Preliminary Programme

Showing: Friday 16 April 2010 (entire day)
Tue 13 April

Wed 14 April

Thu 15 April

Fri 16 April

All days
Friday 16 April 2010 8.30
A-13 RUR11 Agricultural Modernization in the 19th Century
Auditorium, muziekcentrum
Network: Rural Chair: Piet van Cruyningen
Organizers: - Discussant: Piet van Cruyningen
Miguel Cabo : Looking North: the impact of Denmark as a model for agrarian development in Northern Spain, 1900-1936
Angela Harre : Failed democratization and peasant radicalization. Left wing peasant unrest in Eastern Poland, Romania and Russia during the early 1920ies.
Corinne Marache : What type of agriculture is promoted by 19th century French agricultural organizations?
Isabel Mariano Ribeiro : Agrarian Reform Ideas, attempts and Impasses (1910-1926): Beliefs and action of Tomás Cabreira
Yves Segers : Towards a modern knowledge network. Advices and practices in the horticultural sector in Belgium, 1880-1914

B-13 LAB18 Marxist approaches to Soviet History
Bibliotheek, muziekcentrum
Network: Labour Chair: Mark David Pittaway
Organizer: Wendy Goldman Discussants: -
Donald Filtzer : "The Role of 'Class' in Understanding the Nature of Soviet Society."
Wendy Goldman : Primitive Accumulation and the Formation of the Stalinist System
Marcel van der Linden : Marxist Critiques of the Soviet Union, 1917-2010

C-13 WOR03 International Conferences and the Construction of a World United by Knowledge and Politics
Kraakhuis, muziekcentrum
Network: World History Chair: Steffi Marung
Organizers: - Discussant: Nico Randeraad
Fabian De Kloe : Beyond Babel: Language and Internationalism in Early 20th Century Science.
Frank Eisermann : The Maghrebian-European peace treaties between 17. and 19. century and the importance of the islamic maritime law for the forming and development of the modern international maritime law
Michael Christopher Low : The 1866 International Sanitary Conference through Ottoman Eyes
Joao Rangel De Almeida : Between Science and Politics. The 1851 International Sanitary Conference and the Construction an International Sphere of Public Health
Nir Shafir : Both Individuals and States: the Hybridity of Diplomatic Power in an Early International Congress
Ashley Wright : The 1931 Bangkok Opium Smoking Conference and British colonial opium policy in Burma.

D-13 LAT04 Historical Ethnographies of Latin American States II: State Institutions and Employees
Artiestenfoyer, muziekcentrum
Networks: Latin America , Politics, Citizenship, and Nations Chairs: -
Organizer: Kim Clark Discussant: Paulo Drinot
David Cahill : Labyrinths of Power: Colonial Bureaucracy as an Ethnological System
Kim Clark : Public Health and State Formation in Highland Ecuador, 1908-1950
A. Ricardo López : ‘We Want Our Professionals to be Loved’: Middle Class Formation and State Ruling in Bogotá (Colombia) during the first years of the Cold War
Brett Troyan : The Colombian central state 1958-1965: transforming rural inhabitants into indigenous citizens"

E-13 CRI11 Night Time in the City: Social Control and the Uses of Darkness
Zaal L 4, muziekcentrum
Network: Criminal Justice Chair: Catherine Denys
Organizers: Margo De Koster, Herbert Reinke Discussant: Herbert Reinke
Margo De Koster : Night Spaces and Youth in Antwerp: Social Control and the Uses of Darkness, 1880-1940
Gonçalo Rocha Gonçalves : Managing a growing city: police reform and night policing, Lisbon 1890-1910
Christine Hentschel : Lights in the dark: on the uses of atmosphere against danger in the city, Durban, South Africa.
Sascha Schierz : No Booze in the City: Public Space, Juveniles and Night Time Governance in German Cities
Klaus Weinhauer : Clubcultures versus Subcultures? Nightlife in Clubs and Discotheques in Berlin during the 1960/70s

F-13 MAT13 Medieval Royal Treasuries: Consumption and Circulation of Luxury Goods
Vestibule, muziekcentrum
Networks: Material and Consumer Culture , Middle Ages Chair: Peter Stabel
Organizer: Ana Maria S. A. Rodrigues Discussants: -
Luis Urbano Afonso : Beyond gems and gold: interpreting secular culture in the treasures of Portuguese high-aristocracy and royalty (c.1280-c.1340)
Hermenegildo Fernandes : Treasure and politics behind an Inventory: Denis of Portugal household accounts as a young king (1278-1283)
Isabel Guimarães Sá : Inhabited spaces: chambers, churches and oratories. The example of Portuguese queens and princesses (1450-1550)
Ana Maria S. A. Rodrigues, Adriana Almeida : Luxury and fashion in the 14th century. Precious fabrics, pearls and gold in the wardrobe of Leonor of Portugal

H-13 HIS10 Computational Methods
Hortazaal, Pauli
Network: Chair: Gunnar Thorvaldsen
Organizers: - Discussant: Gunnar Thorvaldsen
Gabriele Franzmann, Jürgen Sensch : The creation of a search-supporting infrastructure for the Historical Social Research - HISTAT (research and download system) as a feature of infrastructural service
Luis Mendes Gomes, Hélia Guerra & Mário Viana : Studying portuguese royal inquiries: past, present and future

