Preliminary Programme

Showing: room R (all days)
Wed 23 April
    8.30 - 10.30
    11.00 - 13.00
    14.00 - 16.00
    16.30 - 18.30

Thu 24 April
    8.30 - 10.30
    11.00 - 13.00
    14.00 - 16.00
    16.30 - 17.30

Fri 25 April
    8.30 - 10.30
    11.00 - 13.00
    14.00 - 16.00
    16.30 - 18.30

Sat 26 April
    8.30 - 10.30
    11.00 - 13.00
    14.00 - 16.00
    16.30 - 18.30

All days
Wednesday 23 April 2014 8.30 - 10.30
R-1 ELI03 Aristocracy, Literature and Film: Images, Fields and Practices of Aristocrats in 20th Century Europe
Hörsaal 42 second floor
Network: Elites and forerunners Chair: Marja Vuorinen
Organizer: Yme Kuiper Discussant: Marja Vuorinen
Yme Kuiper : The Fame of a Masterwork. Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa's The Leopard as Research Paradigm for Elite Studies
Maria Malatesta : A Noble in Search of Nobility. The Aristocratic World in the Films, Scripts, Writings by Luchino Visconti
Giacomo Manzoli : The Aristocratic Imprinting of Italian Cinema and its Influence on Contemporary Italian Filmakers during the Second Half of the 20th Century: from Rossellini to Garrone
Michael Seelig : Remembering a Noble World Now Lost: Collective Memory in the Autobiographies of Nobles in the Weimar Republic
Daniel Thiel : Semantics of Aristocracy in Novels of the Weimar Republic

Wednesday 23 April 2014 11.00 - 13.00
R-2 ELI07 Parliamentary Elites in Central and South-Eastern Europe before the Great War
Hörsaal 42 second floor
Networks: Elites and forerunners , Politics, Citizenship, and Nations Chair: Victor Karady
Organizers: Silvia Marton, Judit Pál Discussant: Victor Karady
Franz Adlgasser : The Austrian Parliament before 1918: A Multinational Political Elite in Transition
András Cieger : „Living off politics” Elite Careers between Professionalism and Popularity
Silvia Marton : Becoming Political Professionals. Members of Parliament in Romania (1866-1914)
Judit Pál, Vlad Popovici : Generation Shifts within the Parliamentary Elite from Eastern Hungary and Transylvania (1867-1918)

Wednesday 23 April 2014 14.00 - 16.00
R-3 ELI01a A Taste for Luxury in Sweden, Finland and Russia, c. 1750–1850 – Luxury and National Taste I
Hörsaal 42 second floor
Networks: Elites and forerunners , Material and Consumer Culture Chair: Johanna Ilmakunnas
Organizers: Ulla Ijäs, Johanna Ilmakunnas Discussant: Jon Stobart
Ulla Ijäs : The Mania of Copying the Luxury of St. Petersburg in the Late 18th and Early 19th Century Vyborg, Russia/Finland
Sofia Murhem, Göran Ulväng : To Buy a Plate. Retail and Shopping for Porcelain and Faience in Stockholm during the 18th Century
Marie Steinrud : To Bring Delight to a Nose: The Swedish Ironmasters and their Network of Commissioners
Lauri Suurmaa, Raimo Pullat : Probate Inventories as Sources for the Study of the History of Luxury in Estonian Towns in the Early Modern Period (18th Century)

Wednesday 23 April 2014 16.30 - 18.30
R-4 ELI01b A Taste for Luxury in France, Spain and Britain, c. 1750–1900 – Luxury and National Taste II
Hörsaal 42 second floor
Networks: Elites and forerunners , Material and Consumer Culture Chair: Ulla Ijäs
Organizers: Johanna Ilmakunnas, Jon Stobart Discussant: Henrika Tandefelt
Kerry Bristol : A Tale of Two Sales: Sir Rowland Winn and No.11 St James’s Square, London, 1766-1785
Natacha Coquery : Luxury Goods beyond Boundaries. The Parisian Market during the French Revolution
Nadia Fernandez de Pinedo, Corinne Thépaut- Cabasse : A taste for French style in the Bourbon Spain: eating, drinking and clothing in Madrid (1740’s)
Johanna Ilmakunnas : ‘Luxury of Needlework. Elite Women, Material Culture and Handicrafts in French Eighteenth-century Paintings
Jon Stobart : ‘A Very English Affair? Furnishing the Hanoverian English Country House’

