Preliminary Programme

Showing: room S (all days)
Tue 13 April

Wed 14 April

Thu 15 April

Fri 16 April

All days
Tuesday 13 April 2010 8.30
S-1 CUL13 Inter-Faith Commerce in Medieval and Early Modern Times (I): Culture, Normes and Negotiations
M101, Marissal
Network: Culture Chair: Francesca Trivellato
Organizers: - Discussant: Francesca Trivellato
Yvonne Friedman : Trade as a factor in peace treaties in the Latin East
Leor Halevi : Religion and cross-cultural trade: interdisciplinary reflections
Giuseppe Marcocci : Trade and Commerce with the Muslim World: Moral Limits and Proscriptions in the Portuguese Empire, ca. 1540-1560
David Harris Sacks : The Blessings of Exchange: economic theology and religious accomodation in the making of the English Atlantic world

Tuesday 13 April 2010 14.15
S-3 AFR03 Mapping Africa
M101, Marissal
Network: Africa Chair: Jan-Bart Gewald
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Arthur Hanna Jr. : Rastafari, Repatriation, Reparations, African National Identity and the Concept of Globalization: A Critical Re-evaluation of the PanAfrican Black Star Agenda in the 21st Century
Andrew Macdonald : Mind Maps: Migrant Associations and the Social Meaning of Borders in Southern Africa c.1900- c.1950
Paulo Polanah : Westernity in Africa: Cui Bono?
Ana Roque : Disputing Borders: the case of Mozambique-Tongaland Border (19th-20th century)

Tuesday 13 April 2010 16.30
S-4 THE03 Gender and Conceptualization of Work
M101, Marissal
Network: Theory Chair: Stefan Berger
Organizers: - Discussant: Thomas Welskopp
Kerstin Bornholdt : Gendering sports and physiology: The concept of work in work and sport physiology
Synne Corell : Conceptualizations of work in the writing of national history
Hege Roll-Hansen : The gendering of work in Norwegian official statistics 1865 - 1930

Wednesday 14 April 2010 8.30
S-5 CUL14 The Call of Authenticity
M101, Marissal
Network: Culture Chair: Teemu Sakari Ryymin
Organizers: - Discussant: Teemu Sakari Ryymin
Idesbald Goddeeris : Return to the 19th century? Representations of the Caucasus, 1800-2010
Anne Folke Henningsen : Longing for Authenticity
Leila Koivunen : Constructing Authenticity: Africa in European illustrations and imagination
Søren Rud : Ethno-politics: The re-introduction of “tradition” in Greenland

Wednesday 14 April 2010 10.45
S-6 AFR04 Digitising the Black Diaspora
M101, Marissal
Networks: Africa , Ethnicity and Migration Chair: Dirk Hoerder
Organizers: - Discussant: Dirk Hoerder
Robert Aitken : Making an African Presence Visible: Cameroonians in Germany, 1884-1960
Anne Kuhlmann-Smirnov : Invisibility and Visibility of the Black Diaspora: A Database Project on Blacks in Early Modern German-Speaking Countries
Laura Stapane, Dr. Martin Klimke : The Civil Rights Struggle, African American GIs, and Germany: Digital Archive, Oral History Collection and Research Project

Wednesday 14 April 2010 14.15
S-7 WOM01 How to be a Man. Historical Norms about Masculinity
M101, Marissal
Network: Women and Gender Chair: Maria Bucur
Organizers: - Discussant: Maria Bucur
Thomas Buerman : Convey Catholic manliness in the nineteenth century
Jacobus A. Du Pisani : A closet is meant for clothes. Afrikaans-speaking gays in the 'new' South Africa
Josephine Hoegaerts : Raising their voices: teaching boys to sing like men in the nineteenth century primary school
Naoko Seriu : Male Military Cleanliness in the Age of the Enlightenment
Simona Slanicka : Calvities – a sign for loss of masculinity, hidden vices or a sign for wisdom and chastity?

