’. The Politics of Children's Relief in Belgium and the United States, 1914-1918
Nazan Maksudyan : Reenacting Testimony: Child Survivors of the Armenian Genocide, Early Cinema, and Humanitarianism
Johanna Sköld, Ingrid Söderlind & Joel Löw : Saving Others’ Children: Swedish Relief Committees between Humanitarian Internationalism and Domestic Agendas 1914–1950
Lina Sturfelt : ‘Double Neutrals.’ The (A)political Work of Swedish Save the Children in the Post-war Humanitarian Crisis of 1919–25

O-6 FAM04 Family, Childhood and Care. Changing Concepts of Normality and Deviance
Network: Family and Demography Chair: Volker Hess
Organizer: Anelia Kassabova Discussants: -
Laura Hottenrott : "Every Pregnancy, even the First, should not be Left to Chance". Pregnancy between Individual Decision and State Control using the Example of the GDR
Anelia Kassabova : (In-)Visibility of Institutions for "At-risk" Children in Socialist Bulgaria
David Peace : ‘A Child of Misfortune’: Eugenics and Children Reception Centres in Post-War Britain
Julia Reus : Morally Depraved? Insights into Institutionalized Childcare Following Incestuous acts in Westphalia/West Germany (1950s–1960s)

P-6 WOM17 The Modern City and Gender Constructions (1890s-1950s)
Networks: Urban , Women and Gender Chair: Maja Hultman
Organizers: Maja Hultman, Christina Reimann Discussant: Christina Reimann
Sophie Cooper : Liminal Habits: Female Religious Orders and the Transformation of Urban Space, 1850-1900
Susanne Korbel : The Making of Modernity and Gender-Bending: Expressions of Urban Queerness
Rachel Pierce : The Geography of the Racialized Family: Mapping Segregation DC and the Possibilities of Digital History
Judit Vidiella : Haunted Cities: Medium Women in-between Materiality and Spirituality (1853-1910)

R-6 HEA05 Knowledge Circulation among Europe: Strategies to Fight against Poliomyelitis Disease in France, Austria, Italy, Netherlands, and Spain (1950s-1970s)
Network: Health and Environment Chair: Gareth Millward
Organizers: María-Isabel Porras, Marta Velasco-Martín Discussants: -
Maria Teresa Brancaccio, Maria-Isabel Porras & María Victoria Caballero Martínez : Transnational Cooperation and National Dynamics of Vaccine Innovation: the Introduction of the Sabin Vaccine in Italy and Spain
Marina Hilber : Scientific Catch-Up on Polio – Austria’s Transnational Cooperations in the Fight against a Severe Health Threat (1945–1965)
María-Isabel Porras, Baptiste Baylac-Paouly : ‘It’s your Congress!’: Relationships between Albert Sabin and the Institut Mérieux concerning the Production of OPV
Marta Velasco-Martín, Lourdes Mariño : The Training Process of the Spanish Scientific Community Dealing with Infantile Infectious Diseases (1920-1975)

S-6 LAB29 The Travels of Labour Law
Victoriagatan 13, A252
Network: Labour Chair: Linda Clarke
Organizers: - Discussant: Jule Ehms
Malin Arvidsson : Speaking Up in Public to Win Women’s Votes: the 1921 Election Campaign of the Social Democratic Women’s Federation
Suramya Thekke Kalathil : The Factories Act and Determination of Working Hours in the Madras Presidency, 1881-1947

T-6 FAM11 Methodological Advances in Social and Economic History
Victoriagatan 13, Victoriasalen
Network: Family and Demography Chair: Rick Mourits
Organizer: Rick Mourits Discussant: Ivo Zandhuis
Trygve Andersen, Narae Park & Bjørn-Richard Pedersen & Hilde Sommerseth & Lars-Ailo Bongo : From Rule-based to ML-based Linking of Norwegian Population Censuses from the 19th and 20th Centuries
Bjorn-Richard Pedersen, Hilde Sommerseth & Lars Ailo Bongo : Manual Review and Correction of ML Transcribed Occupational Codes from the Norwegian Population Census of 1950
Lee Williamson, Eilidh Garrett : Methods and Findings from the Creating the Scottish Historic Population Database (SHPD): Auto-coding of Deaths (to ICD-10) and Occupations (to HISCO) from Large Training Datasets
Richard Zijdeman : burgerLinker - Civil Registries Linking Tool

U-6 RUR06 Peasant Communities and Class Differentiation in Contemporary History
Västra Hamngatan 25 AK2 133
Network: Rural Chair: Lisandro Cañón
Organizer: Lisandro Cañón Discussants: -
Geoff Goodwin : Land, Water, and Class: Class Differentiation in Indigenous Communities in Highland Ecuador
Carlos Tejerizo-García : From Peasantries to Working Class: a Contemporary Archeology of Social Inequality in Casaio (Carballeda de Valdeorras, Ourense)

V-6 ECO10 Transitions in African Trade and Health
Västra Hamngatan 25 AK2 134
Networks: Africa , Economic History Chair: Felix Meier zu Selhausen
Organizers: Felix Meier zu Selhausen, Federico Tadei Discussant: Gareth Austin
Jutta Bolt, Jeanne Cilliers : The Health of Nations: Long-run Patterns of Disease in Africa
Ewout Frankema, Felix Meier zu Selhausen : Africa’s Mineral Revolution in a Long-Term Trade Perspective
Federico Tadei, Michiel de Haas : Crops, Prices or Policies? Why Commodity Exports in British and French West Africa Diverged after the 1880s
Bram van Besouw, Michiel de Haas : Export Expansion and Colonial Coercion in British Africa during the Great Depression

W-6 SOC07 Measuring Economic Inequality in Mediterranean Europe (14 - 18 CE)
Västra Hamngatan 25 AK2 135
Network: Social Inequality Chair: Lluís To Figueras
Organizers: Rosa Congost, Lluís To Figueras Discussants: -
Gabriel Jover-Avella, Joana-Maria Pujadas-Mora : Handling Inequality: Women Agency in Southern Europe (Mallorca, 17th Century)
Juli Moreno Peré : Inequality Trends during the XIVth Century: the Dowry as an Indicator of Vic’s Standards of Living
Albert Reixach Sala : Inequalities, Intergenerational Mobility and Local Power in Late Medieval Crown of Aragon: the City of Girona, c. 1360-c.1520
Rosa Ros, Josep Mas & Rosa Congost : Chasing the Heir. Marriage Market and Dowries in Societies with Impartible Inheritance (Northeastern Catalonia, c.1750-1800)

X-6 ETH08 Racism and Anti-racism in the 1980s across Europe
Västra Hamngatan 25 AK2 136 (Z)
Network: Ethnicity and Migration Chair: Linda Reeder
Organizer: Nikolaos Papadogiannis Discussants: -
Jodi Burkett : Opposition to ‘Full-cost’ Fees for Overseas Students: Racist Imagery for Anti-racist Ends?
Katerina Mildnerova : Social Engineering Educational Programme with Namibian children in Czechoslovakia
Nikolaos Papadogiannis : Sex Worker Activists, AIDS and Anti-racism in Berlin, 1980s and Early 1990s
Antonino Scalia : Students from Abroad, Political Alliances and Institutional Racism in Italy (1967-1992)

Y-6 ORA05 Oral History and Handling Transitions
Västra Hamngatan 25 AK2 138
Networks: Oral History , Theory Chair: Jesper Johansson
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Ana Antic : Narratives of Loss and Suffering: Discourses of Post-war Trauma in 20-century Yugoslavia
Bri Gauger, Isabelle Doucet : Everyday Feminism: Connecting the Women’s Movement to Activism in the Built Environment
Merike Ristikivi, Katre Luhamaa : Role of Individuals during the Transition: Case-study of Estonia

Thursday 13 April 2023 14.00 - 16.00
A-7 FAM05 Framing & Negotiating Family
SEB salen (Z)
Network: Family and Demography Chair: Dalia Lenarte
Organizer: Margareth Lanzinger Discussants: -
Maria Cannon : Negotiating the Blended Family: Authority and Emotions in Sixteenth Century England
Hanna Kuusi : Paternity Legislation in the 1940-1960s’ Finland: Forensic Medicine, Legal Expertise and Gendered Politics
Georgi D. Lutz : Familial Demographic Aspects of the German Parliamentarian Elite from Bohemia and Transylvania between 1867-1938