K-13 ETH28 Gender, Migration and Transnationalism
Room D13, Pauli
Networks: Asia , Ethnicity and Migration Chair: Irina Schmitt
Organizers: - Discussant: Irina Schmitt
Nadia Bouras : Gender and Transnationalism: Moroccan migration to the Netherlands
Marina de Regt : Gendered Memories of Migration: The Narratives of Ethiopian Women Following their Yemeni Husbands to Yemen in the 1970s
Young-Sun Hong : Germany's Forgotten Guestworkers: Asian Nurses and the Transnational (Re)Production of the German Nursing Force
Yvonne Rieker : The migration of nurses from the Philippinies and Korea to Germany

L-13 POL10 Defining and Re-defining Citizenship
Room D14, Pauli
Network: Politics, Citizenship, and Nations Chair: Ido de Haan
Organizers: - Discussant: Ido de Haan
Linda Braun : The Implementation of General Conscription in Prussia, 1814-1859
Anne Epstein : Rendez-vous Manqué? Feminism and Female Citizenship in the French Third Republic
Larry Frohman : The Politics of Personal Information and the Origins of Privacy Protection in West Germany
Yasemin Türkkan : From Object to Citizen, the Rise of a Nation: Turkey
Elpida Vogli : One Nation, One Citizenship: Irredentism and Citizenship during the Unification of Greece (1821-1947)

M-13 FAM10 Birth Attendance and Birth Outcomes I
Baertsoenzaal, Pauli
Networks: Family and Demography , Health and Environment Chair: Anne Løkke
Organizer: Alice Reid Discussant: Ólöf Garðarsdóttir
Godelieve Masuy-Stroobant : Birth attendance in XIXth Century Belgium
Signe Nipper Nielsen : From the 'Workshop of Wonder': Thomas Bartholin, products of generation and the order of Nature
Alice Reid : Midwives, doctors, and infant survival in early twentieth century Derbyshire
Bárbara Ana Revuelta Eugercios, Ramiro Fariñas, Diego : Differentials in Maternal Mortality in Late 19th and Early 20th Century Spain.
Robert Woods : Mrs Stone & Dr Smellie: birth attendants and their patients in the eighteenth century

N-13 ELI10 Cornerstones of noble identity
Auditorium D2, Pauli
Network: Elites and forerunners Chairs: Bertrand Goujon, Mirella Marini
Organizers: Bertrand Goujon, Mirella Marini Discussant: Francisco Chacón Jiménez
Nicola Cowmeadow : Scottish Noblewomen, the Family and Scottish Politics in the Era of the Union of 1707
Cristina Ramos Cobano : Fighting oneself, or the transformation of the Spanish nobility at the end of the Old Regime
Anne-Valérie Solignat : The Auvergne Nobility and the Constable of Bourbon’s Betrayal (1523)
Klaas Van Gelder : Loyalty towards Anjou versus loyalty towards Habsburg. The elites in the Southern Netherlands in the aftermath of the War of the Spanish Succession (1716-1725)

O-13 POL12 Decolonization and the Colonial Heritage I
Auditorium D3, Pauli
Networks: Africa , Politics, Citizenship, and Nations Chair: Susan Pennybacker
Organizers: - Discussant: Susan Pennybacker
Paulo Fernandes : The end of a virtual empire. The Portuguese South East Africa and the representations of colonial rule at home (1878-1898)
Virginie Roiron : Thinking beyond colonialism: Britain and the Commonwealth experience
Melanie Torrent : From the Loi Cadre to the short-lived French Community: British perceptions of the French transition to independence in sub-Saharan Africa (1956-1960)

P-13 ECO10 The Role of Hamburg in Early Modern World Economy
Auditorium D5, Pauli
Networks: Economics , Urban Chair: Jochen Streb
Organizers: - Discussant: Jeff Fynn-Paul
Frank Hatje : Neutral Flags, European Trade and the Rise of Hamburg in the 17th and 18th centuries
Pourchasse Pierrick : The Huguenots in Hamburg
Toshiaki Tamaki : Hamburg as a center of Logistics in Early Modern World Economy
Klaus Weber : Hamburg’s and Central Europe’s Links with the Atlantic Slave Trade and Plantation Economies, 17th to 19th Centuries

R-13 WOM02 Gender on the Move
Atelier R3, Pauli
Network: Women and Gender Chair: Elisabeth Elgán
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Julia Clancy-Smith : The Trial of Giovanna Tellini, 1868, Tunis; Locating Female Migrants in an Imperial World
Judith Degroat : Gender, Empire and Early Socialist Feminism: The Case of Pauline Roland
Carolyn Eichner : ‘They loved me as if I belonged to their tribe’: Cultural Idealization and Gender in Louise Michel’s Anti-Imperialism
Jennifer Sessions : Fathers, Families and Colonials: The Gendered Origins of French Emigration to Algeria, 1830-1850

S-13 SEX09 Sexual Perversity from Early Modernity to Modernity
M101, Marissal
Network: Sexuality Chair: Lessie Jo Frazier
Organizers: - Discussant: Lessie Jo Frazier
Marianna Muravyeva : How perverse is perverse: sex with birds in 18th century Europe.
Julie Peakman : Naming and Shaming of Sexually Perverse Behaviour in C18th Print Culture
Sarah Toulalan : Child sexual abuse and paedophilia in early modern England

