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Wed 12 April
    08.30 - 10.30
    11.00 - 13.00
    14.00 - 16.00
    16.30 - 18.30

Thu 13 April
    08.30 - 10.30
    11.00 - 13.00
    14.00 - 16.00
    16.30 - 18.30

Fri 14 April
    08.30 - 10.30
    11.00 - 13.00
    14.00 - 16.00
    16.30 - 18.30

Sat 15 April
    08.30 - 10.30
    11.00 - 13.00
    14.00 - 16.00

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Saturday 15 April 2023 08.30 - 10.30
A-13 ECO03a Viabundus Finland 1350-1650 - Roads and Travel Infrastructure in Medieval and Early Modern Finland, a Digital Approach (Viabundus I)
SEB salen (Z)
Network: Economic History Chair: Niels Petersen
Organizer: Tapio Salminen Discussants: -
Jenni Lares : Night in the Tavern. Accommodation Practices and Tavern Legislation in Premodern Finland
The traveller needs various services when travelling for longer distances. One must sleep somewhere, change horses, and get something to eat. It was possible for medieval and early modern Finns to spend the night under the open sky and carry their own food, but travellers could also search for accommodation ... (Show more)
The traveller needs various services when travelling for longer distances. One must sleep somewhere, change horses, and get something to eat. It was possible for medieval and early modern Finns to spend the night under the open sky and carry their own food, but travellers could also search for accommodation in the parsonage or local farms. The Swedish Crown also had an interest in developing a tavern system across the realm, and from early legislation onwards, the crown enacted articles on transportation and accommodation. In her paper, Jenni Lares will present premodern Swedish tavern legislation and its practical applications. How can Finnish medieval and early modern taverns and other waypoint services be studied and what must be taken into consideration when putting them on a map? How were these services connected to social and economic contexts, and what was their economic importance for those providing these services? (Show less)

Tapio Salminen : Over the Fields and Far Away - Seasonality and the Logistics of Transport and Communication in Late Medieval and Early Modern Finland
The paper discusses the role of seasons and seasonality in the logistics of travelling and road transport in preindustrial Finland. Traditionally much of the interest on early routes in Finland has focused on the importance of water-based routes in inland long-distance travelling and transport, as well as on the emerging ... (Show more)
The paper discusses the role of seasons and seasonality in the logistics of travelling and road transport in preindustrial Finland. Traditionally much of the interest on early routes in Finland has focused on the importance of water-based routes in inland long-distance travelling and transport, as well as on the emerging of deliberately maintained common roads, where the organisation of roads and transport systems have been studied from the point of view of coercive authority, administration, and economy. In the scholarship the older view on the hegemony of waterways over roads was only abandoned as late as in the 1980’s whereas today a more balanced view over various needs, motives and means in past traffic is suggested. In the paper both the aspects will be discussed from the point of view of seasonality and seasons, a feature characteristic for the logistics and costs of travelling and transport in premodern Finland. How exactly did the local and transregional authority and economy adapt and make use of the variation between the winter and summer conditions set by the environment for different kinds of activities in transport? What kind of source material we have? The presentation also gives a short introduction to the project Viabundus Finland 1350-1650. (Show less)

Katrina Virtanen : Historical Research Data and an Open Spatial Database – Case Premodern Finland
Historical GIS (HGIS) is a powerful tool to present historical research data on maps. HGIS is digital spatial data that has been produced from historical research data. This presentation reviews the creation of an open database and its map interface in the Viabundus Finland 1350–1650 research project. The aim of ... (Show more)
Historical GIS (HGIS) is a powerful tool to present historical research data on maps. HGIS is digital spatial data that has been produced from historical research data. This presentation reviews the creation of an open database and its map interface in the Viabundus Finland 1350–1650 research project. The aim of the project is to compile historical spatial data about traffic routes and waypoints in Finland into a unified database, and finally to create an open map based on this for future research in economic history and premodern logistics of the area. The presentation focuses on data related to traffic routes as well as the methodological problems on the implementation of the map application and its underlying database. Traffic routes and their associated mobility and information systems have never previously been the subject of a nationwide database or a map in Finland: the new application thus gives us a new way to assess early infrastructure in transregional travelling, transport, actual travel times, costs, and their impact on local communities or society in general. (Show less)

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