Preliminary Programme

Showing: Theory (all days)
Tue 26 February

Wed 27 February

Thu 28 February

Fri 29 February

Sat 1 March

All days
Tuesday 26 February 2008 14.15
T-1 THE07 Ways of Constructing the Other in Norway - past and present
Room 9
Network: Theory Chair: Claudia Lenz
Organizers: - Discussant: Claudia Lenz
Cora Alexa Døving : when your group becomes your destiny - stereotypes and identity politics
Øivind Kopperud : “He didn’t mean to harm any good Norwegian” – the acquittal of Knut Rød, one of the organisers of the Norwegian Jew’s deportation to Auschwitz
Irene Levin : Norwegian Jews being "the others" of the Nation?

Tuesday 26 February 2008 16.30
W-2 THE01 The Writing of National Histories in 19th and 20th Century Europe
Room 2.12
Network: Theory Chair: Matthias Middell
Organizers: - Discussant: Matthias Middell
Stefan Berger, Christoph Conrad : National Historical Cultures in Comparative Perspective: An Outline
Chris Lorenz, Stefan Berger : Nation and Society: Ethnicity, Race, Class, Religion and Gender
Andrew Mycock : Education, identity and empire? History teaching in multi-national post-imperial Britain
Ilaria Porciani, Jo Tollebeek : The Instiitutionalisation and Professionalisation of Historical Writing

Wednesday 27 February 2008 8.30
X-3 THE05 Historicism in Interwar Europe
Room 2.13
Network: Theory Chair: Franz Leander Fillafer
Organizers: - Discussant: Franz Leander Fillafer
Reinbert Krol : “In Favour of History”: Friedrich Meinecke as a Guide Through the Crisis of Historicism
Herman Paul : “The Dangers of Sectarian Hubris”: Historicist Thought, Religious Philosophy, and the Quest for Rational Discourse, 1926-1939
Friedrich von Petersdorff : Historicism and Relationism: Karl Mannheim's Critique of Historicism

Wednesday 27 February 2008 14.15
L-5 LAT05 Political Representations of the Recent Past. Some Debates in Latin America
Room 5.1
Networks: Latin America , Oral History , Theory Chair: Michiel Baud
Organizers: - Discussant: Michiel Baud
Eugenia Allier Montaño : Political appropriations of the past. The recent past in the nomenclature of Montevideo, Uruguay (1985-2004)
Silvia Dutrénit : Views on the Uruguay Peace Commission
María Inés Mudrovcic : Historical Representation and Sacred Memory
Nora Rabotnikof : Between Mith and Memory: the continuity of political experience

Thursday 28 February 2008 8.30
E-7 THE03 Critical Historiography of International History I
Cave E
Networks: Theory , World History Chair: Oliver Daddow
Organizers: - Discussant: Oliver Daddow
Mario Del Pero : Between Long Peaces and Cold Wars. The Historiography of John Lewis Gaddis
Patrick Finney : Hayden White and the Tragedy of International History
Stephan Petzold : The origins of the First World War as a discursive puzzle
Dominic Sachsenmaier : Challenges to International History

Thursday 28 February 2008 10.45
E-8 WOR04 Critical Historiography of International History II
Cave E
Networks: Theory , World History Chair: David Lindenfeld
Organizers: - Discussant: David Lindenfeld
Cedric Beidatsch : The Political Praxis of Immanuel Wallerstein. A Case Study in Marx’s Eleventh Thesis on Feuerbach.
Ingo Heidbrink : Inter- and multidisciplinary approaches to maritime history
Christopher Lloyd : Global Wars of Capitalism Since the 16th Century and the "End of World History": Historical Stages, Progressive Teleologies, and Social Transformations Revisited

R-8 THE08 The Human Sciences between Universalism and Contextualism
Amphitheater 4
Network: Theory Chair: Richard Vann
Organizers: - Discussant: Richard Vann
Nina Baur : Locating Patterns of Social Change in Time, Space, Action Sphere and on Action Level
Thomas Louis Benjamin, Kevin Nehil : Truth or Consequences: Early Modern American Ethnographies and the Perils of Postmodernism and Postcolonialism
Manuela Ciotti : The ‘western anthropologist’ unbound: local identities, scholarly selves and global knowledge production
Antoon De Baets : How the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Determines the Work of Historians
Aviezer Tucker : Anachronism, Retrospection and Evidence

Thursday 28 February 2008 16.30
W-10 NMTHE Network meeting: Theory and Historiography
Room 2.12
Network: Theory Chairs: -
Organizers: - Discussants: -

Friday 29 February 2008 14.15
R-13 THE04 Is History a Discipline Anymore
Amphitheater 4
Network: Theory Chair: Mark Mason
Organizers: - Discussant: Thomas Welskopp
Martin Davies : The Science of Vicious Assumptions
David Harlan : Why the History Department will come to look more and more like the English Department
Keith Jenkins : The Past as History: Disobedient Histories
Alun Munslow : The Past-as-History

Friday 29 February 2008 16.30
R-14 THE10 Unity and Diversity in Historical Writing
Amphitheater 4
Network: Theory Chair: Stefan Berger
Organizers: - Discussant: Wulf Kansteiner
Georg Christoph Berger Waldenegg : I can’t remember very much!’ Historiography and the Problem of Memory
Allan Smith : Understanding Particularist Persistence in Transcultural Contact Fields:
Dennis Smith : Humiliation and Social Theory

Saturday 1 March 2008 8.30
L-15 THE06 History and Trauma
Room 5.1
Network: Theory Chair: Chris Lorenz
Organizers: - Discussant: Wulf Kansteiner
Berber Bevernage : Truth commissions, history and historical injustice: on the haunting past.
Lore Colaert : Historical consciousness in response to genocide and civil war in Rwanda.
Cecilia Macon : Posthistory, trauma and the role of transitional historical meaning

Saturday 1 March 2008 10.45
P-16 THE02 Transnational Images at Work in National Museums
Room 8.1
Network: Theory Chair: Stefan Berger
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Peter Aronsson : Comparing National Museums in Europe
Rhiannon Mason : Defining the Nation: The Creation of the National Museum of Wales
Andrew Newby, Linda Andersson Burnett : Celts or Vikings? The battle for Scottish identity in the National Museum of Scotland, c 1860-1900.

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