T-13 HEA09 Health, Rights and Citizenship in Historical Perspective
M202, Marissal
Network: Health and Environment Chair: Iris Borowy
Organizers: - Discussant: Iris Borowy
Anne-Emanuelle Birn : From Montevideo to Montparnasse and le Monde—Uruguay and the international circulation of child health/child rights ideas and movements
Beatrix Hoffmann : Resistance to the Right to Health Care in the U.S.
Alex Mold : Patient Rights and Wrongs: British Patient Consumer Groups and the Right to Health, 1960s-2000s

U-13 SOC10 Social Inequality in the Russian Empire
M207, Marissal
Network: Social Inequality Chairs: -
Organizers: - Discussant: Gijs Kessler
Marya Markova : Social structure of population of St.Petersburg in XVIII century
Dmitrii Sarafanov : Occupational composition of Barnaul parish population (on the basis of Pokrovskaya church parish book registers of the second half XIX century)
Irina Germaovna Silina : The occupational composition of the repressed population in Western Siberia in 1919-1930
Vladimir Vladimirov : Occupational structure of the Russian Empire in the late 19th c.

V-13 ETH12 The Dynamics of the Creation of 'Enemies from Within' in Belligerent Societies: The Case of German Migrant Minorities and the First World War (1913-1920)
M209, Marissal
Network: Ethnicity and Migration Chair: Panikos Panayi
Organizers: Frank Caestecker, Antoon Vrints Discussant: Panikos Panayi
Frank Caestecker, Antoon Vrints : The clash of loyalty among German immigrants in Belgium during and after the First World War
Daniela Luigia Caglioti : Anti-Germanism and economic nationalism: the fate of German communities and German capital and enterprises in Italy during WWI
Tammy Proctor : “Technically” German: The Ambiguities of Nationality in World War I Civilian Internment Experiences

W-13 FAM15 Household Typologies, Coresidence and Care Across the Life Course
M210, Marissal
Network: Family and Demography Chair: Alice B. Kasakoff
Organizers: Alice B. Kasakoff, Mary Nagata Discussant: Alice B. Kasakoff
Kiyoshi Hamano, Mary-Louise Nagata : Household Typologies, Co-residence and Care in Late Tokugawa Kyoto, 1843-70
Jan Kok, Kees Mandemakers : Co-residence and proximity of kin in the case of elderly and single people in rural Holland, 1860-1940
Mikolaj Szoltysek : Land of hope? Household formation rules and family welfare in the eighteenth-century Eastern Europe.

Y-13 ORA12 Transmission of Memory through Life-Story and Family Narratives
M212, Marissal
Network: Oral History Chair: Marga Altena
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Evelien Gans : The Voice of Jewish Amsterdam in Concentration Camp Bergen Belsen
Nicole Immler : Reconciliation and Life Story Narratives: Compensation and its afterlife in family memory
Arvi Sepp : Historiography and Vox Populi. Auricular Witnessing in Third Reich Diaries

Friday 16 April 2010 10.45
A-14 ELI12 Elites through material culture
Auditorium, muziekcentrum
Networks: Elites and forerunners , Material and Consumer Culture Chair: Marja Vuorinen
Organizer: Jari-Matti Kuusela Discussant: Jari Okkonen
Danielle De Vooght : Performing power at the table. Dining at the Belgian royal court of the nineteenth century
Laura Giacomini : The Life of the Milanese Elite in their Residences as Reconstructed through Estate Inventories (XVI-XVII century)
Jari-Matti Kuusela : Burials of the Finnish Iron Age as material discourses of the elite
Samuel Vaneeckhout : The origin of prehistoric elites in Finland

B-14 SOC15 Meet the author: Joanna Handlin Smith, The Art of Doing Good: Charity in Late Ming China
Bibliotheek, muziekcentrum
Network: Social Inequality Chair: Alice B. Kasakoff
Organizers: - Discussants: Mary Nagata, Thomas Max Safley, Joanna Handlin Smith, Harriet Zurndorfer

C-14 WOM05 Biography as Political Project I
Kraakhuis, muziekcentrum
Network: Women and Gender Chair: Elisabeth Elgán
Organizers: Christina Florin, Kirsti Niskanen Discussants: -
Gunnel Karlsson : The Making of Political Women – Inga Thorsson and Ulla Lindström in Swedish Politics
Birgitte Possing : An Unspoken Word does not Convince Anyone
Natalia Pushkareva : The oral history of Russian Academy Community 1991-2010
Anneke Ribberink : Margaret Thatcher and Gro Harlem Brundland: Two women Prime Ministers in the West from the spectre of a collective biography

D-14 LAT05 Historical Ethnographies of Latin American States III: Local Entanglements with the State
Artiestenfoyer, muziekcentrum
Networks: Latin America , Politics, Citizenship, and Nations Chair: Lessie Jo Frazier
Organizer: Kim Clark Discussant: Lessie Jo Frazier
John Collins : Prostitution’s Bureaucracy and the Nation’s History: Buildings, People, and Moral Evaluation in the Cradle of Brazil
Karine Vanthuyne : Authoritarianism as “Embodied Terror”? Surviving “non-citizenship” in postcolonial and post-genocide Guatemala