B-7 WOM06 Book Discussion. Violence Against Women in Eastern Europe - History, Law and Legacy Since Early Modern Times
Networks: Sexuality , Women and Gender Chair: Marianna Muravyeva
Organizer: Marianna Muravyeva Discussants: -
Sigita Cerneviciute : Fatal Family Violence: Femicide in Lithuania in 1918–1940
Monika Kareniauskaite : Domestic Violence in Soviet and Post-Soviet Lithuania: Social Norms, Law and Criminal Prosecution
Sharon Kowalsky : Domestic Violence in Early Soviet Russia: State Visions and Social Realities

C-7 ASI03 Timely Histories of South Asia
Network: Asia Chair: Nitin Sinha
Organizer: Nitin Sinha Discussant: Nitin Varma
Sagnik Kar : Time at Home: Understanding Temporality in the Lives of the Bhadramahila in Late 19th-early 20th Century Bengal
Ritam Sengupta : Water and the Temporal Remaking of Peasant Production in Colonial North India, 1850s-1900s
Minerwa Tahir : Karachi Harbour: Reconfiguration of Spatial Linkages and Temporal Rhythms in the Nineteenth Century
Samuel Wright : Time and Imagination in Early Modern South Asia

D-7 ECO07a The Eldercare Revolution: Agency and Strategy in the Care of the Aged in Early Modern Europe I
Network: Economic History Chair: Jaco Zuijderduijn
Organizers: Thomas Max Safley, Jaco Zuijderduijn Discussants: -
Mauro Carboni : Early Steps of Eldercare in Early Modern Italy: Bologna’s Asylum for Septuagenerians
Heidi Deneweth : Patterns of Cohabitation for and with the Elderly in Bruges and Brussels during the 18th Century
Ludwig Pelzl : Old Age, Social Mobility and Saving in South Germany, 17th to 18th Centuries

E-7 SEX04 Intersectional Histories of Race and Reproduction in the 20th Century
Network: Sexuality Chair: Laura Kelly
Organizer: Caroline Rusterholz Discussant: Eszter Varsa
Agnieszka Koscianska : Gender on Trial versus Race on Trial: Sexuality and Race in Socialist Poland
Caroline Rusterholz, Laura Kelly : ‘Ban the Jab’: Depo-Provera, Class, Race, Medical Authority and Resistance in 1970s and 1980s Britain
Rachell Sanchez Rivera : Exploring the Histories and Legacies of Eugenics: Population Control and the Quest for Reproductive Justice in Mexico
Christabelle Sethna : In the Shadow of the Holocaust: Dr Henry Morgentaler, Anti-Semitism, and Abortion in Canada

F-7 AFR04 Social History after Independence: How to Write on Africa‘s Postcolonial History
Network: Africa Chair: Alexander Keese
Organizers: Alexander Keese, Andreas Zeman Discussant: Alexander Keese
Cassandra Mark-Thiesen : History Journals and the Forging of New Pathways to Africa’s Postcolonial Past: a Textual Analysis Approach
Hyden Munene : The Dynamics of Labour and Racial Relations in Zambia’s Copperbelt Mines, 1964-1991
Lynn Schler : Peripheral Repositories : Using the Israel State Archives to Write Nigerian History
Andreas Zeman : Towards a History of Zambia’s Tractor Drivers: Possibilities and Limitations

G-7 CRI07 Legal Semantics and Practice
Network: Criminal Justice Chair: Sarah Wilson
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Sarah Bloch : “The Head did not fall on the First Strike”– Public Executions in Switzerland during the 19th Century
Sara Butler : Inquests of Hate and Spite: what can we Learn about the Medieval English Legal System from Inquests for Bail?
Christian De Vito : Sedimented Norms and Punitive Practices in the Eighteenth-century Spanish Empire
Diogo Paiva : Perspectives on the Mortality of Portuguese Convicts in the 19th Century and Degredo as a Death Sentence in Disguise

H-7 REL04 The School as Church - a Hidden Continuity in Nordic History 1850 - 1950
Network: Religion Chair: Urban Claesson
Organizer: Urban Claesson Discussant: Johannes Westberg
Jakob Evertsson : From Church to School? The Evolution and Role of the Biblical Wall Chart in the Swedish Elementary School, 1850-1950
Stina Fallberg Sundmark : The School as Church – Patterns of Sacrality in Space and Practice
Eivor Oftestad, Merethe Roos : From Salvation Story to the National Narrative: the Role of the Jews

I-7 POL08 Regulating Transnational Landownership after Trianon
Network: Politics, Citizenship, and Nations Chair: Andrei Sora
Organizer: Dietmar Müller Discussant: Gábor Egry
Antal Berkes : The Romanian-Hungarian Optants Case and Transnational Litigation Networks
Anders Blomqvist : The League of Nation between Economic Nationalizing and Minority Protection: Hungarian and Jewish Minorities in Interwar Romania
Marius Diaconescu : Everyone is Right, Nobody is Content. Determining Compensation of the Hungarian Optants
Dietmar Müller : Professionalization in Conflict: Actors and Institutions in the Romanian-Hungarian Optants’ Question

J-7 ELI07 Elites in Post-socialist Societies
B44 (Z)
Network: Elites and Forerunners Chair: Jukka Kortti
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Mariam Chkhartishvili : The Role of Cultural Elites in the Processes of National Identities’ Forging: The Case of Georgia
Nina Debruyne, Georgeta Nazarska : Elites, Non-elites, and Social Transition: a Case Study of Post-Communist Bulgaria
Manuchar Guntsadze : Soviet Ideology, Religion and One Song
Anna Soulsby : The Formation and Re-Formation of the Managerial Elite in Post-Communist Societies: the Czech Republic

K-7 FAM17 Vulnerability and Mortality
Network: Family and Demography Chair: Bartosz Ogórek
Organizers: - Discussant: Isabelle Devos
Mads Perner : Social and Environmental Factors of Child Mortality Risk in Late Nineteenth-century Copenhagen
Tim Riswick, Mayra Murkens : A Life Course Analysis of Victims and Survivors: the Impact of Individual, Familial and Societal Factors on Cause-specific Child Mortality Risks in Amsterdam, 1856-1924
Richard Sadler, Don Lafreniere : Historical Measures of Structural Racism in the Study of Contemporary Built Environment and Health Disparities
Dinos Sevdalakis : Urban Infant Mortality in Colonial Senegal: an Exploration of Causes using Vital Registration Statistics, 1880-1913

L-7 ETH09 Refugee Children during the Long 19th Century
Networks: Education and Childhood , Ethnicity and Migration Chair: Alexandre Dupont
Organizer: Delphine Diaz Discussant: Alexandre Dupont
Sylvie Aprile : Children in Exile, Children of Exile; Some Leads, Sources and Political Issues
Delphine Diaz : Mobilizing for Refugee Children in 1914-France
Antonin Durand : Welcoming Families with Children in Post-1848 Piedmont
Alexandre Frondizi : Indicted Children, Transported Children, Exiled Children in France between 1848 and 1871 : towards a Juvenile History of Popular Contention
Romy Sanchez : Children and Youngsters in Cuban 19th Century Separatist Exile: Separation, Life Changes and Discrimination through the Age Lens

M-7 POL01a Citizenship I: Legal Citizenship and Status
Network: Politics, Citizenship, and Nations Chair: Anne Epstein
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Emmanuel Blanchard : Claims of French Citizenship and Come Back in the French Nationality from People who Became Algerians in 1962 (c. 1960-2010)
Jens Carlesson Magalhães : “Our Status as Citizens”: Jewish Emancipation in Sweden 1838–1870
Ivan Kosnica : Citizenship and Naturalizations in the Independent State of Croatia (Ivan)

N-7 EDU07a Professions in Motion - Gender, History, and Identities. Nordic Countries 1880-2020. Part I
C33 (Z)
Network: Education and Childhood Chair: Íris Ellenberger
Organizers: Ólöf Garðarsdóttir, Emil Marklund Discussants: Astrid Elkjær Sørensen, Íris Ellenberger
Ning de Coninck-Smith : Doing University, Men and Women at Aarhus University 1928-1968
Mervi Kaarninen : Women at the Academy – Case Finland
Emil Marklund, Ólöf Garðarsdóttir : Perspectives on Teacher Recruitment and Teacher Education in the Periphery – Women Teachers in Iceland and Northern Sweden c. 1880 to 1920

