The strike is one of the most important weapons that working people have in their struggle for human rights. It was a common method in the working class movement during the rise of the industrial production in Europe and the US. By organizing a strike female and male workers ...
(Show more)The strike is one of the most important weapons that working people have in their struggle for human rights. It was a common method in the working class movement during the rise of the industrial production in Europe and the US. By organizing a strike female and male workers managed to get higher wages, better working conditions, the right to organize in a union among other things. In this class struggle the striking people had a strong power for a period of time and could compel concessions from the capital.
Female workers and housewives have always been part of the working class movement, either by struggling for the betterment of their own conditions or organizing as support groups. When female cleaners in Sweden went out in a strike at several workplaces in 1974, it was a continuity from last century of class struggle among thousands and thousands of female industrial workers. The demands were much the same: higher wages, better working conditions and be treated as a human being.
In this paper I will discuss two industrial women's strikes that took place in Sweden in the middle of 1970s. One of these strikes, i.e. the ASAB cleaners strike, received tremendous attention; sympathy strikes broke out and manifestations were held in solidarity with the striking women. However, the other one, the seamstresses at Algots Nord's strike did not receive the same attention and solidarity, neither from the women's liberation movements nor the unions. Both the cleaners' strike and the seamstresses' strike occurred when the rising women’s liberation movement got more and more breakthrough and a period of an extensive class struggle, mostly in male dominated factories. I will present a comparison between the public discourse around these two strikes and analyse the solidarity and or lack of solidarity with the striking women.
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