E-14 CRI12 Different Forms of Incarceration during and after the Second World War
Zaal L 4, muziekcentrum
Network: Criminal Justice Chair: Xavier Rousseaux
Organizers: Dimitri Roden, Lawrence Van Haecke Discussant: Xavier Rousseaux
Bas Kortholt : Liberation without freedom. The life in the Intermentcamp Westerbork 1945-1948
Dimitri Roden : The German military administration in occupied Belgium and the use of the Belgian prison system (1940-1944)
Lawrence Van Haecke : Incarcerating suspects of collaboration with the enemy
Antoon Vrints, Frank Caestecker : The clash of loyalty among German immigrants in Belgium during and after the First World War

F-14 RUR15 Roundtable: Agronomists as Actors of Rural Change, 1850-1945
Vestibule, muziekcentrum
Network: Rural Chairs: Ernst Langthaler, Peter Moser
Organizers: Ernst Langthaler, Peter Moser Discussants: Dulce Freire, Ernst Langthaler, John Martin, Peter Moser, Jan Roobrouck, Leen Van Molle

H-14 HIS06 Data Resources for Historical Research
Hortazaal, Pauli
Network: Chair: Onno Boonstra
Organizers: - Discussant: Onno Boonstra
Brett Abrams : NARA and the Development of the Geospatial One Stop’s Historical Collections Community
Patrick Manning, Siddharth Chandra : A Historical Gazetteer for Federated Datasets: Steps in the World-Historical Dataverse Project
Robert B. Smith : Why Nazified Germans Killed Jewish People: Insights from Agent-Based Modeling of Genocidal Actions

I-14 LAB20 Gender and Labour Practices
Room D1, Pauli
Networks: Labour , Women and Gender Chair: Ariadne Schmidt
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Fay Lundh Nilsson : Female vocational education and training - rural Sweden 1870-1940 (preliminary title)
Leda Papastefanaki : Division of labour and gender in Greece: the case of mining industry, 1870-1950.
Conchi Villar, Carles Enrech : Women's contribution to the working class families economy (Spain, 1930-1950)

J-14 Labsp Roundtable: Labour and Working Class History Journals
Room D11, Pauli
Network: Labour Chair: Aad Blok
Organizers: - Discussants: Aad Blok, Dorothy Sue Cobble, Juan Grigera, Silke Neunsinger, Paule Verbruggen

K-14 ETH32 Refugees and Survivors
Room D13, Pauli
Network: Ethnicity and Migration Chair: Marlou Schrover
Organizers: - Discussant: Marlou Schrover
Wirginia Bogatic : Polish female survivors from Ravensbrück concentration camp and their memory of migration
Eric Limbach : Citizens and ‘Illegals’: Rejected East German Refugees in West Berlin, 1950-1956

L-14 WOR04 Area Studies in Eastern Parts of Europe (and Beyond)
Room D14, Pauli
Network: World History Chair: Attila Melegh
Organizers: - Discussant: Attila Melegh
Frank Hadler : Historiography on Latin America and Africa in East Central Europe
Torsten Loschke : The Contrasting Case: The history of Latin American Studies in the U.S.
Steffi Marung : African Studies in the Soviet Union
Katja Naumann : Introduction: Uncharted Territory in the History of Area Studies
Robert Wolff : Remembering the Amistad; Narratives of Slavery and Abolition in the Atlantic World

M-14 HEA10 Birth Attendance and Birth Outcomes II
Baertsoenzaal, Pauli
Networks: Family and Demography , Health and Environment Chair: Helene Laurent
Organizers: - Discussant: Helene Laurent
Erla Dóris Halldórsdóttir : Male midwifery and accoucheur in Iceland
Elisabeth Lobenwein : The Resurrection and Baptism of Stillborn Babies in Carinthia between the 15th and 18th Century
Dipti Tripathi : Birth Control Movement in Colonial India: Exploring Reproductive Health Issues

N-14 LAB23 Mobility and the labour market: migration, ethnicity and labour relations 1750-2000
Auditorium D2, Pauli
Networks: Ethnicity and Migration , Labour Chair: Irina Schmitt
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Jordi Ibarz : Skillness and geographical origin of the dockers of Barcelona during the early francoism
David Struthers : The World in a City: Mobility and Affinity in Los Angeles, 1900-1930

O-14 HEA13 Nutrition
Auditorium D3, Pauli
Network: Health and Environment Chair: Kari Tove Elvbakken
Organizers: - Discussant: Kari Tove Elvbakken
Matthew Smith : Into the Mouths of Babes: Hyperactivity, Food Additives, and the History of the Feingold Diet, 1970-Present

P-14 ECO12 Post-War Twentieth Century
Auditorium D5, Pauli
Network: Economics Chair: Jochen Streb
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Olaf Mertelsmann : On the Relation of Mortality and Income: An Example from Stalinism
Ophelia Ongena : The history of the SERV and of the social economic dialogue in Flanders
Jeroen Touwen : Paradigm or hyperbole? Categories of institutional change and the changing priorities in the post-war economies