O-7 AFR02/EMPc Exploiting the Empire of Others: Session - 3 Transnational Entrepreneurship and Exploitation in the Building of Empire in Africa, 1500-1918
Network: Africa Chair: Catia Antunes
Organizer: Catia Antunes Discussant: Stephanie van Dam
Jessica den Oudsten, Ramona Negron : The Amsterdam Private Slave Trade, 1730-1780
Gijs Dreijer : Dutch Imperialism Revisited: Dutch Entrepreneurs in West Africa (1850s-1910s)
Stan Pannier, Catia Antunes : Austrian-Netherlands Business in West- and Central Africa: the Case of Frederic Romberg
Edmond Smith : John Cloyce, Akan Entrepreneurship, and European Empires in West Africa

P-7 MAT04 Negotiating and Exploiting Business Relationships: Face-to-face Credit in Quebec in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Network: Material and Consumer Culture Chair: Jon Stobart
Organizer: Sylvie Taschereau Discussant: Jon Stobart
Isabelle Bouchard : Land and Credit Markets in the First Nations Community of Odanak (1830-1865)
Brian Gettler : Underwriting Settler Colonialism: the Wendat of Wendake and Local Money Markets in the Long Nineteenth Century
Mary Anne Poutanen : Serving Up Irish Hospitality on Credit: Women Publicans and Grocers’ Business Practices in Montreal, 1840-1870
Sylvie Taschereau : Negotiating Purchasing Power at the Corner Grocery: Store Credit in Interwar Montreal

R-7 HEA08 The Asylum. Categorizations, Treatments and Everyday Life
Network: Health and Environment Chairs: -
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Elin Bommenel : Challenges in Contributing to Public Knowledge about Asylums and Institutions
Kristina Engwall, Anna Tunlid : “Untidy, Uneducable and Feebleminded” – the Connection between Grading Patient´s Functionality and Treating them in the Swedish Asylum of Vipeholm 1935–1962
Lena Lennerhed, Johanna Ringarp : Life, Education and Work in Swedish Epilepsy Asylums 1890-1960
Jesper Vaczy Kragh : “The Most Dangerous Criminal Lunatics”. The Rise of the Criminal Asylum in Denmark, 1918–1968

S-7 LAB28 Workers on Work
Victoriagatan 13, A252
Network: Labour Chair: Nina Trige Andersen
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Maya Adereth : Class Formation through an Organizational Lens: Trade Unions, Friendly Societies, and Universalism in the US and UK
Maciej Duklewski : Worker Photography in Poland (1918-1945), a Comparative Perspective.
Andjela Pepic : Privatization and Workers' Struggles at the European Periphery: the Case of Industrial Giants in Bosnia and Herzegovina

T-7 CUL07 Historical and Theoretical Perspectives on Women's Strikes
Victoriagatan 13, Victoriasalen
Network: Culture Chair: Katarina Leppänen
Organizer: Valgerdur Palmadottir Discussant: Katarina Leppänen
Julia Kubisa, Katarzyna Rakowska : Was it a Strike? Notes on the Polish Women‘s Strike and the Strike of Parents of Persons with Disabilities
Valgerdur Palmadottir : Struggle or Celebration? Solidarity and Conflicts in the Organisation of the Women's Day off in Iceland in 1975
Eva Schmitz : Fleeting Solidarity: Two Women's Strikes in Sweden in 1974

U-7 RUR07 Rural and Outdoors Tourism: a Prospective of Social and Economic Development in Marginal Areas (XIX-XXI)
Västra Hamngatan 25 AK2 133
Network: Rural Chair: Carlo Baderna
Organizers: Luciano Maffi, Maria Paola Pasini Discussant: Carlo Baderna
Paolo Carelli : Television goes Rural. Strategies and Representation of Sustainable and Rural Places in Italian Television System
Maria Paola Pasini, Luciano Maffi : Rural and Outdoor Tourism. History, Experiences and Prospectives in a Marginal Area in Lombardy (Italy). The Case of Valsabbia (XX-XXI)

V-7 WOR10 Meet the Author: Raymond Craib, Adventure Capitalism: a History of Libertarian Exit, from the Era of Decolonization to the Digital Age (PM Press/Spectre 2022)
Västra Hamngatan 25 AK2 134
Network: Global History Chair: Geoffroy de Laforcade
Organizer: Geoffroy de Laforcade Discussants: -
Raymond Craib : Adventure Capitalism: a History of Libertarian Exit, from the Era of Decolonization to the Digital Age

W-7 SPA04 Linked Data
Västra Hamngatan 25 AK2 135
Network: Spatial and Digital History Chair: Michal Gochna
Organizers: - Discussant: Rick Mourits
Isabel María Gómez-Trigueros : The GIS-GIT as Technological Resources for the Teaching and Learning of History
Don Lafreniere, Scarlett, Sarah & Trepal, Dan & Williams, Ryan & Juip, James & Pastel, Robert & Kitalong, Karla : Deep Mapping meets Public Participatory HGIS: the Next Generation of the Keweenaw Time Traveler
Rombert Stapel, Ivo Zandhuis : The Crumb Trail from Aggregate to Observations. Linked Data to Replicate Calculations of Population Sizes in the Low Countries

X-7 LAB21 The Representations of Women at Work in a Transnational Perspective during the Dictatorships in Italy, Portugal, and Brazil
Västra Hamngatan 25 AK2 136 (Z)
Networks: Labour , Women and Gender Chair: Paulo Alves
Organizer: Virginia Baptista Discussant: Jaqueline Zarbato
Virginia Baptista, Paulo Alves : Representations on the Women's Work and Activism in Portugal during the Dictatorship
Elisabetta Girotto : The Factory of Consensus. The Representation of Women in Italian Fascist Cinematographic Propaganda
Lucinéia Martins : Women in Struggle under the Brazilian Dictatorial Repression (1964-1985)

Thursday 13 April 2023 16.30 - 18.30
A-8 WOM19 Transformation, Social and Economic Shifts in Gender Roles in Medieval Towns
SEB salen (Z)
Networks: Middle Ages , Urban , Women and Gender Chair: Michaela Antonín Malaníková
Organizers: Michaela Antonín Malaníková, Anna Molnar Discussant: Michaela Antonín Malaníková
Piotr Lozowski : Women, Money and Independence. Economic Activity of Women in Towns of Late-medieval Poland
Anna Molnar : The Participation and Role of Women in Urban Financial Affairs of Late Medieval Vienna
Zrinka Nikolic Jakus : Making Decisions: Widows and Single Women in Dalmatian Cities
Laura Peris : Women as Creditors in Late Medieval Valencia

B-8 WOM09 Engendering Cultural Memory. Ancient Women as Educational and Social Role Models since the 18th Century CE
Network: Women and Gender Chair: Agnès Garcia-Ventura
Organizers: Kerstin Droß-Krüpe, Agnès Garcia-Ventura Discussant: Kerstin Droß-Krüpe
Mireia López-Bertran : The Phoenician Princess Jezebel through the Lenses of the Western Visual Culture
Michaela Oberhuber : Why Men should Educate Women. Bianca Laura Saibantes’ Considerations about “Womanly Pride” and her Use of Ancient Women as Role Models
Frances Pinnock : The Teaching of History and Geography in Italian Schools, or the Creation of Stereotypes
Kordula Schnegg : Teaching Females to be Good Wives and Mothers: Cornelia and the Enlightenment of Europe

C-8 ASI02 Urban Gendered Violence in a South Asian City in a Comparative Perspective
Networks: Asia , Women and Gender Chairs: -
Organizer: Nandini Gooptu Discussants: -
Nandini Gooptu : The Hyper-masculine Violent City, Class and Gender
Garima Jaju : To-be-Wife, Wife and 'Wife': Negotiating Violence and Social Hopes of Marital becoming in a 'Modernising' City
Taanya Kapoor : “Managing” Violence before it takes Place: Everyday Fear, “Justified Anger” and Confined Freedoms in Gurgaon’s Gated Complexes
Shannon Philip : Trapped in a Luxury Prison within a ‘Dangerous City’: Narratives of COVID-19, Gendered Violence, the Home and the City amongst Middle-class South African Women

