Preliminary Programme

Showing: room J (all days)
Wed 4 April
    8.30 - 10.30
    11.00 - 13.00
    14.00 - 16.00
    16.30 - 18.30

Thu 5 April
    8.30 - 10.30
    11.00 - 13.00
    14.00 - 16.00
    16.30 - 18.30
    19.00 - 20.15
    20.30 - 22.00

Fri 6 April
    8.30 - 10.30
    11.00 - 13.00
    14.00 - 16.00
    16.30 - 18.30

Sat 7 April
    8.30 - 10.30
    11.00 - 13.00
    14.00 - 16.00
    16.00 - 17.00

All days
Wednesday 4 April 2018 8.30 - 10.30
J-1 URB01 Sinful Cities
MST/OG/010 Main Site Tower
Network: Urban Chair: John Davis
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Peter Jones : The Strange Case of Ann Copeland Corruption in the Belfast Public Housing Sector 1953-54
Christine Wall : Lost Lesbian Spaces: Memories of an Urban Community in 1970s London

Wednesday 4 April 2018 11.00 - 13.00
J-2 URB02 Shaping the City
MST/OG/010 Main Site Tower
Network: Urban Chair: David Do Paço
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Ros Costelo : Constructing the Ideal City: Public Works and Spain´s Sanitation Policy in the Philippines in the Nineteenth Century
Mika Mäkelä : Urban Renewal of Helsinki´s Kallio District between the 1930s and 1980s

Wednesday 4 April 2018 14.00 - 16.00
J-3 SPA01 Urban HGIS
MST/OG/010 Main Site Tower
Network: Spatial and Digital History Chair: Douglas Brown
Organizers: - Discussant: Ivo Zandhuis
Justin Colson : Digital Urban Mapping in Research-Led Teaching
Vanni D'Alessio : Crowdsourcing Map for the Analysis and Representation of the History of a Contested City: the Case of 19-20th Century Rijeka/Fiume
Alessandra Ferrighi : The Venetian Ghetto in the Early 19th Century. Urban Transformations over Space and Time
Rogier van Kooten, Iason Jongepier : A Socio-spatial Reconstruction of Early Modern Antwerp: Linear Referencing Leads the Way!

Wednesday 4 April 2018 16.30 - 18.30
J-4 SPA09 Visitor Encounters with Warfare, Genocide and Slavery
MST/OG/010 Main Site Tower
Network: Spatial and Digital History Chair: Vanni D'Alessio
Organizers: Ria Dunkley, Laurie Slegtenhorst Discussant: Norah Karrouche
Michelle Bentley : Conceptualising Genocide: Virtual Expression of Mass Killing at Rwanda
Angela Bermudez : Ten Narrative Keys to De-Normalize Violence in Historical Accounts
Ria Dunkley, Thomas Smith : 'Walking with Romans’. Digital Interpretations of Dissonant Heritage
Thomas Foley : Slavery, Memory, and Reconciliation through Digital Archives
Laurie Slegtenhorst : Exploring the Transnational Memory of WWII
James Wallis, Shanti Sumartojo : Conflicting Spaces? Encountering Digital Presentations of War in Historical Museum Exhibitions

Thursday 5 April 2018 8.30 - 10.30
J-5 SPA02 Societies in Transition
MST/OG/010 Main Site Tower
Network: Spatial and Digital History Chair: Eduard J Alvarez-Palau
Organizers: - Discussant: Sebastian Klüsener
Douglas Brown, David R. Green & Kathleen McIlvenna : Geographies of Ill-health among British Postal Workers in the Late Nineteenth Century
Nicolas Marqué, Jack Thomas : From the Old to the New Regime in Toulouse: Judiciary Professionals in Spatial Perspective, 1790-1830
Tamás Vonyó : Rebuilding Germany: The spatial analysis of refugee settlement, social housing and homeowhership in postwar Germany

Thursday 5 April 2018 11.00 - 13.00
J-6 SPA10 History in Digital Turn: Practices, Visualizations and Interpretations
MST/OG/010 Main Site Tower
Network: Spatial and Digital History Chair: David Green
Organizer: Andrei Volodin Discussant: Katie Oxx
Øyvind Eide : Historical Narrative, Models, and Media Modalities
Timur Valetov : Making of the Vector Maps Depositary for Russian History GIS-based Researches
Andrei Volodin : How “Digital” Impacts the Research Practices of Historians?

Thursday 5 April 2018 14.00 - 16.00
J-7 URB03 Integration and Segregation in Urban Settings
MST/OG/010 Main Site Tower
Network: Urban Chair: Peter Jones
Organizers: - Discussants: -
David Do Paço : The Community Illusion: Urban Diversity and Circles of Social Belonging in Trieste, 1717-c.1830
Adrian Grant, David Coyles & Brandon Hamber & Greg Lloyd : Housing the Working Classes of Belfast, 1945-1998: the Social, Cultural and Economic Consequences of Political, Sectarian, Security and Classist Forces
Philipp Reick : “We don’t want to move!” Working-class Notions of Urban Belonging in the late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century
Monika Stromberger : Architecture as an Expression of Social Segregation: The Eastern and the Western Part of the City of Graz