Q-14 POL13 Decolonization and the Colonial Heritage II
Atelier R2, Pauli
Networks: Africa , Politics, Citizenship, and Nations Chair: Paulo Fernandes
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Rui Feijo : Timorese Democracy and the Portuguese Inheritance
Ricardo Sousa : Power-sharing prospects in the Angola peace processes
Maarten Vink, Patricia Jeronimo : Citizenship in a Post-Colonial Context: the Portuguese and Dutch experiences compared

R-14 WOR05 Economic Thought: Past, Present and Future
Atelier R3, Pauli
Network: World History Chair: Matthias Middell
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Gareth Austin : The Making of a Global Economic Historiography? Towards the Reciprocal Integration of the Economic Historiography of the West and ‘the Rest’
Giovanni Gozzini : Economic History and Development Economics: Working Connections, 1950-2000
Hagen Schulz-Forberg : Fixing the Future: Social Imagination and Economic Thought

S-14 REL09 The Muse of Mysticism. Transforming & Recycling Catholicism, 1900-1950 II
M101, Marissal
Network: Religion Chair: Rajesh Heynickx
Organizers: - Discussant: Rajesh Heynickx
Agnès Desmazières : Psychology against Medicine ? Mysticism in the Light of Scientific Apologetics
Evert Peeters : Burning Bodies. Performing Mysticism in Catholic Medicine
Pieter Verstraeten : The Mystical and the Literary. Meanings and Functions of Catholic Mysticism in Flemish Interwar Literature and Literary Criticism

T-14 EDU11 Crossroads of Correction, Education, Punishment and Protection
M202, Marissal
Networks: Criminal Justice , Education and Childhood Chair: Margo De Koster
Organizer: Veerle Massin Discussant: Margo De Koster
Timo Harrikari : Exploring the governance of juvenile crime in the Nordic context. The case of Finland in 1890-1940
Susanna Hoikkala : Post-war constructions of youth social problems - Disciplining the rule-breaking boys in one Finnish reform school
Louise Jackson : Youth Crime and Preventive Policing in England and Scotland 1945-1970
Veerle Massin : At heart of Education', Repression', and Rehabilitation's Strategies : a Paradox. Girl's Reform School's Practices, Belgium 1920-1965

U-14 WOM03 Gender Orders and Socialism
M207, Marissal
Network: Women and Gender Chair: Maria Bucur
Organizers: - Discussant: Maria Bucur
Ildikó Asztalos Morell : Collectivisation and the new gender order in rural Hungary during the sixties
Leo Goretti : "Red shirts" and "beauties on bicycles": the gendered sport policies of the Italian Communist Party in the 1950s
Hana Havelkova : The Conceptualisation of Gender in the Recommendations of the Czechoslovak Population Committee
Libora Oates-Indruchova : Shifts and Conservations in the State-Socialist Gender Discourse

V-14 ETH13 Determinants of Movement: a Comparative Approach to Internal and International Migration
M209, Marissal
Network: Ethnicity and Migration Chair: Jelle van Lottum
Organizers: - Discussant: Jelle van Lottum
Nelly De Freitas : Island’s Migration : Azores and Madeira Islands ‘s Case, 1850-1900
Christer Lundh : Internal migration and regional wages in Sweden, 1865-1945
Colin Pooley : Linking internal and international migration: a comparative study of the UK and Sweden in the nineteenth century

W-14 FAM17 Family Demography Beyond the Household
M210, Marissal
Network: Family and Demography Chair: Christa Matthys
Organizer: Hilde Bras Discussant: Michel Oris
Hilde Bras : Kin Ties and Old-Age Mortality in Nineteenth-Century Sweden
Nanami Toishi, Atsushi Yoshida : Did a network of neighboring households mitigate the socio-economic crisis? :Empirical examples of a rural community near Tokyo in the Great Tempo Famine
Mattijs Vandezande : Intergenerational clustering of infant and child mortality

X-14 MID07 The medieval 'towerscape': building towers in late medieval society
M211, Marissal
Networks: Middle Ages , Urban Chair: Mario Damen
Organizer: Bram Vannieuwenhuyze Discussants: -
Frederik Buylaert, Andy Ramandt : Pinnacles of power "Elite residences in late medieval Bruges
Jan Dumolyn : The Architecture of Status and Power: Late Medieval Flemish Burghers in the Countryside
Katrien Lichtert : The towerscape in the oeuvre of Pieter Bruegel the Elder: looking for meaning
Bram Vannieuwenhuyze, Jelle de Rock : Medieval urban towers: stairways to heaven or architectural dominoes?"

