Preliminary Programme

Showing: room F (all days)
Wed 12 April
    08.30 - 10.30
    11.00 - 13.00
    14.00 - 16.00
    16.30 - 18.30

Thu 13 April
    08.30 - 10.30
    11.00 - 13.00
    14.00 - 16.00
    16.30 - 18.30

Fri 14 April
    08.30 - 10.30
    11.00 - 13.00
    14.00 - 16.00
    16.30 - 18.30

Sat 15 April
    08.30 - 10.30
    11.00 - 13.00
    14.00 - 16.00

All days
Wednesday 12 April 2023 11.00 - 13.00
F-2 LAB02 Disputed Endings: How Labour Relations were Terminated in Pre-Industrial Europe
Network: Labour Chair: Jane Whittle
Organizers: Taylor Aucoin, James Fisher Discussant: Jane Whittle
Taylor Aucoin : Unfinished Business: Mediating Servant Wage Disputes and Broken Contracts through the English Labour Laws, 1563-1700
James Fisher : Premature Exits? The Termination of Compulsory Apprenticeships before the Statutory Age of Expiry in England 1600-1750
Teresa Petrik : Taking the Disobedient to Court: Uncovering Mechanisms of Coercion and Autonomy in 17th and 18th Century Austrian Servant Legislation
Vilhelm Vilhelmsson : Strategies of Exit: Absconding from Service in Nineteenth-century Iceland

Wednesday 12 April 2023 14.00 - 16.00
F-3 LAB08 Labour, Capital and European Integration
Networks: Labour , Politics, Citizenship, and Nations Chair: Fia Sundevall
Organizer: Johan Svanberg Discussants: -
Susanne Berghofer : The Swedish Textile and Clothing Industry – Crises and Opportunities as European Markets Opened, and International Trade Barriers Diminished
Marvin Schnippering : The German Trade Union Confederation (DGB) and the Balancing Act between German Interests and a European Spirit
Brian Shaev : Transnational Socialism, Welfare, and Social Policy in the early European Communities
Johan Svanberg : Trade-Union Internationalism in the Textile and Garment Sector and European Integration

Thursday 13 April 2023 08.30 - 10.30
F-5 LAB19 The Great War and its Impact: Labour and Product History in Comparative and Interdisciplinary Perspective
Network: Labour Chair: Svatopluk Herc
Organizer: Ondrej Sevecek Discussants: -
Martin Jemelka : The Great War and the Cisleithania Footwear Industry from the Perspective of Labour History
Jan Vondracek : Local Administration and the Supply of Labor in the First and Second World Wars in Bohemia
Michaela Závodná : Smile and Keep Quiet - the Transformation of the Concept of Woman and Work in the First Half of the 20th Century in Selected Industries – a Case Study

Thursday 13 April 2023 11.00 - 13.00
F-6 LAB20 The Representations of Labor as Bodily Experience: Senses, Spaces, Objects and Industrial Heritage in the Making
Network: Labour Chair: Marta Kurkowska-Budzan
Organizer: Marta Kurkowska-Budzan Discussant: Agata Zysiak
Frank Meyer : The Ironworks as a Sensory Experience
Jakub Muchowski, Marta Kurkowska-Budzan : The Coal Mining Heritage in the Making: Narratives of Bodily Experiences of Work
Anu Printsmann : Inner Workings of the Landscapes of Brown Gold
Kirsti Salmi-Niklander, Pete Pesonen : “Duck Lamps” and “Homers”. Changes and Continuities in the Oral Histories Related with Norms, Hierarchies and Tacit Knowledge in Högfors Ironworks during the 20th Century

Thursday 13 April 2023 14.00 - 16.00
F-7 AFR04 Social History after Independence: How to Write on Africa‘s Postcolonial History
Network: Africa Chair: Alexander Keese
Organizers: Alexander Keese, Andreas Zeman Discussant: Alexander Keese
Cassandra Mark-Thiesen : History Journals and the Forging of New Pathways to Africa’s Postcolonial Past: a Textual Analysis Approach
Hyden Munene : The Dynamics of Labour and Racial Relations in Zambia’s Copperbelt Mines, 1964-1991
Lynn Schler : Peripheral Repositories : Using the Israel State Archives to Write Nigerian History
Andreas Zeman : Towards a History of Zambia’s Tractor Drivers: Possibilities and Limitations

Thursday 13 April 2023 16.30 - 18.30
F-8 AFR05 Africa's Postcolonial Histories
Network: Africa Chair: Andreas Zeman
Organizers: - Discussant: Alexander Keese
Tunde Adeleke : Africa and the Challenges of her Diasporas: Stokely Carmichael and Walter Rodney
Catherina Wilson, Mirjam De Bruijn & Janemary Ruhundwa : Strangers in the City: (Un)welcoming Attitudes towards Refugees in Contemporary Urban Tanzania

