Preliminary Programme

Showing: room X (all days)
Wed 24 March

Thu 25 March

Fri 26 March

Sat 27 March

All days
Wednesday 24 March 2004 10:45
X-2 LAB05 Horse-Racing, Gambling and the Working Class I
Network: Labour Chair: Mats Greiff
Organizer: Mats Greiff Discussant: Tomas Peterson
Sara Berglund : Economisation and professionalisation in harness racing
Joakim Tranquist : Horse Racing as a Popular Movement

Wednesday 24 March 2004 14:15
X-3 FAM07 Dowries in Europe: The Long Run
Network: Family and Demography Chair: Christopher H. Johnson
Organizer: David Warren Sabean Discussant: Heide Wunder
Bernard Derouet : Dowry: Sharing Inheritance or Exclusion? Timing, Destination, and Contents of Transmission in Late Medieval and Early Modern France
Anke Hufschmidt : Marriage Portion, Dowry, and Personal Money: Marriage and the Transmission
Allan Tulchin : Inheritance and Property Relations in Nimes in the Sixteenth Century

Wednesday 24 March 2004 16:30
X-4 POL03 The History of Stalinism
Network: Chair: André Gerrits
Organizers: - Discussant: André Gerrits
David Priestland : Stalinism, Ideology and Romantic Bolshevism
Andreas Umland : Stalinism as a Right-Wing Ideology
Erik Van Ree : On whose shoulders did Stalin stand? Radical Nationalism of the Radical Left, 1789-1917

Thursday 25 March 2004 8:30
X-5 SEX04 Race, Colonisation and Eros
Network: Sexuality Chair: Lesley Hall
Organizers: - Discussant: Geertje Mak
Vanesa Casanova-Fernandez : Modern responses to lesbians in the Arab-Muslim North North American diaspora: from on-line fatawi to Bint al-Nas
Sabya Sachi Raman Mishra : Contending Incontinence: 'Virile' soldier and 'dangerous' women in colonial India
Pramod Kumar Srivastava : 'Dustoor' in the Lines: The Sexual Morality, Sex Ratio and Extra-Traditionality in the Indian Indenture Community of Fiji (1879-1919)

Thursday 25 March 2004 10:45
X-6 REL02 Religious movements in Eastern Europe in the 19th and 20th century
Network: Religion Chair: Wilhelm Damberg
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Olgierd Kiec : Religious Minorities in Poland in the XXth Century
Irina Novichenko : Christian Organizations in Russia, in the end of the 19th - in the beginning of the 20th cent.
Svetlana M. Tchervonnaia : The Neo-Paganism in the Consciousness, Culture and Art of the Peoples of Ugrian-Finnish Area of Russia

Thursday 25 March 2004 14:15
X-7 ORA07 Roundtable: What does Oral History add to War Memories
Network: Oral History Chair: Selma Leydesdorff
Organizers: - Discussants: Nanci Adler, Gerhard Botz, Frank Stern, Alexander Von Plato

Friday 26 March 2004 8:30
X-9 POL07 State Policy, Media and Education in Sweden
Network: Chair: Bengt Sandin
Organizers: - Discussant: Lars Trägårdh
Thomas Dahl : In the best interest of the child. State policy meets civil society
Patrik Lantto : The last colonial authority of Sweden? The Lapp Administration and the Sami, 1885-1971
Anne-Li Lindgren : State Policy and Educational Television in Sweden 1970-2000. Representations of childhood, parenthood and child care
Maija Runcis : Education of immigrants in Sweden through radio- and television programs

Friday 26 March 2004 10:45
X-10 POL05 Strategies of remembrance and reconciliation
Networks: Latin America , Chair: Daryle Williams
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Eliza Ablovatski : Why I Joined the Red Army: The Problems of Post-revolutionary Justice in Munich and Budapest, 1919
Delia Alexandru : Post-totalitarianism and the Promise of 'Living within the Truth'
Jennifer Burrell : Contentious History and Community Conflicts: Disputing the Past on Contemporary Terrain in Post-Peace Accords Guatemala
Lessie Jo Frazier : Memory and Solidarity: German documentary filmmakers and Chilean ex-political prisoners

Friday 26 March 2004 14.15
X-11 POL10 Transitional Politics I: Post crisis politics in Early Modern Europe
Network: Chair: Ido de Haan
Organizers: - Discussant: Ido de Haan
Jonathan Scott : James Harrington's prescription for healing and settling
Freya Sierhuis : Authority and obedience in Dutch political thought, 1580-1620
Martin Van Gelderen : After the Armada: Conscience, Church and State in England and Holland, 1585-1645

Friday 26 March 2004 16.30
X-12 POL06 Transitional Politics II: Restoration politics in Europe around 1815
Network: Chair: Ido de Haan
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Annelien De Dijn : Monarchy: key concept of the Restoration period
Matthijs Lok : Government bureaucracies and the quest for stability in Restoration France and the Netherlands (1813-1830)
Darrin Mcmahon : 'Vive le Roi Quand Même'. Ultra Rhetoric and the Undoing of the Bourbon Restoration from the Right
Anders Sundin : Peace and stability - the culture of the new regime in Sweden 1809

Saturday 27 March 2004 8:30
X-13 POL09 Patterns and perceptions of party formation in Europe
Network: Chair: Dylan Riley
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Federigo Argentieri : European party patterns and Berlusconi's Italy
Filiz Baskan : Turkey's Ultra-Right-Wing Nationalist Action Party: Continuity or Change?
Aebischer Sylvie : Left and right still alive : a founding element of political perceptions
Andrew Thorpe : Engaging youth in politics: British political parties and young people, 1940-50

Saturday 27 March 2004 10:45
X-14 RUR07 Weapons of the Weak. Everyday forms of peasant resistance
Network: Rural Chair: Miguel Cabo Villaverde
Organizers: - Discussant: Miguel Cabo Villaverde
Ana Cabana Iglesia : Everyday Resistence of the Spanish Peasantry to Francoism in the 40's. The Rural Galicia Case.
Rosa Congost, Gabriel Jover : The Mauvais gre an everyday form of resistance of preindustrial Catalonia
Antonio Linares : Privatisation and Forest Planning: Social Resistance to Changes in Property Rights in Spain (1850-1936)
Eija Stark : Folk ideas regarding rural poverty in the agrarian north

Saturday 27 March 2004 14:15
X-15 POL15 Comparative perspectives on political development and state formation
Network: Chair: Ido de Haan
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Anula A.S. Attanayake : Social History as the Dynamic of State Power: Comparative Analysis on Europe and South Asia
Christoph Boyer : The GDR, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary: Socialist development paths in comparative perspective.
Mathieu Denis : For that system, many men, many pennies - the politics of German trade unions in the unification, 1989-1990
Matthieu Leimgruber : Business Power and the Divided Welfare State: Switzerland and the United States in Comparative Perspective

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