Y-14 ORA13 How Organizational and Collective Narratives Shape Identity
M212, Marissal
Network: Oral History Chair: Ela Hornung
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Johanna Björkenheim, Synnöve Karvinen-Niinikoski : A Biographical Approach for Social Work
Terry Brotherstone, Hugo Manson : Oral History as Democratic Critique: the history of UK North Sea oil and gas and its significance for contemporary history
Sjoerd Keulen, Ronald Kroeze : Lets talk business: The use of oral history for in the study of leadership, organizational and business analysis

Z-14 LAB25 Diverging interests in the labour movement: unions, factions and Marxist ideology
M204, Marissal
Network: Labour Chair: David Lyddon
Organizers: - Discussant: David Lyddon
Ralph Darlington : 'The Continuing Relevance of the Rank-and-file/Bureaucracy Model of Intra-Union Relations
Björn Horgby : Changes in the Social Democratic Hegemony in some Swedish Trade Unions
Roger Johansson : United States and the International May Day; Birth, Repression, Renaming and the Return of May Day
Ad Knotter : ‘Little Moscows’ in Western Europe: the ecology of small-place communism

Friday 16 April 2010 14.15
B-15 ETH31 Roundtable on The Mobility Transition Revisited
Bibliotheek, muziekcentrum
Network: Ethnicity and Migration Chair: Leo Lucassen
Organizer: Leo Lucassen Discussants: Josef Ehmer, Jan Lucassen, Leo Lucassen, Adam Mckeown, Leslie Page Moch, Jelle van Lottum

C-15 WOM06 Biography as Political Project II
Kraakhuis, muziekcentrum
Network: Women and Gender Chair: Elisabeth Elgán
Organizers: Christina Florin, Kirsti Niskanen Discussant: Birgitte Possing
Mineke Bosch : Contesting biographical memory in science: two examples
Tiina Kinnunen : Male and Female Historians and the Cultures of Commemoration: The Finnish Case
Kirsti Niskanen, Christina Florin : Female Professors on Scholarship, Life and Power – Reflections from a Book Project

D-15 ETH16 Migration Regimes and the Social Reproduction of Families
Artiestenfoyer, muziekcentrum
Network: Ethnicity and Migration Chair: Colin Pooley
Organizer: Eleonore Kofman Discussant: Colin Pooley
Ludovica Banfi : The impact of migration on the families and the social security system of the country of origin. The Ukrainian case
Eleonore Kofman : Stratified Social Reproduction and Migrant Families
Albert Kraler : Together or apart? Family migration policies and patterns of family reunification in comparative and historical perspective
Trinidad L. Vicente, Luisa Setién : Ecuadorian families in Spain: a transnational experience?

E-15 CRI13 A New Order in the City? Controling Urban motorised Traffic and the Public in European Cities during the First Decades of the 20th Century
Zaal L 4, muziekcentrum
Network: Criminal Justice Chair: Klaus Weinhauer
Organizer: Herbert Reinke Discussant: Margo De Koster
Quentin Deluermoz : The Prefecture de Police’s Car Service and the Parisian Traffic: Politics, Reglementations and Policing of a Public Problem (1892-1921)
Guus Meershoek : Traffic control and the Amsterdam public 1918-1940
Herbert Reinke : Enforcing Right-angled Street Crossings, Misconceiving Traffic Lights: (Dis-) Order, Control and ‘Eigensinn’ in Urban Traffic (German Cities, 1920s-30s)

H-15 HIS12 Historical Research with GIS Data
Hortazaal, Pauli
Network: Chair: Trevor Harris
Organizers: - Discussant: Trevor Harris
Onno Boonstra : GIS, historical data and historical research - the NLGIS example
Alexander Von Lünen : "Small is beautiful" -- towards a Micro-Historical GIS
Torsten Wiedemann, Sven Vrielinck & Eric Vanhaute : Making maps with HISSTAT, the database of local Belgian statistics (1800-1970): a project in progress

I-15 LAB21 New approaches to (international) labour history
Room D1, Pauli
Network: Labour Chair: Magaly Rodríguez García
Organizers: - Discussant: James Jaffe
Leonid Borodkin, Irina M. Pushkareva & Irina V.Shilnikova : Before the 1st Russian Revolution: Analysis of Data Base on Strikes in Russian Empire.
Widukind De Ridder : Wage systems and labour organization/relations: Towards a cultural history of the wage (19th and 20th century)
Fredrik Håkansson : Worker Internationalism in the Western Window Glass Industry in 1969
Sjaak Van der Velden : Collecting and sharing micro data on labour conflicts

J-15 HEA05 Bridging Heridity and Environment : Aetiological Explanations, Public Problems and Population Politics in the 19th and 20th Centuries I
Room D11, Pauli
Network: Health and Environment Chair: Emmanuel Betta
Organizers: Luc Berlivet, Emmanuel Betta Discussant: Emmanuel Betta
Luc Berlivet : From ‘degenerates’ to ‘Grandi Vecchi’. The Sardinian population in the eye of its beholders (c1880-c1980)
Marius Turda : Heredity and Environment: The Case of 'Latin Eugenics' in Europe and Latin America, 1912-1939

L-15 POL14 Leftist Politics and National Belonging before WWII
Room D14, Pauli
Network: Politics, Citizenship, and Nations Chair: Jose Reis Santos
Organizers: - Discussant: Jose Reis Santos
Kim Christiaens : Belgian trade unions and the creation of transnational solidarity during the Cold War (1950s-1970s)
Carl Levy : Italian and Spanish Anarchism Compared: Nation, Region and Patriotism, 1860-1945
Zuzana Polackova, Pieter Van Duin : Social democracy and the Hungarian minority in Slovakia after World War I
Gerben Zaagsma : Transnational dimensions of Jewish political practices in Western Europe before WWII

