Preliminary Programme

Showing: room H (all days)
Tue 13 April

Wed 14 April

Thu 15 April

Fri 16 April

All days
Tuesday 13 April 2010 8.30
H-1 LAB10 Working for the film and tv industry part I (double session)
Hortazaal, Pauli
Network: Labour Chairs: -
Organizer: Andrew Dawson Discussants: -
Andrew Dawson : ’Flexible Specialisation’ and New Hollywood: Time for a Paradigm Shift?
Olof Hedling : New Creative Cities in Scandinavia? Or, is the European Creative Class too Underprivileged, Undercompensated and Reluctant to Leave their Urban Backgrounds to Contribute to Regional Regeneration?
Sean Holmes : No Room for Manoeuvre: Star Images and the Regulation of Actors’ Labour in Silent-Era Hollywood
Ikechukwu Obiaya : Behind the Scenes: The Hidden Face of Nollywood
Katrien Pype : Fathers, Patrons and Clients: Social and Economic Aspects in the Production of Television Drama in Post-Mobutu Kinshasa
Alison Smith : A Place Behind the Camera: Women Working as Cinematographers in France
Clare Wilkinson-Weber : Making Faces: Competition and Change in the Production of Bollywood Film Star Looks.

Tuesday 13 April 2010 10.45
H-2 LB10B LAB10B: Working for the film and tv industry part II (double session)
Hortazaal, Pauli
Network: Labour Chair: Aad Blok
Organizer: Andrew Dawson Discussants: -

Tuesday 13 April 2010 14.15
H-3 HIS03 Economy 1: Transport, Economy and GIS
Hortazaal, Pauli
Networks: , Technology Chair: Ian Gregory
Organizers: - Discussant: Ian Gregory
Sedef Akgungor, Yaprak Gulcan & Vahap Tecim : A GIS Approach for the Analysis of Regional Development Effects of the Road Network in Turkey
Ana Alcântara, Nuno Miguel Lima : Regional patterns of attractiveness and accessibility to railways in Portugal (1890-1930)
Yesim Kustepeli, Ian Gregory : Railroads, Population Growth and Economic Development: A Comparative
Luis Silveira, Daniel Alves : The Construction of the Modern Transport Network and Regional Population Distribution in Portugal (1801-1940)

Tuesday 13 April 2010 16.30
H-4 TEC04 Economy 2: Railways, Agricultural Development and Urbanization in Britain, France and Spain, 1840-1970
Hortazaal, Pauli
Networks: , Technology Chair: Anne Mccants
Organizers: - Discussant: Anne Mccants
Ian Gregory : Where Can I Get the Train? Accessibility to Railway Transport in Great Britain, 1840-1950
Laia Mojica Gasol : Measuring the impact of railways on urbanization through GIS: a case study of the Iberian Peninsula and France.
Robert Schwartz, Ian Gregory : Railways and Agrarian Change in Rural Britain and France, 1850-1914
Thomas Thevenin, Arnaud Banos : Exploring space and time dimensions of agriculture and population change in France, 1830 to1930

Wednesday 14 April 2010 8.30
H-5 HIS04 Economy 3: The Rural Economy and Society: GIS Approaches
Hortazaal, Pauli
Networks: , Chair: Robert Schwartz
Organizers: - Discussant: Robert Schwartz
A. Stewart Fotheringham, Mary Kelly : Spatial Variations in Population Dynamics: A GIScience and GWR Perspective using a Case Study of Ireland 1841-1851
Mary Kelly, A. Stewart Fotheringham : Spatial Variations in Population Dynamics: A GIScience and GWR Perspective using a Case Study of Ireland 1841-1851
Merijn Knibbe : Using GIS to Pinpoint Differences between Agricultural Areas
George Vascik : Marschbauern, Landarbeitern, and Nazis: A spatial and statistical analysis of the impact of the unionization of the rural proletariat in northwest Germany, 1918-1930

Wednesday 14 April 2010 10.45
H-6 ELI11 When Elites Dream of Empires
Hortazaal, Pauli
Network: Elites and forerunners Chair: João Marcelo Ehlert Maia
Organizers: - Discussant: João Marcelo Ehlert Maia
Ewa Kociszewska : The dream of a French Empire of Henry de Valois, King of Poland (1573)
José Antonio Sánchez-Román : Henri Coudreau and the dream of a French Empire in the Amazon

Wednesday 14 April 2010 14.15
H-7 SEX05 Sex and violence
Hortazaal, Pauli
Network: Sexuality Chair: Julie Gammon
Organizers: - Discussant: Julie Gammon
Kim Herburt : Sadomasochism in swedish discourse: A story of abuse, rape and sex murders
Brett Shadle : Sexual Violence in Kenyan Courts, 1963-2008
Svein Atle Skålevåg, Dag Stenvoll : The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Representations of Buyers and Sellers of Sex in the Norwegian Criminal Law Debates, 1890s and 2000s