Wednesday 14 April 2010 16.30
S-8 NET16 Networkmeeting Sexuality and Women & Gender
M101, Marissal
Network: Chairs: -
Organizers: - Discussants: -

Thursday 15 April 2010 8.30
S-9 URB04 Using and Abusing Urban Space
M101, Marissal
Network: Urban Chair: Manon van der Heijden
Organizers: - Discussant: Manon van der Heijden
Fredrik Björk, Ebba Lisberg Jensen, Pernilla Ouis : From City of Industry to City of Consumption: the transformation of urban space in Malmö 1960-2000

Thursday 15 April 2010 10.45
S-10 ASI03 Neoliberalism in South Asia
M101, Marissal
Network: Asia Chair: Ratna Saptari
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Rochana Bajpai : Liberalism in India and Comparative Political Thought: Some Reflections
Ami Shah : Structures of Superfluity: India’s Neoliberal Cityscapes
Nikita Sud : Political illiberalism in an era of economic liberalisation

Thursday 15 April 2010 14.15
S-11 POL20 Historians as Citizens: Political Interventions in the Americas
M101, Marissal
Networks: Elites and forerunners , Latin America , Politics, Citizenship, and Nations Chair: Ido de Haan
Organizer: Margaret Power Discussants: -
Temma Kaplan : Historians as Citizens: Political Interventions in the Americas”
Teresa Meade : Historians and Political Practice: Some Thoughts about the US, Latin America, and Beyond
Margaret Power : Historians and Political Engagement: The Strengths and Challenges of Conducting Research on a Movement with which You Work
Andor Skotnes : Politics, Citizens, and Nation
Barbara Weinstein : Professional Politics: A View from the Presidency of the American Historical Association

Thursday 15 April 2010 16.30
S-12 SEX10 Sexing the Nation: Issues of Sexuality in Migration Societies
M101, Marissal
Networks: Ethnicity and Migration , Sexuality Chair: Eleonore Kofman
Organizer: Irina Schmitt Discussant: Eleonore Kofman
Isabel Crowhurst : Preserving ‘national identity’ and disciplining ‘dangerous sexuality’: the regulation of ‘foreign prostitution’ in contemporary Italy
Jana Häberlein : Culturalisations of gender and sexuality in the migration society of Switzerland
Irina Schmitt : Surprisingly exclusive? Non-heteronormativity in school policies in Sweden, Germany and Canada
Ilgin Yorukoglu : Out in Kreuzberg: Queer Turkish Immigrant Women in Germany

Friday 16 April 2010 8.30
S-13 SEX09 Sexual Perversity from Early Modernity to Modernity
M101, Marissal
Network: Sexuality Chair: Lessie Jo Frazier
Organizers: - Discussant: Lessie Jo Frazier
Marianna Muravyeva : How perverse is perverse: sex with birds in 18th century Europe.
Julie Peakman : Naming and Shaming of Sexually Perverse Behaviour in C18th Print Culture
Sarah Toulalan : Child sexual abuse and paedophilia in early modern England

Friday 16 April 2010 10.45
S-14 REL09 The Muse of Mysticism. Transforming & Recycling Catholicism, 1900-1950 II
M101, Marissal
Network: Religion Chair: Rajesh Heynickx
Organizers: - Discussant: Rajesh Heynickx
Agnès Desmazières : Psychology against Medicine ? Mysticism in the Light of Scientific Apologetics
Evert Peeters : Burning Bodies. Performing Mysticism in Catholic Medicine
Pieter Verstraeten : The Mystical and the Literary. Meanings and Functions of Catholic Mysticism in Flemish Interwar Literature and Literary Criticism

Friday 16 April 2010 14.15
S-15 WOM04 Gender Regimes under Communism
M101, Marissal
Network: Women and Gender Chair: Ildikó Asztalos Morell
Organizers: - Discussant: Ildikó Asztalos Morell
Milica Antić Gaber, Sara Rožman & Irena Selisnik : Gender and everyday life in Socialist Slovenia
Yulia Gradskova : Childcare in Soviet Russia – expert discourses on preschool education and parents’ memories on kindergarten
Georgeta Nazarska : Muslim Women and Women’s Movement in Bulgaria (the 1940s-1970s): Emancipation, Modernization, Assimilation
Stefan Wiederkehr : “… if Jarmila Kratochvilova is the future of women’s sports, I’m not sure I’m ready for it.” Sport, Gender Verification, and the Cold War

Friday 16 April 2010 16.30
S-16 WOM12 Gender and Citizenship in Post-1945 Europe
M101, Marissal
Network: Women and Gender Chair: Pat Thane
Organizers: - Discussant: Francisca De Haan
Maria Bucur : The Everyday Experience of Women’s Emancipation in Romania in the Twentieth Century and Beyond
Elisabeth Elgán : Mothers' right to work. Swedish feminism in the 1970's
Riikka Taavetti : Between Socialism and Feminism: The Case of Marxist-Feministerna in Finland, 1974-1978

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