M-15 THE10 Discourses on History
Baertsoenzaal, Pauli
Network: Theory Chair: Chris Lorenz
Organizers: - Discussant: Stefan Berger
Eleni Andriakaina : Towards a Reflexive Historiography: a critical approach of the post-modern challenge
Christine Collette : Who is history history and identity
Milada Sekyrková : Contribution to the Institutionalisation of the Czechoslovak Social History in the Interwar Period and Assessment of the Impact of the Communist Takeover in 1948 on its Subsequent Development
Raf Vanderstraeten : The Evolution of Scientific Communities: Sociology Journals and Communication Practices

N-15 MID09 Using Tax Surveys for Microhistory in the Medieval and Early Modern Periods: A European Perspective
Auditorium D2, Pauli
Network: Middle Ages Chair: Tim Bisschops
Organizer: Jaco Zuijderduijn Discussant: Tim Bisschops
Tine De Moor, Jaco Zuijderduijn : 'Households in the tax registers of Edam en De Zeevang (15th-16th centuries)'
Jeff Fynn-Paul : Manresa: Reconstructing a Fifteenth-Century Town from Tax Survey Records

O-15 POl15 POL15: Transnational Visions of the Nation
Auditorium D3, Pauli
Network: Politics, Citizenship, and Nations Chair: Ido de Haan
Organizers: - Discussant: Ido de Haan
Lidia Jurek : The influence of Italian Risorgimento on the construction of the concept “Pole-Catholic”
Tadeusz Kopys : Nationalism and Processes of Globalization in Central Europe
Eleonora Naxidou : The characteristics of a national identity: Georgi Rakovski and the origins of the Bulgarians
Paula Portas : Narrating colonialism: the UPG and the struggle for the nation.

P-15 FAM18 Methodological Tools for the History of the Economic Role of Siblings in Traditional Societies
Auditorium D5, Pauli
Network: Family and Demography Chair: Vincent Gourdon
Organizer: Fabrice Boudjaaba Discussant: Fabrice Boudjaaba
Llorenç Ferrer Alos : Younger sons, economic progress and social mobility in Catalonia (XVIII-XIXth century)
Francisco García González : Brothers in the Household. Relationship and Corresidence in the Ancien Regine of Castile.
Gérard Le Bouedec : Dynasties and siblings in the coastal navigation (golf du Morbihan 18th century)
Stéphane Minvielle : The economic role of kinship : brothers and sisters in merchants families (Bordeaux, 18th century)

Q-15 FAM19 Culture and Demography
Atelier R2, Pauli
Network: Family and Demography Chair: Bart Van De Putte
Organizer: Bart Van De Putte Discussant: Hilde Bras
Velislava Botova : Family Models of Turks in Bulgaria
Martin Dribe, Bart Van De Putte : Seasonality in marriage and changing work intensity: Southern Sweden
Theo Engelen, Xingchen C.C. Lin : Culture and demography. Marriage as a cultural phenomenon in historical Taiwan and the Netherlands

R-15 WOR07 Comparisons and Connections: the global and the local
Atelier R3, Pauli
Network: World History Chairs: Katja Naumann, Patrick Karl O'Brien
Organizers: - Discussant: Patrick Karl O'Brien
Attila Melegh : Non-teleological Comparisons in the History of Nationalisms and Imperialisms in the Early 20th Century
Alessandro Stanziani : Captives and slaves in Eurasia, XV-XVIIIth century: a global history at a local time
Birgit Tremml : Who reaped the benefits of the transpacific trade?
Eric Vanhaute : Global and local peasantries: comparisons, connections, and systems

S-15 WOM04 Gender Regimes under Communism
M101, Marissal
Network: Women and Gender Chair: Ildikó Asztalos Morell
Organizers: - Discussant: Ildikó Asztalos Morell
Milica Antić Gaber, Sara Rožman & Irena Selisnik : Gender and everyday life in Socialist Slovenia
Yulia Gradskova : Childcare in Soviet Russia – expert discourses on preschool education and parents’ memories on kindergarten
Georgeta Nazarska : Muslim Women and Women’s Movement in Bulgaria (the 1940s-1970s): Emancipation, Modernization, Assimilation
Stefan Wiederkehr : “… if Jarmila Kratochvilova is the future of women’s sports, I’m not sure I’m ready for it.” Sport, Gender Verification, and the Cold War

T-15 RUR19 Farm Account and Rural Patterns of Development
M202, Marissal
Network: Rural Chair: Annie Antoine
Organizer: Annie Antoine Discussant: Giuliana Biagioli
Paul Brassley : Sources of increased output in UK agriculture, 1935-85
Elizabeth Madeleine Griffiths : The Accounts of Lady Alice Le Strange: the modernization of an early seventeenth century English estate
Richard W Hoyle, Bethanie Afton : ‘Turning a diary into accounts: Peter Walkden of Chipping, Lancashire, 1733-34’
Jose Miguel Lana : Was there an “Iberian” pattern of agricultural management? Evidence from farm accounts in the Ebro Basin, 1780-1913
Enric Saguer, Ramon Garrabou & Jordi Planas : Management of Large Rural Estates in Catalonia (XIX-XXth centuries): an Approach through Farm Accounts