D-8 ECO07b The Eldercare Revolution: Agency and Strategy in the Care of the Aged in Early Modern Europe II
Network: Economic History Chair: Heidi Deneweth
Organizers: Thomas Max Safley, Jaco Zuijderduijn Discussants: -
Thomas Max Safley : Financing Eldercare: the Transformation of Financial Markets and Changing Approaches to Old Age in Early Modern Germany
Anton Svensson : Old Age and Retirement in Premodern Stockholm
Jaco Zuijderduijn : Three Logics of Premodern Commercial Retirement

E-8 LAB12 Political Ideals, Legal Practices and Conflicting Rationales: how Disabled People Navigated Social Policies
Networks: Labour , Social Inequality Chair: Gareth Millward
Organizer: Nathanje Dijkstra Discussant: Gareth Millward
Nathanje Dijkstra : Lacking Bodies and Social Barriers. (In)capacity to Work enacted by Disabled Workers in the Context of the Dutch Industrial Injuries Insurance Act, 1901-1967
Carlos Martins : Bottom-up Activism at the Dawn of Democracy: the Case of the Portuguese Disabled Colonial War Veterans in 1974-1975
Stephanie van Dam : Petitioning the Metropole: Workers’ Injury Compensation in the British Empire, 1930-1945
Paul van Trigt : Transcending the Social Policy / Human Rights Divide. Self-advocates and the Making of Global Disability Policies, 1981-2011

F-8 AFR05 Africa's Postcolonial Histories
Network: Africa Chair: Andreas Zeman
Organizers: - Discussant: Alexander Keese
Tunde Adeleke : Africa and the Challenges of her Diasporas: Stokely Carmichael and Walter Rodney
Catherina Wilson, Mirjam De Bruijn & Janemary Ruhundwa : Strangers in the City: (Un)welcoming Attitudes towards Refugees in Contemporary Urban Tanzania

G-8 ELI08 Demographics, Child Care and Social Planning
Network: Elites and Forerunners Chair: Radu Nedici
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Ovidiu Iudean, Nicoleta Maria Heged?s : The Presidents of the Orphan Courts in Eastern Hungary and Transylvania, 1876-1914. A Comparative Prosopographic Approach
Laurentiu Radvan : Professionals Settled in Moldavia: Agents of Change and Representatives of the New Urban Elite (Second Part of the 18th Century - First Part of the 19th Century)

H-8 FAM06 Guardians of Children, Custodians of Wealth, Opponents of Widowed Parents (16th to 18th Century)
Network: Family and Demography Chair: Craig Muldrew
Organizer: Janine Maegraith Discussant: Siglinde Clementi
Matthias Donabaum : Guardianship between State Administration and Familial Interests. Lower Austria c. 1700-1790
Margareth Lanzinger, Janine Maegraith : Contexts of Guardianship, Mothers’ Wealth and Gender-specific Lines of Conflict
Riccardo Rossi : Guardians in Transition? Guardianships between Geographical Distance and Social Propinquity in the Italian-speaking Three Leagues, 1639-1798

I-8 POL18 Political Corruption and Modernity. Europe and Latin America in a Transtanional Perspective (19th and 20th Centuries)
Network: Politics, Citizenship, and Nations Chairs: Asuncion Diaz Zamorano, Maria Gemma Rubí Casals
Organizers: - Discussant: Cristina Ramos Cobano
Francisco Contreras Pérz : Anti-corruption Waves and Mass Political Mobilization at the Beginning of the 20th Century: a Paradigmatic National Case
Marta Fernández Peña : Electoral Scandals in Peru during the Second Half of Nineteenth Century
Oriol Luján, Maria Gemma Rubí : Electoral Protests in Modern Spain: Beyond the Evidence of Fraud
Joan Torrents Juncà : To Pull the “Plug” on Corruption. The Debate on Parliamentary Remuneration and Incompatibilities during the Second Spanish Republic (1931-1936)

J-8 CRI08 Criminal Justice and War
B44 (Z)
Network: Criminal Justice Chair: Sharon Kowalsky
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Bettina Blum : Policing Transnational Urban Spaces. Royal Military Police and German Civil Police in German Garrison Towns, 1955-1990
Helen Johnston : The English Prison System 1939-1945: Security, Prisoners and Trust
Haia Shpayer-Makov : Policing the Peace Movement during the Great War
Karol Siemaszko : Crimes of Soldiers in the Lubusz Land after World War II (1945 - 1946)

K-8 FAM16 Social and Cultural Determinants of Infant Mortality in the Past: New Insights from across Europe
Network: Family and Demography Chair: Rosella Rettaroli
Organizers: Lucia Pozzi, Francesco Scalone Discussant: Johan Junkka
Stanislao Mazzoni, Michel Oris & Diego Ramiro- Fariñas : Mothers of the Capital: Poverty, Infant Mortality and Reproductive Health in Madrid (1916-1926)
Lucia Pozzi, Liam Kennedy & Michail Raftakis : Infant Mortality in a Deeply Divided Society: Belfast and Northern Ireland in the First Half of the 20th Century
Francesco Scalone, Gabriele Rulu : Social, Religious and Cultural Differences in Infant Mortality in a Group of Historical German Villages

L-8 ETH11 Sex Work and Migration in Modern Europe
Networks: Ethnicity and Migration , Sexuality Chair: Magaly Rodríguez García
Organizer: Marjolein Schepers Discussant: Betty De Hart
Stef Adriaenssens : Whoring after what? The First Large-scale Survey Debunks Race Myths about GI Sexual Behaviour in World War II
Marion Pluskota : “Souvenir d’Amsterdam”: World Expos and Migration of Sex Workers in the Late 19th Century
Marjolein Schepers : Trajectories of Sex Workers in Late 19th-century Antwerp

M-8 REL08 Religious Books: Censorship and Innovation
Network: Religion Chair: Jakob Evertsson
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Urban Claesson : Household(s) in Nordic Catechisms - Variations upon a Theme by Luther
John Wood : Making the Word New (again): the Bible for Today (1941) and “Modern” Christianity

N-8 EDU07b Professions in Motion - Gender, History, and Identities. Nordic Countries 1880-2020. Part II
C33 (Z)
Network: Education and Childhood Chair: Mervi Kaarninen
Organizers: Ólöf Garðarsdóttir, Emil Marklund Discussant: Ning de Coninck-Smith
Astrid Elkjær Sørensen : The Academization of the Pre-school Teachers’ Profession 1989-2022
Íris Ellenberger : The Intersections of Education, Feminism and Desire in Early 20th Century Iceland
Johanna Overud : “Now it has happened!”: the Entry/return of Women in the Chimney-sweeper Profession in Sweden during the 1970’s
Karoliina Puranen-Impola : Teachers and the Practice of Punishing Pupils: The Case of the Early Twentieth Century Finland

O-8 POL01b Citizenship II: Legal Citizenship and Status
Network: Politics, Citizenship, and Nations Chair: Ivan Kosnica
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Izabela Dahl : Citizenship, identity and belonging. Jewish migrants from Poland in Sweden after 1968
Anne Epstein : Public Authority, Political Agency, and Gendered Citizenship in 20th Century France
Bjarke Weiss : Christianity as a Civic Virtue? Contested Religion and Civic Identification in the Public Debate in Copenhagen, 1770–1773
Marek Wierzbicki : Interethnic Relations under Totalitarian Rule. A Case of the Soviet Occupation of Eastern Europe (1939-1941)

P-8 MAT05 The Old German Empire in 18th Century Global Trade
Network: Material and Consumer Culture Chair: Ilja Van Damme
Organizer: Christine Fertig Discussants: -
Christine Fertig : Exotic Substances in Northwest Germany. Trade and Knowledge Production in the 18th Century
Felicia Gottmann : “Prussians” Trading to the East Indies in the 1750s
Magnus Ressel : A Colonial History of Provincial Germany from Below: a Value Chain Analysis of Colonial Products from Bordeaux into Central Europe
Jutta Wimmler : Berlin goes Global: Insights from the Dyestuffs Trade, c. 1720-1760

R-8 HEA07 Responses to Pandemics and Long-Term Impacts
Network: Health and Environment Chair: Svenn-Erik Mamelund
Organizer: Benjamin Schneider Discussant: Svenn-Erik Mamelund
Jessica Dimka : The Long-Term Mental Health Effects of Influenza Pandemics: Protocol and Preliminary Results of a Systematic Review
Ida Milne : Oral Histories of the 1918–19 Influenza Pandemic: how Helpful are they to Understand the Impact of Pandemic Illness on Post Pandemic Life?
Vibeke Narverud Nyborg : Different Approaches to Using Public Health Legislation as Means in Fighting the Influenza Pandemic of 1918 – the Case of Norway
Laura Radatz : The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Inequality: Lessons from the Past

