Preliminary Programme

Showing: room C (all days)
Wed 22 March

Thu 23 March

Fri 24 March

Sat 25 March

All days
Wednesday 22 March 2006 10:45
C-2 CUL17 Audiovisual representation of war I
Room C
Network: Culture Chair: Jose Garcia Aviles
Organizers: - Discussant: Jose Garcia Aviles
Fátima Gil : The image of Spanish women in the pro-Franco non-fiction film during the Civil War
Maria Antonia Paz Rebollo : Information as Show: Pre-Iraq War on Spanish TV
Araceli Rodríguez Mateos : The representation of war in the Spanish newsreel NO-DO
María Ulled : Watching War. Irak’s War Photographies on spanish newspapers

Wednesday 22 March 2006 14:15
C-3 FAM35 Children mortality in European Institutions
Room C
Networks: Education and Childhood , Family and Demography Chair: Kirsi Warpula
Organizers: Diego Ramiro-Fariñas, Kirsi Warpula Discussants: -
Carlo Corsini : Infant abandonment in Florence, 1840-1842
Vicente Pérez-Moreda : "How many foundlings were abandoned in Spain?"
Diego Ramiro-Fariñas : Childhood mortality and foundlings in Madrid, 1900-1930.

Wednesday 22 March 2006 16:30
C-4 ETH23 Gender and Migration IV
Room C
Network: Ethnicity and Migration Chair: Margo Anderson
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Michelle Small : The Feminization of Migration and Labour Market Segmentation
Nikolina Sretenova : Female Scientists on the Move: Catching up Societies in Transition
Lambrini Styliou : The Albanian Family: Negotiating gendered ideologies and practices

Thursday 23 March 2006 8:30
C-5 HEA09 Health in the Middle East
Room C
Network: Health and Environment Chair: Iris Borowy
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Kenneth Collins : Britons, Arabs and Jews: Three Approaches to Trachoma in British Palestine: 1918-1948.
Miri Shefer-Mossensohn : Medicine between the Universal and the Cultural -- The Ottoman Case
Sachlav Stoler-Liss, Shifra Shvarts : “Does Mother Works for Tnuva Dairy?”: Breastfeeding, National Ideology, Public Health Nurses and the Mass Immigration to Israel during the 1950's
Patrick Zylberman : Coping with a weak state. The Ottoman Empire, cholera and the Muslim Pilgrimage

Thursday 23 March 2006 10:45
C-6 CUL07 Domestic interiors and the influence of social class, migration experiences and ethnicity
Room C
Network: Culture Chair: Hester Dibbits
Organizer: Hester Dibbits Discussant: Adam Drazin
Julie A. Botticello : Lagos in London: making a home in the diaspora
Alison Clarke, Ozlem Savas : Taste Diasporas and the Relocated Interior
Michael Mcmillan : The "West Indian" Front Room in the African Diaspora
Hilje van der Horst, Daphne Duin : Constructing identities in the home environment

Thursday 23 March 2006 14:15
C-7 FAM16 Migration and demographic impact
Room C
Network: Family and Demography Chair: Cristiana Viegas De Andrade
Organizer: Cristiana Viegas De Andrade Discussant: Cristiana Viegas De Andrade
Tarcisio Botelho : Immigration and family demography within urbanization contexts, Belo Horizonte (MG, Brazil), 1890-1940
Maude Letendre, Louis Houde & Hélène Vezina & Marc Tremblay : Demographic and genetic impact of Irish settlement in Quebec (Canada) : Evidence from deep-rooted genealogies.
Rui Maia : Migrants and natural in urban way: differentiated behaviours of the marriage and the reproduction
Mary Louise Nagata, Kiyoshi Hamano : Mortality in Early Modern Kyoto: mortality in a mobile population

Friday 24 March 2006 8:30
C-9 SOC05 Microfinances, Poor Law and Urban Sustainability, 19th-20th centuries
Room C
Network: Social Inequality Chair: Anne Mccants
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Paola Avallone, Raffaella Salvemini : The middle class against poverty. Legislative interventions and credit institutions in the Kingdom of Naples in the first half of 19th century.
Montserrat Carbonell Esteller : Microfinance and Poor Laws in an urban Mediterranean context. The case of Barcelona in the XIX century
Duncan Ross : Poverty and Individualism: Savings Banks as Capitalist Institutions
Sakari Saaritsa : Credit, welfare and sustainable proletarianization: Microeconometrics of the urban family economy in early 20th century Helsinki

