Preliminary Programme

Showing: World History (all days)
Wed 4 April
    8.30 - 10.30
    11.00 - 13.00
    14.00 - 16.00
    16.30 - 18.30

Thu 5 April
    8.30 - 10.30
    11.00 - 13.00
    14.00 - 16.00
    16.30 - 18.30
    19.00 - 20.15
    20.30 - 22.00

Fri 6 April
    8.30 - 10.30
    11.00 - 13.00
    14.00 - 16.00
    16.30 - 18.30

Sat 7 April
    8.30 - 10.30
    11.00 - 13.00
    14.00 - 16.00
    16.00 - 17.00

All days
Wednesday 4 April 2018 8.30 - 10.30
D-1 WOR06 Close Encounters of the Third World: East European Engagements with the Global South, 1955-1975
MAP/OG/005 Maths and Physics
Network: World History Chair: Luciana-Marioara Jinga
Organizer: Jill Massino Discussants: Luciana-Marioara Jinga, Steffi Marung
Madigan Fichter : Imagined Solidarities: Yugoslavia Student Activism and Revolution in the Global South: 1965-1975
Rosamund Johnston : Ambassadors with a Microphone? Czechoslovak Radio’s Foreign Correspondents, 1958-1968
Jill Massino : My Brother’s Keeper: Ordinary Romanians and the Vietnam War

Wednesday 4 April 2018 11.00 - 13.00
A-2 MAT04 Global Goods in Early Modern Europe
LAN/OG/049 Lanyon Building
Networks: Material and Consumer Culture , World History Chair: Janine Maegraith
Organizers: Christine Fertig, John Jordan Discussant: Lex Heerma van Voss
Henning Bovenkerk : Cupboards, Clothes and Crockery. Material Culture and Consumer Revolution in 18th Century (Northwestern Germany )
Christine Fertig : Sweet Coffee, Pretty Scarves: Global Goods and Rural Households in 19th Century (Northwestern Germany)
Josef Loeffler : Material Culture and Consumption of Austrian Aristocrats in Religious Exile in the 17th Century

Wednesday 4 April 2018 16.30 - 18.30
H-4 WOR04 Extensions of the State and Cultural Encounters in Africa, Asia and Europe from the 17th to the 20th Century
MST/03/004 Main Site Tower
Network: World History Chairs: -
Organizer: Otso Kortekangas Discussant: Lisa Hellman
Mari Eyice : Who’s afraid of the Turk?
Federica Guazzini : Questioning Flight and Displacement during the Italo-Ethiopian War and its Aftermath in a Regional Perspective
Patrik Hettula : Influencing British Colonial Policy – Expatriate Euro-Africans and the Gold Coast Press in the Change of the 20th Century
Otso Kortekangas : Inclusions through Exclusions. Education of the Indigenous Sámi in Early Twentieth Century Norway, Sweden and Finland

Thursday 5 April 2018 8.30 - 10.30
P-5 FAM06 Demography, Health and Great War
PFC/02/025 Sir Peter Froggatt Centre
Networks: Family and Demography , World History Chair: Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux
Organizer: Helena da Silva Discussant: Luminita Dumanescu
Elena Crinela Holom : After Four Years of Conflict: Romanian Soldiers from Transylvania and their Families Fighting with the Experience and the Consequences of the First World War
Daniela Marza : The Influence of the Great War on Family Life in Transylvania
Emilia Musumeci : 'Venus at the Front': Syphilis and Prostitution during the WWI in Italy

Thursday 5 April 2018 11.00 - 13.00
K-6 SPE02 The Great Leveler: Violence and the History of Inequality from the Stone Age to the 21st Century, by Walter Scheidel
PFC/02/011 Sir Peter Froggatt Centre
Networks: Antiquity , Economic History , Social Inequality , World History Chair: Anne Mccants
Organizer: Neville Morley Discussants: Guido Alfani, Lucy Grig, Willem Jongman, Brooks Kaiser, Geoffrey Kron, Wouter Ryckbosch, Walter Scheidel

Thursday 5 April 2018 16.30 - 18.30
A-8 ASI02 Histories of Contestation and Contested Histories
LAN/OG/049 Lanyon Building
Networks: Asia , Ethnicity and Migration , World History Chair: Ratna Saptari
Organizers: - Discussant: Ratna Saptari
Stephanie Mawson : Upland Resistance to Spanish Colonisation in the Seventeenth Century Philippines
Liesbeth Rosen Jacobson : Colonial Minorities in Young and Old Colonies during the Era of Decolonisation

Friday 6 April 2018 11.00 - 13.00
H-10 WOR11 Where do we stand with Global, World and Transnational History
MST/03/004 Main Site Tower
Network: World History Chair: Holger Weiss
Organizers: - Discussants: Stefano Bellucci, Holger Weiss
Leo Lucassen : Understanding Working Class Populism: the Social Contract as an Analytical Tool to Understand Global Labour History
Matthias Middell : Global History and Transregional Entanglements
Katja Naumann : Histories of International Organisations from a Global Perspective