T-8 CUL08 How to Use ‘Dissonant Heritage’ in Tourism
Victoriagatan 13, Victoriasalen
Network: Culture Chair: Martino Lorenzo Fagnani
Organizers: Luciano Maffi, Maria Paola Pasini Discussant: Martino Lorenzo Fagnani
Carlo Baderna : A Difficult Heritage from Fascist Era: the Case of Bolzano
Luciano Maffi, Maria Paola Pasini : The Social Republic on Lake Garda: from the Removal to the Critical Recovery of a Dissonant Heritage for Tourism
Maija Rozite, Aija Van der Steina : Holocaust Related Sites in Latvia: between Dark Past and Tourism Development

U-8 LAB24 Women in Industrial Action
Västra Hamngatan 25 AK2 133
Networks: Labour , Women and Gender Chair: Silke Neunsinger
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Görkem Akgöz, Büsra Sati : Caught in between Patriarchy and the Cold War: the Institutionalisation of Gender Politics in Turkish Trade Unions, 1975-1981
Ralph Darlington : Working Class Women’s Active Participation in the 1910-14 British Labour Revolt
Hazel Perry : ‘A Little Judgement and Ordinary Human Kindness.’ The Interwar Period, Women Workers, and the Peterborough (UK) Celta Mill Strike, 1928
Jason Russell : The Causes and Consequences of 1960s Public Sector Unionization in the United States and Canada

V-8 POL07 New Perspectives on Internationalism. Writing the History of the European Counter-Revolution in the 19th Century
Västra Hamngatan 25 AK2 134
Network: Politics, Citizenship, and Nations Chair: Sylvie Aprile
Organizer: Simon Sarlin Discussants: -
Laura Di Fiore : Transnational Networks of Political Control: the Example of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies
Alexandre Dupont : Global Agents of the Counterrevolution
Simon Sarlin : Women, Gender and Counter-revolutionary Internationalism
Pierre Triomphe : From National to International Commitment, French Royalists and Civil Wars in Portugal and Spain in the Early 1830’s

W-8 URB05 Urban Development in Early Modern Period
Västra Hamngatan 25 AK2 135
Network: Urban Chair: Stephan Sander-Faes
Organizers: - Discussant: Erik Odegard
Aske Laursen Brock : In the Shadow of the Sound Toll: Urban Development in Elsinore, 1550-1700
Karol Lopatecki, Piotr Guzowski & Radoslaw Poniat : Military Camps as the Seasonal Cities in the Polish-Lithuanian State (16th-17th cc.)

Friday 14 April 2023 08.30 - 10.30
A-9 POL16 Early Forms of Internationalism and Supranationalism in Europe
SEB salen (Z)
Network: Politics, Citizenship, and Nations Chair: Anastassiya Schacht
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Erzsébet Árvay : The Diaspora Governance of the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party, 1956-1989
Pavol Jakubec : Small, Not One-Size: Governments-in-Exile, Resources and Status in Allied London
Mechthild Roos : Becoming Europe's Parliament: an Interdisciplinary Study of MEP Activism in the 1950s-70s
Nives Rumenjak : New Paradigms in the 21st Century? History and International Relations and the Re-ordering of the World System

B-9 WOM10 Family, Sex and Reproduction: Legacy of the Cold War
Networks: Sexuality , Women and Gender Chairs: Agata Ignaciuk, Judit Sandor
Organizer: Judit Sandor Discussant: Agata Ignaciuk
Kate Docking : Sexology and the Management of Bodies in Post-War Europe
Andrea Espinoza Carvajal : Family, Sex, and Reproduction. Transnational Conversations between the Andes and the Socialist World
Maria Eva Foldes, Judit Sándor : Reproduction and Privacy in the Post-War Netherlands and Hungary
Yanara Schmacks : West German Feminist Activism against Reproductive Technologies and the German Past

C-9 ECO08 The Industrialization and Policy Nexus: the Southern Cone Countries of South America in Comparative Perspective
Network: Economic History Chair: Svante Prado
Organizers: Cecilia Lara, Svante Prado Discussants: -
Jorge Álvarez : Structural Change and Economic Growth in New Zealand and Uruguay, 1870-1970
Juan Pablo Juliá Ciarelli, María Cecilia Lara : Tariff Protection in Latin American Countries during the 20th Century

D-9 ECO09 The Territories of the Illicit in the Colonial Situation (19th-20th Centuries)
Network: Economic History Chair: Nicola Schalkowski
Organizer: Béatrice Touchelay Discussant: Sandra Bott
Thomas Clare : Opium Smuggling as Transgression: a Socio-economic History of Fraud Practices in French Indochina (1898-1940)
Aparajita Mukhopadhyay : Transient Borders of Licit and Illicit: a case Study of Railway Crime in 19th Century British India
Léa Renard, Raffaela Pfaff : Negotiating the Boundary between Licit and Illicit Labour Coercion in the Colonial Situation: the ILO Committee of Experts on Native Labour (1927-1938)
Ned Richardson-Little : Guns Through the Grey Zone: Imperial Germany’s Support and Sabotage of Controls over the Arms Trade to Africa and the Middle East, 1890-1914

E-9 SEX05 Situating Lesbian Intimacy, Desire and Identity
Network: Sexuality Chair: Jens Rydstrom
Organizer: Liz Millward Discussants: -
Rebecca Jennings : ‘Should I walk out on my good husband and my sons and find myself a mate? Or should I crawl back into my hole and continue to throw my real self away?’ Married Lesbians and Notions of Love and Selfhood in Post-war Britain
Liz Millward : Non-monogamy, Polyamory, Exclusivity: Changing Ideas about Love and Sex in Lesbian Culture
Alison Oram : Ghosts of the Queer Past: the Ladies of Llangollen and Lesbian Heritage

F-9 LAB14a Punitive Labour (Im)Mobilizations: towards a Comparative Global Agenda (I)
Networks: Criminal Justice , Labour Chair: Lisa Hellman
Organizer: Mònica Ginés Blasi Discussant: Lisa Hellman
Bonnie Clementsson : Navigating around Forced Labour in the Early 1800s with Examples from Sweden
Eva Lehner : Children as War Captives in Central Europe at the End of the 17th Century
Nitin Varma : The Making of a Labour Regime: 1860s and Indentured Coolies on cColonial Plantations in India

G-9 CRI09 Race, Ethnicity and Criminal Justice
Network: Criminal Justice Chair: Vivien Miller
Organizers: - Discussants: -
François Fenchel, Renée Brassard : Between Recognition and Imposition: the Itinerant Court of the Judicial District of Abitibi and Resistance to White Justice in Northern Quebec (1974-1995)
Lizzie Seal : Portrayals of People of Colour as Criminals and Victims in the Local Press in Cardiff, 1870-1925
Heather Shore : Discrimination and Difference: Race and Ethnicity in the British Borstal System, c. 1969 to c. 1993

H-9 REL05 The Theory and Practice of Religious Poor Relief in 19th and 20th Century Europe
Network: Religion Chair: Kristof Smeyers
Organizers: Hannah Fluit, Els Minne Discussants: -
Hannah Fluit : Spiritual Goals and Social Objectives: the Belgian Society of Saint Vincent de Paul during the First Half of the Twentieth Century
Mary Clare Martin : “The last sack of potatoes”: Children, Youth, the Old Poor Law and the Church of England in the London Hinterland, 1700-1836
Els Minne : Speaking of Poverty. The Application of New Discourses in Catholic Poor Relief in Brussels after the Second World War

I-9 ANT05 New Approaches to Ancient Slavery
Network: Antiquity Chair: Neville Morley
Organizer: Myles Lavan Discussants: -
Lisa Eberle, Johanna Göcke : They were her Property. Women Enslavers in Ancient Rome
Myles Lavan : The Scale of Manumission in the Roman World and the Americas: a Comparative and Quantitative Approach
David Lewis : Syrians and the Slave Trade in the longue durée

