Preliminary Programme

Showing: Antiquity (all days)
Wed 24 March

Thu 25 March

Fri 26 March

Sat 27 March

All days
Wednesday 24 March 2004 14:15
R-3 ANT01 Comparative approaches to the study of ancient and pre-modern states
Room S
Network: Antiquity Chair: Neville Morley
Organizer: Walter Scheidel Discussants: -
Peter Fibiger Bang : Segmentary empire: Mughals and Romans compared
Khaled Hakami : Kinship and Evolution: Roman and Irish Society Compared
Joe Manning : The “hydraulic” state, social power and state formation: Egypt and China, and the contraction of the Wittfogel thesis
Walter Scheidel : Coercion, capital, and ancient Mediterranean states: expanding the Tilly thesis

Thursday 25 March 2004 14:15
Y-7 ANT03 Inventing the Ancient Economy
Network: Antiquity Chair: Walter Scheidel
Organizer: Neville Morley Discussants: -
Neville Morley : The Modernity of Antiquity
Beate Wagner-Hasel : Karl Buecher and Ancient Economy

Friday 26 March 2004 10:45
D-10 ANT04 Fashioning the Past
Room D
Network: Antiquity Chair: Eva Deak
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Susan Blundell : Shoes and other signs of femininity in fifth century Attic vase-painting
Mary Harlow : Reading Female Dress in Late Antiquity
Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones : Picturing the Persians: The Reception of Achaemenid Dress in Europe 1550-1790
James Robson : New Clothes, A New You: Clothing and Character in Aristophanes
Susan Stewart, Susan Stewart : Look at me: women and cosmetics in the roman world

Friday 26 March 2004 14.15
Y-11 ANT02 Violence and Honour in the Ancient World
Network: Antiquity Chair: Jon Lendon
Organizer: Hans Van Wees Discussant: Jon Lendon
Richard Alston : Violence and control in the Late Antique city
Nicholas Fisher : Honour and Violence in Classical Greece
Hans Van Wees : Violent competition and coercion in early Greece

Saturday 27 March 2004 10:45
S-14 ANT05 Social Structure and Interstate Structure in the Ancient Mediterranean
Room T
Network: Antiquity Chair: Hans Van Wees
Organizer: Peter Hunt Discussant: Peter Hunt
Arthur M. Eckstein : The Power-Transition Crisis in the Eastern Mediterranean after 207 B.C. and Roman Intervention in the Greek East
Jon Lendon : Roman Aggression and Roman Imperialism in the Second Century BC
Polly Low : Ideologies of intervention in Greek interstate society
Frank Russell : Offensive Realism and the Tragedy of Greek Power Politics, 351-338

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