Thursday 24 April 2014 8.30 - 10.30
R-5 ELI04a Education and Elite Formation: Comparative and Transnational Perspective I
Hörsaal 42 second floor
Network: Elites and forerunners Chair: Petter Sandgren
Organizer: Petter Sandgren Discussant: Robert Anderson
Caroline Bertron : Transnational History of the Student Population in Swiss Boarding-schools
Esbjörn Larsson : Total Karlberg: The Swedish Royal War Academy as a Total Institution during the 1800s
Ciaran O'Neill : Ritual, Authority, and Autonomy: Comparing the Boarding School Experience in Present-day Switzerland with Nineteenth-century Britain and Ireland

Thursday 24 April 2014 11.00 - 13.00
R-6 ELI04b Education and Elite Formation: Comparative and Transnational Perspective II
Hörsaal 42 second floor
Network: Elites and forerunners Chair: Robert Anderson
Organizer: Petter Sandgren Discussant: Robert Anderson
Leila Angod : A Historiography of Humanitarianism at Elite Canadian Private Schools
Adam Howard : Negotiating Privilege within Shifting Economic, Cultural, and Social Landscapes: Educating Elites in the New Economy
Jane Kenway, Debbie Epstein & Aaron Koh : Histories making Geographies: a Temporal and Spatial Analytic of Two Elite Boarding Schools in Singapore and South Africa
Petter Sandgren : Emulating Eton: The English Public School as a Transnational Phenomenon

Thursday 24 April 2014 14.00 - 16.00
R-7 ELI08 Social Ties and Political Representation in Urban Contexts in Late Middle and Early Modern Ages
Hörsaal 42 second floor
Network: Elites and forerunners Chair: María Asenjo-González
Organizers: María Asenjo-González, María Ángeles Martín Romera Discussant: Jelle Haemers
David Alonso-Garcia : Who Represented What? The Castilian Parliament Deputation and Tax System during XVIth Century
Ludolf Pelizaeus : Rebellion and Representation: the Example of Villigen and Jaén at the beginning of XVIth
Sean Perrone : The Assembly of the Clergy and Political Representation in Sixteenth-Century Castile
Fabrizio Titone : Late Medieval Sicily: Patterns of Representation

Thursday 24 April 2014 16.30 - 17.30
R-8 SPA00 Network meeting Spatial and Digital History
Hörsaal 42 second floor
Network: Chairs: -
Organizers: - Discussants: -

Friday 25 April 2014 8.30 - 10.30
R-9 ELI11 Elite Positions across Time: Prosopgraphic and Generational Approaches
Hörsaal 42 second floor
Network: Elites and forerunners Chair: Antti Häkkinen
Organizers: - Discussant: Antti Häkkinen
Miguel Artola Blanco : Madrid Private Bankers: The Social Profile of a Discrete Elite (1900-1939)
Laurence Brockliss, Michael Moss : The Old and New Professions in 19th Century Britain
Nuno Severiano Teixeira, Isabel Alcario : Who is the Portuguese Foreign Minister? 1890-2010 - The Study of an Elite
Frederik Verleden, Emmanuel Gerard : Representatives and Senators in Belgium 1831-2013: the Transformation of a Parliamentary Elite

Friday 25 April 2014 11.00 - 13.00
R-10 ELI12 Local Administration as Mediators between the Populace and the Central Power
Hörsaal 42 second floor
Network: Elites and forerunners Chair: Louise Berglund
Organizers: - Discussant: Nathanaelle Minard
Marius Eppel : From the National Politics to the Governmental One. The Metamorphosis of a Controversial Political Personality from Transylvania: Vasile Mangra (1875-1918)
Michael Nobel Jakobsen : "Peasant Bailiffs" - the Administrative Elite of Rural Denmark in the First Half of the 17th Century
Sergey Valentinovich Lyubichankovskiy : Provincial Officials as Part of Ruling Elite of the Russian Empire: Influence of their Sociocultural Characteristics on their Efficiency (the Second Half of XIX – the Beginning of XX Cent.)
Fernanda Olival, Ana Isabel López-Salazar : Social mobility in Portugal in the Early Modern times: the Inquisition and the “intermediate groups”
Alexandru Onojescu : Bureaucracy as an Interest-group. The Case of the Romanian High Civil-Servants from Transylvania between 1861-1867