J-9 ELI09a Urban Elites Emerging and Falling I
B44 (Z)
Networks: Elites and Forerunners , Urban Chair: Adam Howard
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Martin Åberg : Root Threads of Modern Individualism: Moravianism, Social Trust, and the Emerging Middle Classes in Sweden, ca 1760-1840
Andrea Bergaz Alvarez : Self-promotional Strategies of a Transnational Agent at the Service of the Hispanic Monarchy: the 3rd Marquis of Los Balbases (1670-1679)
Radu Nedici : Reverend Canons vs. Venerable Archdeacons: Latin Honorifics, Organizational Practices and Elite Dynamics in the Greek Catholic Church in Transylvania, c. 1750–1800
Jose Miguel Sanjuan, Joana Pujades-Mora : The Long Fall from the Skies. Evidences from Downward Mobility on Barcelona Elites during the XVIII and XIX Century

K-9 LAB13 Precarious Labour and Collective Responses from the Local to the Global, 1920s to Present Day
Network: Labour Chair: Ivelina Masheva
Organizers: Nina Trige Andersen, Maria Fernanda Arellanes, Rosa Kösters, Sibylle Marti Discussant: Ivelina Masheva
Nina Trige Andersen : The Emergence of the Municipal ‘Administrative Class’ and their Union in Denmark from the 1920s: from Precarious Day Laborers and Temporary Women Part-timers to Salaried Employees
Maria Fernanda Arellanes : Domestic Work in Digital Platforms and Working Holiday Visa: the Interplay between Gig Economy and Mobility Regimes
Rosa Kösters : Formal and Informal Collective Actions at the Workplace: Dutch Meat Industry and Retail Workers, 1970-2020
Sibylle Marti : International Trade Unionism and the Informal Sector in the 1980s: New Alliances and Changing Strategies towards Precarious Labour

L-9 ETH17a Identities I
Network: Ethnicity and Migration Chair: Suzan Abozyid
Organizers: - Discussant: Suzan Abozyid
Cigdem Billur Ada : Faith Brings Us Together: Transforming Religious Identity of Nakhichevani Migrants in Istanbul
Irial Glynn : Two Irelands: Two Different Emigration Experiences? Comparing Emigration from Northern Ireland and Ireland Since 1945
Juliette Ronsin : A Transnational Labour History: the Immigration of (Post) Yugoslav Workers in Peugeot's Factories in Sochaux-Montbéliard (France), from 1965 to Today
Mladen Zobec : Proletarian Entrepreneurs: Albanian Private Craftsmen in Socialist Slovenia

M-9 ETH05 Microhistorical Approaches to the 20th Century: Transatlantic Perspectives
Network: Ethnicity and Migration Chair: Philippe Rygiel
Organizer: Anna Mazurkiewicz Discussant: Philippe Rygiel
Constantin Iordachi : Living in Hideout: the Biography of a Rebel Peasant in Communist Romania
Anna Mazurkiewicz : Transatlantic Crossings in the Life of a Polish American: between Sentimental Engagement and Career Options
Victoria Phillips : Biography as Microhistory, 1917-1945-1953-1989: Ruptures in War, Love, and Death in Europe and the United States
Francis Raska : At Home and In Exile: the Activities of Czechoslovak Journalist Antonín J. Liehm (1924-2020)

N-9 EDU10 Schooling and the Making of Social Class
C33 (Z)
Network: Education and Childhood Chair: Esbjörn Larsson
Organizer: Johannes Westberg Discussant: Anne Berg
Catriona Delaney : The Changing Goals of Convent Education: from the Salon to the Socially Disadvantaged
Fabio Pruneri : The Conquest of the Alphabet in Southern Italy from 1861 to 1914 First Results of a Quantitative Survey
Deirdre Raftery : Class Structures in 19th Century Boarding Schools: Élites, ‘Externes’ and the Experience of Education
Lina Spjut : Changes in Teaching Content and Structure in Schools Run by Ironworks after State Regulations in Sweden´s First Elementary School Act from 1842
Johannes Westberg : How did Schooling Content Vary across Swedish Regions? History, Geography, Physical Education and Natural Science in Swedish Primary Schools in the Mid-nineteenth Century
Johan Wickström, Linn Areskoug : Narrative Constructions of the Working Class: from Textbook Representations to Student Essays in Secondary School during 1900 to 1930 in Sweden

O-9 LAT01/EMPd Exploiting the Empire of Others: Session 4 - Transnational Entrepreneurship and Exploitation in the Building of Empire in the America’s, 1500-1822
Network: Latin America Chair: Catia Antunes
Organizer: Catia Antunes Discussant: Filipa Ribeiro da Silva
Tessa de Boer : Re-framing the Principal-agent Problem: Who Dares to Enter the French West Indies?
Ramona Negron : The Coymans Family and the Exploitation of the Spanish Atlantic, 1580s-1710s
João Paulo Salvado, Catia Antunes : The Van Dunen Family and the Exploitation of the Portuguese Empire: a View From Luanda in the 17th Century
Patrick Van der Geest, Susana Münch Miranda : Cornering the Market in Colonial Goods: How Hope & Co. sought to Monopolise the European Market for American Diamonds, Cochineal, and Sugar between 1750 and 1820

P-9 WOM18 Threading Gender and Craft: the Gendering of Craft and the Crafting of Gender in Periods of Change and Unrest
Networks: Labour , Women and Gender Chair: Eileen Boris
Organizers: Elya Assayag, Sohee Ryuk Discussant: Eileen Boris
Elya Assayag : Unstitching the Domestic Sphere in Colonial Morocco (1912-1956): Collecting Historical Evidences through Embroidery
Anders V. Munch, Rau Ulf Lenskjold & Vibeke Riisberg : Crafting Platforms - Student Rebellion, Gender Struggles and Collectivism in Danish Crafts 1969-77
Sohee Ryuk : The “Golden Hands” of the Carpet Weaver: Images of Village Carpet Weaving in the Soviet Union, 1924-1945
Wendy Wiertz : Lacemaking, Gender Roles and Humanitarian Aid in the First World War

R-9 HEA09 The History of Psychiatric Epidemiology
Network: Health and Environment Chairs: -
Organizer: Matthew Smith Discussants: -
Emmanuel Delille : Ecological Framework and Mental Health: the Case of the Stirling County Study in Psychiatric Epidemiology
Matthew Smith : Psychiatric Epidemiology in the Big Apple: Social Psychiatry and the Midtown Manhattan Study, 1950-1962

S-9 POL21 Contention in the Welfare State - Social Movements in 1980s Sweden
Victoriagatan 13, A252
Network: Politics, Citizenship, and Nations Chair: Andrés Brink Pinto
Organizers: Andrés Brink Pinto, Helena Hill Discussants: Helena Hill, Bart van der Steen
Fredrik Egefur : ‘The Winter Palace’ in Malmö – Subversive Activists, People’s Home-anarchists or Just a Slightly Radical Cultural Association?
Jenny Jansson : Actors behind Contention: Welfare State Related Protests in the 1980s
Markus Lundström : When Anarchism Met Punk
Hannes Rolf : The End of a Performance? Swedish Rent Strikes in the 1980s

T-9 CUL09a Past Futures I: an Individual Perspective on Temporality and Future Practice(s), 16th – 20th Centuries
Victoriagatan 13, Victoriasalen
Network: Culture Chair: Jeroen Puttevils
Organizers: Elisabeth Heijmans, Jeroen Puttevils Discussants: -
Sara Budts, Elisabeth Heijmans : Secularization of Future Thinking in Practice: a Comparison between English and French Merchant Letters (16th-18th Century)
Sanne Hermans : The Foundation of a Joint Future: the Relation between Trust and Temporality in the Correspondence of the Dutch Merchant Claes van Adrichem, 1585–1597

U-9 POL09 Local Autonomy in Decline: Legislation and Jurisdiction in the Early Modern Low Countries (c. 1450-1800)
Västra Hamngatan 25 AK2 133
Network: Politics, Citizenship, and Nations Chair: Jim van der Meulen
Organizer: Jesse Hollestelle Discussants: -
Jesse Hollestelle : Non-Revolutionary Abolition of the Feudal System? A Sketch of an Alternative Trajectory
Yannis Skalli-Housseini : Beyond the Rise of the Fiscal State: Processes of Centralization in the 18th Century Austrian Netherlands
Klaas Van Gelder : Policing the Village: Seigneurial Police Regulations in the County of Flanders as Indicators of Local Autonomy, 13th-18th Centuries