Friday 14 April 2023 08.30 - 10.30
F-9 LAB14a Punitive Labour (Im)Mobilizations: towards a Comparative Global Agenda (I)
Networks: Criminal Justice , Labour Chair: Lisa Hellman
Organizer: Mònica Ginés Blasi Discussant: Lisa Hellman
Bonnie Clementsson : Navigating around Forced Labour in the Early 1800s with Examples from Sweden
Eva Lehner : Children as War Captives in Central Europe at the End of the 17th Century
Nitin Varma : The Making of a Labour Regime: 1860s and Indentured Coolies on cColonial Plantations in India

Friday 14 April 2023 11.00 - 13.00
F-10 LAB14b Punitive Labour (Im)Mobilizations: towards a Comparative Global Agenda (II)
Networks: Criminal Justice , Labour Chair: Christian De Vito
Organizer: Mònica Ginés Blasi Discussant: Christian De Vito
Anas Ansar : Navigating Il/legality, Im/mobility and Labour Coercion: the Rohingya Refugees in Malaysia
Robert Baum : Cattle Raiding, Raiding Rice Paddies, and the Development of Slavery in Stateless Societies: the Diola of Southern Senegal
Mònica Ginés Blasi : Punitive Indentured Im/mobilization: Yucateco and Chinese Prisoners of War in Cuban Plantations (1847-1860s)
Ludolf Pelizaeus : Coercion Labour for Prisoners of War and Minorities as a Means of Enforcing “Utility” in the Holy Roman Empire 1670-1790

Friday 14 April 2023 14.00 - 16.00
F-11 LAB16 Roundtable: Durable Inequality and Work in Amsterdam and the Dutch Colonial Empire 18th-20th Centuries
Networks: Labour , Social Inequality Chair: Karin Hofmeester
Organizer: Karin Hofmeester Discussants: Alexander Geelen, Joris Kok, Samantha Sint Nicolaas, Hanna te Velde, Eva van der Heijden

Friday 14 April 2023 16.30 - 18.30
F-12 LAB18 Socialism and Internationalism: Old and New Perspectives on the History of the Second International
Networks: Labour , Politics, Citizenship, and Nations Chairs: Elisa Marcobelli, Lucas Poy
Organizers: Elisa Marcobelli, Lucas Poy Discussants: -
Natalie Behrends : The Riddle: the Second International and Jewish (Inter?)Nationalism
Kevin J. Callahan : The Practice of International Socialism: the Example of Austrian Socialist Victor Adler during the Second International, 1889-1914
Lorenzo Costaguta : Race, Colonialism and the Global Second International
Jean-Numa Ducange : A Transnational Approach to French Socialism: the Case of Jean Jaurès (1859-1914)

Saturday 15 April 2023 08.30 - 10.30
F-13 LAB25 Workplace Matters!
Network: Labour Chair: Aad Blok
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Jule Ehms : Revolutionary Syndicalism on the Shop Floor – The Strike Pattern of the Freie Arbeiter-Union Deutschlands (Free Workers’ Union of Germany)
Sophia Friedel : The German Co-determination Model in a Transnational Perspective - between Demarcation and Rapprochement
Pete Hodson : Gallaher’s Tobacco: Work, Industry and Gender in Northern Ireland
Bridget Kenny : Lift Labour and City Space: Race, Gender and Skill in the Labour of Elevator Maintenance, Repair and Operation in Johannesburg, South Africa, 1950s-1970s
Tomas Widing : Social Reform or Revolution? The Communist Party of Sweden and Trade Union Practice (1943–1953)

Saturday 15 April 2023 11.00 - 13.00
F-14 LAB17 Roundtable: Work, Inequality and Conflicts Opportunity and Challenges for an Open Global and Long-term Perspective on Labour Conflicts
Networks: Labour , Social Inequality Chair: Karin Hofmeester
Organizers: - Discussants: Jens Aurich, Stefano Bellucci, Rosa Kösters, Silke Neunsinger

Saturday 15 April 2023 14.00 - 16.00
F-15 LAB26 Space and Scale in Labour Organisation
Network: Labour Chair: Marta Kurkowska-Budzan
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Linda Clarke : Municipal Socialism: its Distinct Development in Britain
Arvand Mirsafian : Scientific Management, Industrial Peace, and Worker Resistance in Sweden
Kyle Zarif : A New Trade Unionism for a New World Order: the Politics of Labour in the Defence Economy between Britain and Saudi Arabia, 1979-1990

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