Friday 25 April 2014 14.00 - 16.00
R-11 ELI13 Keeping Foes at Bay: Military and Political Activism at Home and Abroad
Hörsaal 42 second floor
Network: Elites and forerunners Chair: Konstantinos Raptis
Organizers: - Discussant: Marja Vuorinen
Anne Hedén : Swedish Military Activism in Finland in 1918
Xenia Marinou : Greek Fighters in the Paris Commune (1871)
Clemens Pfeffer : Anticolonial Resistance in the Weimar Republic, 1919-1933

Friday 25 April 2014 16.30 - 18.30
R-12 ELI14 Old Elites under New Regime
Hörsaal 42 second floor
Network: Elites and forerunners Chair: Franz Adlgasser
Organizers: - Discussant: Miguel Artola Blanco
Per Bolin : Creating a New and National Academic Elite: Recruitment Strategies at the University of Latvia, 1919-1939
Antonino Crisa : Politicians, Custodians and Workers: a Complex ‘Archaeological’ Society in Late Nineteenth-century Sicily
José Miguel Hernández : Strategies against Distinction: Nobility under Spanish Second Republic
Niels Matheve : ‘A Time of Chaos and Vox Populi: Simple Truth or Just a Myth?’ Analysis of the Democratization and Political Instability in Interwar Belgium

Saturday 26 April 2014 8.30 - 10.30
R-13 TEC02 Meet the author session: Two books on Energy, Economy and European History
Hörsaal 42 second floor
Networks: Economic History , Technology Chair: Alessandro Nuvolari
Organizers: - Discussant: Alessandro Nuvolari
Astrid Kander : Kander, Malanima & Warde, Power to the People. Energy in Europe over the Last Five Centuries. Princeton University Press, 2014
Eric van der Vleuten : Högselius, Hommels, Kaijser & vd Vleuten, eds. The Making of Europe's Critical Infrastructure. Common Connections and Shared Vulnerabilities. Palgrave Macmillan, 2013

Saturday 26 April 2014 11.00 - 13.00
R-14 ELI16 Nationalist Elites (Re)defining the Nation
Hörsaal 42 second floor
Network: Elites and forerunners Chair: Marja Vuorinen
Organizers: - Discussant: Per Bolin
Constantin Barbulescu : The Two Faces of Ianus – The Peasant between the Savage and the Good Romanian
Olli Kleemola : The Propaganda Troops as a Military-politic Elite in Finland and National Socialist Germany in the Second World War
Nathanaelle Minard : Shaping the National Landscape in Imperial Context. A Comparison of Russian and Finnish Viewpoints on Finland’s Nature in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century
Katalin Somlai : Ruptures, Silences and Permanencies

Saturday 26 April 2014 14.00 - 16.00
R-15 ELI17 Marriage as Politics, or for Love?
Hörsaal 42 second floor
Network: Elites and forerunners Chair: Marja Vuorinen
Organizers: - Discussant: Elaine Chalus
Louise Berglund : Late Medieval Transnational Queendoms in Scandinavia: Rulership and Gender in the cases of Blanche of Namur, Margareta of Denmark and Philippa of Lancaster, c. 1335-1430.
Shunsuke Nakaoka : For Exchanging Status and Money? Marriage Alliance between the Nobility and the Business Elite in Modern Japan
Brita Planck : Love and Marriage in the Swedish Nobility 1750-1900

Saturday 26 April 2014 16.30 - 18.30
R-16 ELI18 The Dynamics of Rising and Falling
Hörsaal 42 second floor
Network: Elites and forerunners Chair: Marja Vuorinen
Organizers: - Discussant: Marja Vuorinen
Julia Dahlberg : From Economic Patriotism to Nationalist Separatism. Civic Values in a Rising Elite Family under Sweden, Russia and Finland 1700–1920
Jarkko Keskinen : The Downfall of Communalism – Emergence of the New Merchant Elite in the Beginning of the 19th Century
Huibert Schijf : The Dynamics of Jewish High Society in Amsterdam and Vienna, 1850-1918
Alex Snellman : A Graceful Retreat: The Nobility in the Finnish Society 1809-1939

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