V-9 SOC10 The Hospitals in the Early Modern Period and the Sensual Turn
Västra Hamngatan 25 AK2 134
Network: Social Inequality Chairs: -
Organizers: Elisabeth Lobenwein, Alfred Weiss Discussants: -
Priyanka Kaushik : The Barber-surgeon
Martin Scheutz : Colors, Monitoring through Watchful Eyes and Tentative Prayers in Early Modern Hospitals
Christina Vanja : Hearing the Inmates - Cries, Whispers, Talks and Songs from the Inside of Early Modern Hospitals
Alfred Weiss, Elisabeth Lobenwein : "Fundamental Smells" in the Hospital in Early Modern Times - the Example of Austria and Bavaria

W-9 SPA05a Spatial History I
Västra Hamngatan 25 AK2 135
Network: Spatial and Digital History Chair: Ivo Zandhuis
Organizers: - Discussant: Rombert Stapel
Michal Gochna : The Entanglement of Space, Narratives and Maps. The Digital Representation of Karol Perthées’ Sketches of the Parishes of the Polish Kingdom from the 2nd half of the 18th Century.
Hrvoje Kekez, Branimir Brgles : Using Historical GIS and Corpus based Methods in Research of Historical Topography and Toponymy
Isabelle Seguy, A. Litvine & T. Thévenin & P. Mille & C. Mimeur, R. Boissard & H. El Gouj, D. Hare & A. Starzec : An Introduction to the COMMUNES Project: Historical GIS of Municipalities and multimodal transport networks in France (18th century-present)

X-9 ORA07 Listening in. Ethics, Emotions and Relations in the Re-analysis of Interviews
Västra Hamngatan 25 AK2 136 (Z)
Network: Oral History Chair: Andrea Strutz
Organizer: Andrea Althaus Discussants: -
Andrea Althaus : From a Distance. Methodological Considerations on the Secondary Analysis of Conversational Dynamics in Oral History Interviews
Linde Apel : Beyond Primary/secondary Dualism. The (Re-)use of Interviews as Research Data
Janine Kristina Schemmer : Emotions Connect – Listening and Proximity in the Secondary Analysis of Oral Sources
George J. Severs : The Time of Listening: Emotions and Ethics in Oral History Re-use

Y-9 FAM07 Historical Population in Eastern and Central Europa
Västra Hamngatan 25 AK2 138
Network: Family and Demography Chair: Mikolaj Szoltysek
Organizers: - Discussant: Beatrice Moring
Ugne Jonaityte : The Plausible Destiny of Illegitimate Children.: a Case Study of Vilnius and Samogitia Regions in 1700-1850
Marzena Liedke, Piotr Guzowski & Radoslaw Poniat : Urban Family and it’s Rural Context. Vilnius in the End of the18th Century
Jakub Wysmulek : Patterns of Domestic Cohabitation in Multi-cultural Lviv in the Late Seventeenth Century

Friday 14 April 2023 11.00 - 13.00
A-10 WOM23 Women in Professions
SEB salen (Z)
Network: Women and Gender Chair: Deborah Simonton
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Liliosa Azara : Women in the Italian Police force (1961-1980): Work, Stereotypes and Sexism
Julien Delattre, Fanny Verslype : The First Women Lawyers in Belgium: a Historical Perspective
Nebiha Guiga : Risk, Courage and Gender: an Exploration of Gender Roles in the Royal National Lifeboat Institution since 1824
JeanMary Walker : A Dublin Hospital as a Microcosm of Nineteenth Century British Empire Politics of Respectability

B-10 FAM09 Kinship Systems and Families
Network: Family and Demography Chair: Siegfried Gruber
Organizers: - Discussant: Paul Puschmann
Sara Ala-Hynnilä : Siblings and Emotions during Disagreements in 17th Century England
Johan Junkka, Lotta Vikström & Erling Lundevaller : Family Support and Disability-related Mortality in Sweden, 1900-1959
Daniela Marza : Family Networks as Instruments of Power – Elite Women, Kinship and Public Life in Transylvania, 1850-1920
Mary Nagata : Urban Graveyard Theory Revisited in Mid Nineteenth Century Kyoto
Joana-Maria Pujades-Mora, Joaquín Ruíz : Siblings and Parents Marrying the Same Day: Simultaneous Marriages as Family Partnership Strategy in the Barcelona Area, 16th – 19th Centuries

C-10 LAB07 Labor in the Ottoman and Post-Ottoman Balkans (19th- 20th Centuries)
Network: Labour Chair: Luminita Gatejel
Organizer: Evguenia Davidova Discussant: Luminita Gatejel
Evguenia Davidova : Women Labor: a Case Study of Nursing in Bulgaria and Serbia/Yugoslavia (1900s-1939)
Eleonora Naxidou : Nationalism and Intellectual Labor in the 19th Century Ottoman Balkans
Robert Niebuhr : Vladimir Dedijer and Workers’ Rights in Yugoslavia, 1948–1954
Andrew Robarts : Labor, Disease, and Mobility in the Pre-Tanzimat Ottoman Balkans

D-10 ECO18 Economic Development and Well-being of Workers
Network: Economic History Chair: Mikolaj Malinowski
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Jonatan Andersson : Staying or Leaving the Local Labour Market: the Migration Decisions of Young Adults During the Second Industrial Revolution in Sweden
Robin Philips, Bas van Leeuwen : Evidence on Worktime and Working Conditions in the Netherlands at the End of the 19th Century
Stephan Sander-Faes : Dead Ideas Walking: Agrarian Dualism and the “Little Divergence” Revisited

E-10 SEX10 Sexual Deviance in East-Central and Southeastern Europe
Network: Sexuality Chair: Mark Cornwall
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Aleksandra Kumala : Rejecting the Condition of a Unmanly Victim. Concentration Camp Homosexuality in August Kowalczyk’s Oral Testimony
Michal Narozniak : Queer Fantasy, Masturbation and Knowledge: Case Study of a Memoir from L’viv, 1913-1914
Stephanie Rieder-Zagkla : Forbidden Relations. Addressing Adultery in Divorce Records between 1900 and 1938
Dimitra Vassiliadou : Redressing Sexual Crimes in Post-Civil War Greece

F-10 LAB14b Punitive Labour (Im)Mobilizations: towards a Comparative Global Agenda (II)
Networks: Criminal Justice , Labour Chair: Christian De Vito
Organizer: Mònica Ginés Blasi Discussant: Christian De Vito
Anas Ansar : Navigating Il/legality, Im/mobility and Labour Coercion: the Rohingya Refugees in Malaysia
Robert Baum : Cattle Raiding, Raiding Rice Paddies, and the Development of Slavery in Stateless Societies: the Diola of Southern Senegal
Mònica Ginés Blasi : Punitive Indentured Im/mobilization: Yucateco and Chinese Prisoners of War in Cuban Plantations (1847-1860s)
Ludolf Pelizaeus : Coercion Labour for Prisoners of War and Minorities as a Means of Enforcing “Utility” in the Holy Roman Empire 1670-1790

G-10 CRI10 Gender Violence and Domesticity
Network: Criminal Justice Chair: Krista Kesselring
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Johanna Annola : “Risky” Women and Forced Labour: Spinhouse Women in Nineteenth-century Finland
Anna Kantanen : Intimate Partner Homicides at the End of 19th Century and the Beginning of 20th Century
Vivien Miller, Katherine Watson : Toxic Masculinity? An Anglo-American Comparative Study of Nineteenth-Century Criminal Poisoning by Fathers
Rachel Newell : ‘The Same Injury was not Done as in the Case of a Man’: Female Bigamy and Society in Ulster, 1880s-1920s

H-10 THE05 Quantitative History and the Unaccounted
Network: Theory Chair: Kate Ekama
Organizers: - Discussants: Michiel de Haas, Kate Ekama, Jonathan Schoots

I-10 ANT06 Religious and Moral Pollution in Greek and Roman Culture
Network: Antiquity Chair: Neville Morley
Organizer: Bernadette Descharmes Discussants: -
Bernadette Descharmes : Pollution and Sexual Morals in Ancient Rome
Daniel Emmelius : "Out of Place” in the City? The Roman Ban on Intra-urban Burial and how it Relates to Ideas of Religious Pollution
Jack Lennon : Negotiating Ritual and Moral Pollution in Ancient Rome
Irene Salvo : Blood Pollution and Anthropology of Violence between Herodotus and Gluckman