Friday 24 March 2006 10:45
C-10 SEX06 Homosexuality in France since 1945
Room C
Network: Sexuality Chair: Judith Schuyf
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Philippe Chassaigne : The Road to Le Marais : Gay Paris from Secrecy to Visibility in the 20th Century
Eric Fassin : Marriage Matters: The inversion of the homosexual question.
Julian Jackson : Homophile Politics in France 1954-1982
Michael Sibalis : Changing Public Attitudes Toward Homosexuality in Post-1945 France

Friday 24 March 2006 14:15
C-11 FAM18 Marriage and remarriage in Eurasian perspective
Room C
Network: Family and Demography Chair: Tommy Bengtsson
Organizer: Satomi Kurosu Discussant: Jan Kok
George Alter, Cameron Campbell & Renzo Derosas : Household context and the timing of first marriage in Eurasian comparative
Satomi Kurosu, Marco Breschi & Christer Lundh : Economic and Household Factors of Remarriage in Eurasian Perspective
Matteo Manfredini, Martin Dribe & Michel Oris : Marriage and migration in Eurasia

Friday 24 March 2006 16:30
C-12 WOM16 Roundtable: Gender and the Politics of Representation
Room C
Network: Women and Gender Chair: Allaine Cerwonka
Organizers: - Discussant: Allaine Cerwonka
Carlota Coronado Ruiz : Italian women representation during war time: The Luce film news programs (1940-1945)
Joan E. Greer : Untying the Bonds in Late Nineteenth-Century Print Culture: a Male Artist's Radical Visual Language in an Early Feminest Periodical
Elizabeth Menon : Evil by Design: The Creation and Marketing of the Femme-Fatale in 19th-century France
Aurora Morcillo : Body Politics and Spanish Transition to Democracy
Francisco Segado : Spanish women in the late Franco dictatorship: an approach through political cartoons
María Del Carmen Suescun Pozas : Modern Feminity, Shattered Masculinity: The Scandal of the Female Nude During Political Crisis in Colombia, 1930-1948

Saturday 25 March 2006 8:30
C-13 FAM29 Family strategies 2
Room C
Network: Family and Demography Chair: Sally Bould
Organizer: Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux Discussant: Arrizabalaga Marie-Pierre
Ildikó Aszztalos Morell : Gender patterns of transfer of cultural, economic and social capital among farm family enterprises during the transition from state socialism to capitalism in Hungary
Danielle Gauvreau, Sherry Olson & Patricia Thornton : Ambitions and restraints: Work and marriage in Montreal, 1880-1900
Aoi Okada : The cycle of household structure in early modern Japan
Mikolaj Szoltysek, Konrad Rzemieniecki : Slavic tendency to the “communal way of life” and the evidence on family patterns from historical Polish territories, 18th century

Saturday 25 March 2006 10:45
C-14 MID05 The diversity of medieval queenship
Room C
Network: Middle Ages Chair: Maria Joao Branco
Organizer: Ana Maria S.A. Rodrigues Discussants: -
Maria Filomena Andrade : Isabel de Aragão: an exemplary queen
Vanda Lourenço : The household of the Queen D. Beatriz of Portugal (1309-1359)
Ana Maria S.A. Rodrigues : The Theory and Practice of Medieval Queenship in Portugal

Saturday 25 March 2006 14:15
C-15 CUL18 Round Table: Media Selfperception of the Spanish Transition to Democracy. Reason of a peculiar consensus
Room C
Network: Culture Chairs: -
Organizer: Mercedes Montero Discussants: -
Carlos Barrera : The Introduction of Democratic Values and New Political Actors
Carmela García-Ortega : The Nationalist Exception: the Basque Country
Mercedes Montero : The New Democratic Press
Jordi Rodríguez Virgili : The Adversarial Press from the Extreme Right Sectors
Jose J. Sanchez-Aranda : Professional and Ideological Attitudes of Spanish Journalists
Ricardo Zugasti : The Press and King Juan Carlos: a Special Relation of Complicity

Saturday 25 March 2006 16:30
C-16 ORA14 Memory between Fact and Fiction
Room C
Network: Oral History Chair: Timothy Ashplant
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Suzanne Bunkers : Memory and Memoir: Transformations in Stories of Survival
Aukje Kluge : Memory vs. Postmemory – Comic Narratives as Forms of Testimony
Attila Lajos : Raoul Wallenberg in documents and oral sources
Arvi Sepp : The Witness as Historian. Victor Klemperer and the Discourse of Memory

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