Preliminary Programme

Showing: Africa (all days)
Wed 12 April
    08.30 - 10.30
    11.00 - 13.00
    14.00 - 16.00
    16.30 - 18.30

Thu 13 April
    08.30 - 10.30
    11.00 - 13.00
    14.00 - 16.00
    16.30 - 18.30

Fri 14 April
    08.30 - 10.30
    11.00 - 13.00
    14.00 - 16.00
    16.30 - 18.30

Sat 15 April
    08.30 - 10.30
    11.00 - 13.00
    14.00 - 16.00

All days
Wednesday 12 April 2023 11.00 - 13.00
D-2 ECO02 Historical Legacies of the Cash Crop Boom
Networks: Africa , Economic History Chairs: -
Organizer: Thomas Westland Discussants: -
Gareth Austin : The Political Economy of Growth in Beverage-Crop Economies in Independent Africa: Ghana and Kenya Compared, 1973-1983
Michiel de Haas : Africa and the ‘New History of Capitalism’: Colonialism, Coercion and Cotton, 1820-1960
Per Hallén : Company Organization and Technological Change in Scandinavian Fishing until 1945
Thomas Westland : The Colonial Commodity Lottery: Linkages from Agriculture to Industry in the Tropics, c.1950-1970

Wednesday 12 April 2023 14.00 - 16.00
S-3 AFR01a European Identities in Africa – Session 1: Going European
Victoriagatan 13, A252
Network: Africa Chair: Márcia Gonçalves
Organizer: Márcia Gonçalves Discussants: -
Alexander Keese, Naïma Maggetti : What Remained of the Assimilation Paradigm? Late Colonial Senegal, Material Culture, Interaction, and Political Decolonization, 1945–1960
Eva Schalbroeck : The Unlikely ‘Fathers’ of European Identity in Belgian Colonial Africa: how Catholic Missionaries Navigated Racial Diversity and Modernity through ‘Europeanness’
Stephanie van Dam, Catia Antunes : Expertise & Whiteness as Social Capital: Sir Granville St John Orde Browne’s Imperial Career, 1883-1947

Wednesday 12 April 2023 16.30 - 18.30
S-4 AFR01b European Identities in Africa – Session 2: Going African
Victoriagatan 13, A252
Network: Africa Chair: Márcia Gonçalves
Organizer: Márcia Gonçalves Discussants: -
Julien Charnay : The « Lebanese Issue » in Dakar from the Second World War to the Independence of French West Africa (Afrique Occidentale Française). A Middlemen Minority seen from a Colonial Outlook
Ruhan Fourie : We are not Europeans, we are of Africa as any other Person is of Africa”: Afrikaner Africanisation in the Wake of Decolonisation
Gabriele Montalbano : Latin Africa. An Euro-African Colonial Project. The Case of the Italian Migrants in French Protectorate of Tunisia

Thursday 13 April 2023 11.00 - 13.00
C-6 AFR03 Studies in African Economic History
Network: Africa Chair: Stefano Bellucci
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Valeria Lukkari, Maria Mwaipopo Fibaek : Income Inequality in Colonial Kenya, 1914-1960
Fernando Mouta : Commerce, Cooperation and Conflict in the Atlantic Coast of Africa (1435-1622)

V-6 ECO10 Transitions in African Trade and Health
Västra Hamngatan 25 AK2 134
Networks: Africa , Economic History Chair: Felix Meier zu Selhausen
Organizers: Felix Meier zu Selhausen, Federico Tadei Discussant: Gareth Austin
Jutta Bolt, Jeanne Cilliers : The Health of Nations: Long-run Patterns of Disease in Africa
Ewout Frankema, Felix Meier zu Selhausen : Africa’s Mineral Revolution in a Long-Term Trade Perspective
Federico Tadei, Michiel de Haas : Crops, Prices or Policies? Why Commodity Exports in British and French West Africa Diverged after the 1880s
Bram van Besouw, Michiel de Haas : Export Expansion and Colonial Coercion in British Africa during the Great Depression

Thursday 13 April 2023 14.00 - 16.00
F-7 AFR04 Social History after Independence: How to Write on Africa‘s Postcolonial History
Network: Africa Chair: Alexander Keese
Organizers: Alexander Keese, Andreas Zeman Discussant: Alexander Keese
Cassandra Mark-Thiesen : History Journals and the Forging of New Pathways to Africa’s Postcolonial Past: a Textual Analysis Approach
Hyden Munene : The Dynamics of Labour and Racial Relations in Zambia’s Copperbelt Mines, 1964-1991
Lynn Schler : Peripheral Repositories : Using the Israel State Archives to Write Nigerian History
Andreas Zeman : Towards a History of Zambia’s Tractor Drivers: Possibilities and Limitations

O-7 AFR02/EMPc Exploiting the Empire of Others: Session - 3 Transnational Entrepreneurship and Exploitation in the Building of Empire in Africa, 1500-1918
Network: Africa Chair: Catia Antunes
Organizer: Catia Antunes Discussant: Stephanie van Dam
Jessica den Oudsten, Ramona Negron : The Amsterdam Private Slave Trade, 1730-1780
Gijs Dreijer : Dutch Imperialism Revisited: Dutch Entrepreneurs in West Africa (1850s-1910s)
Stan Pannier, Catia Antunes : Austrian-Netherlands Business in West- and Central Africa: the Case of Frederic Romberg
Edmond Smith : John Cloyce, Akan Entrepreneurship, and European Empires in West Africa

Thursday 13 April 2023 16.30 - 18.30
F-8 AFR05 Africa's Postcolonial Histories
Network: Africa Chair: Andreas Zeman
Organizers: - Discussant: Alexander Keese
Tunde Adeleke : Africa and the Challenges of her Diasporas: Stokely Carmichael and Walter Rodney
Catherina Wilson, Mirjam De Bruijn & Janemary Ruhundwa : Strangers in the City: (Un)welcoming Attitudes towards Refugees in Contemporary Urban Tanzania

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