Thursday 5 April 2018 16.30 - 18.30
J-8 SPA03 Rural and Environmental
MST/OG/010 Main Site Tower
Networks: Rural , Spatial and Digital History Chair: Sebastian Klüsener
Organizers: - Discussant: Bogumil Szady
Óskar Guðlaugsson, Gudmundur Jonsson : The Household Economy of Early 18th Century Iceland
Ewa Kazmierczyk : Geographical Context of the Population Distribution in Southern Poland at the End of 18th Century – a Case Study
Joshua Rhodes : Using GIS to Uncover and Understand Subtenancy in Seventeenth- to Eighteenth-century England

Friday 6 April 2018 8.30 - 10.30
J-9 URB04 Spaces and Sites
MST/OG/010 Main Site Tower
Network: Urban Chair: Tim Verlaan
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Clare Copley : 17th June 1953: The GDR in the Memorial Landscape
Preston Perluss : The Café Conti and its Sister Café : a Social Biography of Two Café Buildings and their Tenants
Ruxandra-Iulia Stoica : Re-writing the History of Urban Fabric: Autocratic Architectural-urban Statements in Twentieth-century Europe

Friday 6 April 2018 11.00 - 13.00
J-10 SPA04 Deep Mapping for Historical Research
MST/OG/010 Main Site Tower
Network: Spatial and Digital History Chair: Yael Allweil
Organizers: - Discussant: Douglas Brown
David Bodenhamer : Deep Mapping for the Spatial Humanities
Don Lafreniere, Sarah Scarlett & John Arnold & Dan Trepal & Robert Pastel : Public Participatory Historical GIS: Building a Longitudinal Spatial Data Infrastructure of Historic Environments for Scholarship and Community Development
Katie Oxx : Mapping Ghosts in the Historical Philadelphia Landscape Using GIS
Douwe Zeldenrust : Collections as Networks, Uncovering Information Exchanges and Information Networks in the Collections of the Meertens Institute (KNAW)

Friday 6 April 2018 14.00 - 16.00
J-11 URB05 Living and Working in the Postwar City
MST/OG/010 Main Site Tower
Network: Urban Chair: Ruxandra-Iulia Stoica
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Donna Carmichael : Culture-led Urban Regeneration and the Challenge of Inclusive Growth
Erika Hanna : Work Place Wellbeing and Office Space in Ireland, 1958-1998’
Mara Marginean : Apartments for a Youthful Future. Approaches to Housing for Young Urban Workers in the 1970s Romania
Tim Verlaan : The Discovery of Urban Living in Amsterdam 1966-1981

Friday 6 April 2018 16.30 - 18.30
J-12 SPA08 Comparing Transport Networks, Geographies of Political and Economic Organisation in England/Wales, France and in the Ottoman Empire 1600-1900
MST/OG/010 Main Site Tower
Network: Spatial and Digital History Chair: Leigh Shaw-Taylor
Organizers: Oliver Dunn, Uygar Karaca Discussant: Andrei Volodin
Eduard J Alvarez-Palau : Multi-modal Models of the Transport Network in England and Wales, 1680-1830-1911
Oliver Dunn : Coastal Shipping and Transport Change in England and Wales, 1680-1830
Turgay Koçak, Grigor Boykov & Uygar Karaca : Transport Networks and Surplus Extraction in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire
Osman Özkan, Petrus J. Gerrits : Development of Maritime Trade Networks in the Eastern Mediterranean and their Hinterlands

Saturday 7 April 2018 8.30 - 10.30
J-13 WOR09 Human Development and International Solidarity
MST/OG/010 Main Site Tower
Network: World History Chair: Christiane Reinecke
Organizers: - Discussant: Matthias Middell
Annika Berg : Global Expertise: Discussions on Professionalization in Early Development Assistance
Nikolay Kamenov : Cooperative Entanglements and the World Economy of the 20th Century
Kevin O'Sullivan : Los Salvadores? Humanitarian NGOs and Solidarity with Latin America, 1979-84

Saturday 7 April 2018 11.00 - 13.00
J-14 ELI15 Elites as Frontiers
MST/OG/010 Main Site Tower
Networks: Elites and Forerunners , Politics, Citizenship, and Nations Chair: Micu Cornel Aurelian
Organizers: - Discussant: Marja Vuorinen
Aappo Kähönen : Border Control as Tool of State-building of Finnish and Russian Elites 1917–2017
Radu Nedici : Re-catholicization and Elite Formation: Financing the Parish Clergy in the Eastern Lands of the Habsburg Monarchy before Josephism
Liviu Pilat : Moldavian Elites and the Ottoman Lifestyle in the Sixteenth Century

Saturday 7 April 2018 14.00 - 16.00
J-15 SPA07 Visualising and Modeling the Past
MST/OG/010 Main Site Tower
Network: Spatial and Digital History Chair: Sebastian Klüsener
Organizers: - Discussant: Don Lafreniere
Yael Allweil, Or Aleksandrowicz : Using GIS and Computer-Vision for Architectural and Urban History: Classifying Architectural Visual (Big)Data Tel Aviv-Jaffa
Leonid Borodkin, Vyacheslav Moor & Denis Zherebyatyev : From Visualization to Analytics: Virtual Reconstruction of Moscow Strastnoy Monastery
Thijs Hermsen, Dolores Sesma Carlos, Paul Puschmann & Jan Kok : Visualizing Migration Trajectories using the Intermediate Data Structure

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