Wednesday 14 April 2010 16.30
H-8 NET07 Networkmeeting Elites
Hortazaal, Pauli
Network: Chairs: -
Organizers: - Discussants: -

Thursday 15 April 2010 8.30
H-9 HIS07 Urban GIS 1: North America 1
Hortazaal, Pauli
Networks: , , Urban Chair: Don Debats
Organizers: - Discussant: Don Debats
Gergely Baics : Mapping Household Provisioning, New York City, 1790-1860
François Dufaux, Sherry Olson : The house that Jack built, and rebuilt, in Montreal
Deryck Holdsworth, Susan W. Friedman : Hospitality at Central House in Farmington, New Hampshire: accommodating the shoe industry at the onset of the Great Depression
Aaron Raymond : Denny Regrade (1893-2008): Expanding the Historical Narrative through GIS
Robert Sweeny : Making a Market: Property ownership in downtown Montréal during the 19th century

Thursday 15 April 2010 10.45
H-10 HIS08 Urban GIS 2: Europe
Hortazaal, Pauli
Networks: , , Urban Chair: Deryck Holdsworth
Organizers: - Discussant: Deryck Holdsworth
Eva Chodejovska, Jiri Krejci : The GIS of Prague - the first steps
Jean Luc Pinol : To build up an Atlas of Parisians 1780-2008
Erwin Steegen : Mining and labour. A historical GIS for the Euregio Meuse-Rhine

Thursday 15 April 2010 14.15
H-11 HIS09 Urban GIS 3, North America 2
Hortazaal, Pauli
Networks: , , Urban Chair: Aaron Raymond
Organizers: - Discussant: Aaron Raymond
Don Debats : Social and Political Heterogeneity: Discovering and Understanding Spatial Patterns in Two Nineteenth Century American Cities
Don Lafreniere, Jason Gilliland & Sherry Olson & Patrick Dunae & John Lutz : Residential Segregation and the Built Environment in Three Canadian Cities, 1881-1961
Laura Perry : GIS and History – Manufacturing, Memphis, and the Great Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1878
Jan Reiff : New Deal Geographies: Visualizing the WPA City Guides with Hypercities

Thursday 15 April 2010 16.30
H-12 RUR12 Enquiries, Agrarian Interests and Response to Economic Change, c. 1860-1900
Hortazaal, Pauli
Network: Rural Chair: Nadine Vivier
Organizer: Nadine Vivier Discussants: Juan Carmona, James Simpson
Giuliana Biagioli : The "Jacini Enquiry" in Italy, 1877-1885
Daniel Samson : Ontario's 1880 Royal Commission on Agriculture
Anton Schuurman : Enquiries, Agrarian Interests and Response to economic change, c. 1860-1900. The case of the Netherlands
Andras Vari (1953-2011) : The 1879-80 enquiry on agriculture in Hungary

Friday 16 April 2010 8.30
H-13 HIS10 Computational Methods
Hortazaal, Pauli
Network: Chair: Gunnar Thorvaldsen
Organizers: - Discussant: Gunnar Thorvaldsen
Gabriele Franzmann, Jürgen Sensch : The creation of a search-supporting infrastructure for the Historical Social Research - HISTAT (research and download system) as a feature of infrastructural service
Luis Mendes Gomes, Hélia Guerra & Mário Viana : Studying portuguese royal inquiries: past, present and future

Friday 16 April 2010 10.45
H-14 HIS06 Data Resources for Historical Research
Hortazaal, Pauli
Network: Chair: Onno Boonstra
Organizers: - Discussant: Onno Boonstra
Brett Abrams : NARA and the Development of the Geospatial One Stop’s Historical Collections Community
Patrick Manning, Siddharth Chandra : A Historical Gazetteer for Federated Datasets: Steps in the World-Historical Dataverse Project
Robert B. Smith : Why Nazified Germans Killed Jewish People: Insights from Agent-Based Modeling of Genocidal Actions

Friday 16 April 2010 14.15
H-15 HIS12 Historical Research with GIS Data
Hortazaal, Pauli
Network: Chair: Trevor Harris
Organizers: - Discussant: Trevor Harris
Onno Boonstra : GIS, historical data and historical research - the NLGIS example
Alexander Von Lünen : "Small is beautiful" -- towards a Micro-Historical GIS
Torsten Wiedemann, Sven Vrielinck & Eric Vanhaute : Making maps with HISSTAT, the database of local Belgian statistics (1800-1970): a project in progress

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