Friday 6 April 2018 16.30 - 18.30
H-12 LAB01 Roundtable: A Phase of Global Revolution (mid 1900s-mid 1920)?
MST/03/004 Main Site Tower
Networks: Labour , Theory , World History Chair: Christian De Vito
Organizers: Stefan Berger, Klaus Weinhauer Discussants: Christian De Vito, Kirwin Shaffer, Thomas Welskopp
Stefan Berger, Klaus Weinhauer : A Phase of Global Revolution (mid 1900s-mid 1920)

Saturday 7 April 2018 8.30 - 10.30
J-13 WOR09 Human Development and International Solidarity
MST/OG/010 Main Site Tower
Network: World History Chair: Christiane Reinecke
Organizers: - Discussant: Matthias Middell
Annika Berg : Global Expertise: Discussions on Professionalization in Early Development Assistance
Nikolay Kamenov : Cooperative Entanglements and the World Economy of the 20th Century
Kevin O'Sullivan : Los Salvadores? Humanitarian NGOs and Solidarity with Latin America, 1979-84

W-13 WOR01a 1919-2019, the Long Century of Labour and the Internationalisation of the Labour Question I
6 CP/01/037 6 College Park, School of Sociology
Network: World History Chair: Holger Weiss
Organizers: Stefano Bellucci, Holger Weiss Discussant: David Mayer
Joost Augusteijn : The impact of the Irish struggle for independence on the Labour movement in County Mayo 1912-1923
Bernhard Bayerlein : Modelling Internationalisation and Re-Nationalisation in the Name of the Workers: The Communist International, its Ever Changing Workers’ Politics and Global Workers’ Activism, 1919-1943
Stefano Bellucci : The African Long Century of Labour and Labour Internationalism in African Politics and Societies
Leyla Dakhli : The Mandates on Syria and Palestine, politics without workers?
Daniel Maul : The ILO and the world(s) of colonial labour 1919-1947

Saturday 7 April 2018 11.00 - 13.00
H-14 WOR08 What is Holding Societies Together? Social Cohesion and Disintegration in Historical Perspective
MST/03/004 Main Site Tower
Network: World History Chair: Antje Dietze
Organizers: Antje Dietze, Christiane Reinecke Discussant: Christiane Reinecke
Almuth Ebke : The English Riots of 1981 and Concepts of Society, Community, and the Nation
Klaus Nathaus : Officially the Happiest People on Earth: how Norway became a Model Nation and its People dealt with Difference and Change, 1945-2017
Helke Rausch : The American Dilemma: Dissection – and Atrophy? – of the American Social Order in the 1930s and 40s

W-14 WOR01b 1919-2019, the Long Century of Labour and the Internationalisation of the Labour Question II
6 CP/01/037 6 College Park, School of Sociology
Network: World History Chair: Stefano Bellucci
Organizers: Stefano Bellucci, Holger Weiss Discussant: Lars Berggren
Eileen Boris : Woman’s Labors and the Definition of the Worker: Legacies of 1919
Peter Cole : The Split between the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) and Red International of Labor Unions (RILU)
Limin Teh : Free/Unfree Labor and National Sovereignty: Republican China and the ILO in the Interwar Years
Holger Weiss : Radicalizing Colonial Seamen – Anticolonial and Anti-Imperialist Agitation and Propaganda of the International of Seamen and Harbour Workers and its Predecessors, ca 1921–1935

Saturday 7 April 2018 14.00 - 16.00
N-15 WOR03 Antifascism in a Global Perspective
PFC/02/018 Sir Peter Froggatt Centre
Network: World History Chair: Holger Weiss
Organizers: Kasper Braskén, David Featherstone Discussant: Benjamin Zachariah
Kasper Braskén : Towards a Visual History of the Global Antifascist Movement: Strategies, Transfers and Cross Cultural Translations, 1923-1939
David Featherstone : Anti-Colonialism and Maritime Anti-Fascisms: the Workers’ Sanctions Movement and the Transnational Opposition to the Italian invasion of Ethiopia
Jonathan Hyslop : German Communist Lives in Africa: Gottfried Lessing from Colonial Rhodesia to Amin's Uganda
Sandra Pujals : 'Con saludos comunistas': the Caribbean Bureau of the Comintern, the Anti-imperialist Radical Network, and the Anti-war Effort in Latin America, 1930-1935

V-15 LAB17 Transformations in Labour and Labour Control in the Age of Revolution
6 CP/01/035 6 College Park, School of Sociology
Networks: Labour , World History Chair: Marjolein 't Hart
Organizers: Pepijn Brandon, Niklas Frykman Discussant: Marjolein 't Hart
Pepijn Brandon : Workplace Wars: Rebellious Shipwrights and Rationalizing Managers in Naval Shipyards during the Age of Revolutions
Niklas Frykman : To be like a Stationary Navy: Empire and Naval Governance in the Age of Revolution
Johan Heinsen : The Riot of 1817: Convict Labour and Resistance in Denmark
Evelyn Jennings : Indenture in Nineteenth-Century Spanish Cuba
Nicole Ulrich : Contesting Labour Freedom at the Cape Colony in the Age of Revolution: Disorderly European Servants and the Changing Colonial Labour Regime, c. 1795- 1815

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