J-10 ELI09b Urban Elites Emerging and Falling II
B44 (Z)
Networks: Elites and Forerunners , Urban Chair: Anna Soulsby
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Anna Cergol Paradiz, Irena Selišnik : Postwar Ljubljana: Elite Transformation after First World War
Zarko Lazarevic : National and International Business Networks in Interwar Yugoslavia
Maria Malatesta, Angelo di Francia : The Transnational Marriage of the Italian Nobility 1861-1943
Sietske van der Veen : Novel Opportunities, Perpetual Barriers. The Integration of the Jewish Dutch Elite (1870-1940)

K-10 FAM18 Widows, Economy and the Household
Network: Family and Demography Chair: Mikolaj Szoltysek
Organizer: Beatrice Moring Discussants: -
Marie-Pierre Arrizabalaga : Widows, Status, and Households among the French Immigrants in California, 1880-1940
Kersi Lust : Who Supported Childless Widows in their Old Age? The Case of Late Nineteenth-century Rural Estonia
Beatrice Moring : Widows, Economy and Family in North European Urban Society

L-10 ETH17b Identities II
Network: Ethnicity and Migration Chair: Nina Trige Andersen
Organizers: - Discussant: Nina Trige Andersen
Ritva Kylli : Tastes of Home? – Food History of Finnish American Emigrants in Three Generations
Slawomir Lukasiewicz : Émigré Sovietologists from Poland within the Global Experts' Networks during the Cold War
Monica Miscali : Migration and Identity: the Perception of the Self in Italian Female Immigrants from the 1950s until Today
Walter Nkwi : Restless People: Conflict and Refugee Mobility in West and Central Africa, c.1994-2017

M-10 TEC03 Biology and Technology, Intellectual and Material
Network: Science & Technology Chair: Geoff Zylstra
Organizers: - Discussant: Geoff Zylstra
Helena Bergman : Male Youth drinking and Nordic Alcohol Research in the Long 1960s
Rögnvaldur Saemundsson, Maureen McKelvey : Pairing Engineering and Medicine: Academic Engagement in Biomedical Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology 1948-2018
Madalina Vartejanu-Joubert : Transmission and Innovation of Traditional Jewish Ecological Knowledge: the Citrus of the Lulav Bouquet

N-10 EDU11a Workers’ Education. Enlightenment, Education, and Empowerment I
C33 (Z)
Networks: Education and Childhood , Labour Chair: Jenny Jansson
Organizers: Jenny Jansson, Jonas Söderqvist Discussants: -
Lina Rahm : Automated Socialism: The Swedish Labor Movement and Educational Films of a Sociotechnical Future, 1956-1986
Ana Rajkovic Pejic : Battle for the Brain: Struggle of the Yugoslav Social Democrats and Communists for Supremacy over the Working Class (1918-1939)
Jonas Söderqvist : Social Mobility in Times of Social Upheaval. The Students and their Education at Brunnsvik, Hola and Väddö Folk High Schools, 1906-1921

O-10 WOR01/EMPe Exploiting the Empire of Others: Session 5 – Exploiting the Empire of Others, 1415-1918 Global Insights into Entrepreneurial Cultures and Empire Building
Network: Global History Chair: Catia Antunes
Organizer: Catia Antunes Discussant: Anne Gerritsen
Remi Dewiere : New Currency, get Richer? Failed Entrepreneur and Imaginary Currencies in 19th Century Central Sahel
Lisa Hellman : Exploiting Exile: Foreign Brokers in the Russian Borderlands
Takahiro Yamamoto : Japanese Entrepreneurship in German Micronesia, 1899-1914

P-10 MAT06 The Politics of Urban Food Provisioning (1700-1900)
Network: Material and Consumer Culture Chairs: -
Organizer: Dennis De Vriese Discussants: -
Dennis De Vriese : Price-setting, Free Market and Back again. Meat Price (De)regulation in Early Nineteenth-century Brussels
Jessica Dijkman, Matthias Berlandi : The Discourse on Grain and Bread in North-German and Baltic Cities, Late 18th – Early 19th Century
Robin Rose Southard : "Malice and Hate": Food Sellers and Litigation in 18th-century Brussels
Michael Zeheter : The Four Consumption Regimes of Mineral Water (1800 to the Present)

R-10 HEA10 The Social Dimension of Epidemics in Europe (19th and 20th Centuries)
Network: Health and Environment Chair: Ida Milne
Organizers: Isabel Amaral, Alexandra Esteves Discussants: -
Isabel Amaral : Reporting Epidemics at the Portuguese Medical Press (19th-20th Century
Alexandra Esteves : Resist to Survive: the Population Facing Epidemics in Portugal in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries
Amelia Ferreira : Reorganization of Healthcare during the Pandemic - Report of an Experience in an Intensive Care Unit
Monique Palma : Lyssavirus in Northern Portugal (19th -20th Century) – What is its History?

S-10 LAB32 Human Capital and Everyday Life in Extreme Wartime Conditions (Examples of Defence Enterprises in Kazakhstan and Ural-Volga Region in Russia during World War II)
Victoriagatan 13, A252
Network: Labour Chair: Nikolai Vukov
Organizer: Roza Zharkynbayeva Discussant: Nikolai Vukov
Ardak Abdiraiymova : Formation of Labor Collectives at Defence Enterprises in Kazakhstan in 1941-1945
Meruyert Doskaliyeva : Conditions of Work and Labor Organization in Defence Enterprises in the Rear during the Second World War (on Examples from Kazakhstan)
Roza Zharkynbayeva : The Price of Victory: Living Conditions of Workers in Defence Enterprises of Kazakhstan during the War Years

T-10 CUL09b Past Futures II: an Institutional Perspective on Temporality and Future Practice(s), 16th – 20th Centuries
Victoriagatan 13, Victoriasalen
Network: Culture Chair: Elisabeth Heijmans
Organizers: Elisabeth Heijmans, Jeroen Puttevils Discussant: Jeroen Puttevils
Tilman Haug : ‘Nothing of its kind has ever appeared before in the World’ – Financial Projects, Lotteries and the Construction of Economic Futures in Early Eighteenth-century Germany
Jamie Pietruska : “Weather is the Nation’s Business”: Public Good, Private Enterprise, and Epistemic Authority in U.S. Weather and Hurricane Forecasting
Joris van Eijnatten, Pim Huijnen : Something Happened to the Future (2). Reconstructing Temporalities in Dutch newspapers, 1750-1990

U-10 WOR06 Resistance to Imperialism and Nationalism at Times of Decolonization
Västra Hamngatan 25 AK2 133
Network: Global History Chair: Matthias Middell
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Raymond Craib : Selfish-Determination: Libertarian Imperialism in the Age of Decolonization
Talha Minhas : Practices of Comparing in late Colonial and Modern Nationalist Historiography in Pakistan (1850-1980): Calling for a Global History in Pakistan through a Practice-theoretical Approach to Anti-Nationalist Historiography
Kathleen Schlütter : Mapping the Production of World Knowledge in German Academia

V-10 SOC11 Social History and Biographical Dictionaries
Västra Hamngatan 25 AK2 134
Network: Social Inequality Chair: Katharina Scharf
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Åsa Karlsson : Social History in the Dictionary of Swedish National Biography
Ineke Maas, Marco H.D. van Leeuwen : Notable Women in the Netherlands in the 19th and 20th Century: Exploring their Origins
Marco H.D. van Leeuwen, Ineke Maas : Social Mobility of Notable Women in the 19th and 20th Century

W-10 SPA05b Spatial History II
Västra Hamngatan 25 AK2 135
Network: Spatial and Digital History Chair: Douwe Zeldenrust
Organizers: - Discussant: Bogumil Szady
Peter Banks : Propaganda Journeys to 'Real' and 'Imagined' Spaces of the GDR's Poliomyelitis Vaccination Campaign: East Berlin
Irina Mukhina : GULAG Spaces in Public Memory: Tourist Sites Reimagined

X-10 ORA12 Oral Histories of Loss, Living on the Margins and Generational Narratives
Västra Hamngatan 25 AK2 136 (Z)
Network: Oral History Chair: Radmila Svarickova Slabakova
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Selma Leyd