U-15 SOC11 Beyond Male Social Mobility
M207, Marissal
Network: Social Inequality Chair: Ineke Maas
Organizers: - Discussant: Ineke Maas
Rense Corten, Richard Zijdeman : Changing patterns of witness selection
Paul Lambert, Richard Zijdeman : Trends in registration of women’s occupations on marriage records.
Sabine Veits-Falk : Careers, mobility and networks of women doctors in Austria about 1900
Richard Zijdeman, Marco van Leeuwen, Jean-Pierre Pelissier & Danielle Rebaudo : Social inequality and mobiity of women

V-15 ETH14 Macro-regions, Political and Cultural Borders and Identities
M209, Marissal
Network: Ethnicity and Migration Chair: Anne Kuhlmann-Smirnov
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Dirk Hoerder : Migrants and Migration in Modern North America: Cross-Border Lives, Labor Markets, and Politics in Canada, the Caribbean, Mexico, and the United States
Frans Huijzendveld : Jack of all Trades: Greek Diaspora communities in East Africa
Bina Sengar : Dynamism in the Trans Himalayn Trade in the 18th Century
Jerome Teelucksingh : Mastering the Midas Touch: The Indo-Trinidadian Diaspora in North America and England, 1967-2007

W-15 FAM16 Care Across the Life Course
M210, Marissal
Network: Family and Demography Chair: Katherine A. Lynch
Organizer: Mary Nagata Discussant: Katherine A. Lynch
Nanna Floor Clausen, Hans Jorgen Marker : Were the Elderly a Burden in 1801?
Jeffery Deal, Alice Bee Kasacoff : Living arrangements of elderly women: women’s agency among the present-day Dinka of the Southern Sudan and the 19th century US North America
Hilde L. Sommerseth : Northern Cohabitaiton across Generations

X-15 CUL15 Subtitling the World Wars
M211, Marissal
Network: Culture Chair: Frances Gouda
Organizers: - Discussant: Frances Gouda
Eveline Buchheim : Interning civilization, civilizing internment
Conny Kristel : To fight or not to fight. Images of soldiers 1914-1918
Kees Ribbens : Anne Frank as a global comic book hero? Visualizing a holocaust victim in transnational popular culture

Y-15 ORA14 The Master Narrative and the Negotiation of post-Holocaust Identity
M212, Marissal
Network: Oral History Chair: Marga Altena
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Piotr Filipkowski : Doing oral history and rethinking historical master-narratives. Interviews with Polish forced laborers for the Third Reich.
Katarzyna Madoń-Mitzner : Polish Ravensbrück Narratives across Time and Context
Alexander Prenninger : Holocaust Remembrance in Migration Societies

Friday 16 April 2010 16.30
A-16 LAB26 Early modern labour market dynamics. Guilds, wage work, gender and migration
Auditorium, muziekcentrum
Networks: Labour , Urban , Women and Gender Chair: Jan Lucassen
Organizers: - Discussant: Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk
Eleonora Canepari : Temporary works. Professional and geographical mobility in XVIIth century Rome
Joern Janssen : Gender Equality in Wage Labour Relations: the example of statutory regulation in late medieval and early Tudor England
Ekaterina Kirillova : Renunciation of the Craft: Reasons & Consequences (Reims, 15th-18th Centuries)
Beatrice Zucca Micheletto : Families under pressure : women work and male work in the household economy in Turin, 18th century

B-16 POL17 Transnational Nationalism: Political Relations and Intellectual Transfer between Nationalist Ideologies and Movements in 19th and 20th Century Europe
Bibliotheek, muziekcentrum
Networks: Politics, Citizenship, and Nations , Theory Chair: Ido de Haan
Organizers: - Discussant: Ido de Haan
Martin R. Gutmann : An Irreconcilable Ideology: The Germanische Leitstelle and ‘Nationalist-Internationalism’, 1930-1945
Dean J. Kostantaras : Intellectual Transfer and Revivalist Discourse in the Age of Nationalism
Stefan Vogt : Between Socialism and Fascism: Nationalist Socialism in pre-War and inter-War Europe

C-16 WOR08 History of Technology in a Global Perspective
Kraakhuis, muziekcentrum
Network: World History Chair: Steffi Marung
Organizers: - Discussant: Johan Schot
Maria Paula Diogo : Shaping the African Landscape: Portuguese railways in Angola and Mozambique
Matthias Middell : Portals of Globalisation
Dirk van Laak : Europe in a Global World

E-16 CRI15 Jewish Victims and Villains in Historical Context: Adventures in Ethno-criminology
Zaal L 4, muziekcentrum
Network: Criminal Justice Chair: Susan L. Tananbaum
Organizer: Michael Berkowitz Discussant: Susan L. Tananbaum
Michael Berkowitz : The Madoff Paradox: Sage, Savior, Thief?
David De Vries : Diamonds, Jews and Trust
Paul Knepper : The Usual Suspects? Jews in Nineteenth Century Malta

F-16 RUR17 Multifunctional Rural Worlds
Vestibule, muziekcentrum
Network: Rural Chair: Peter Moser
Organizers: - Discussant: Peter Moser
Elena Barbulescu : Working the week-ends – building a rural/urban connection. The ‘Sunday peasants’
Chantal Bisschop, Rien Emmery : Agriculture and the multi-purpose countryside: the ‘Year of the Village’ (1978) in Flanders
Ana Gomes : The "Rocha do Oeste": the growing of a regional identity in the shade of pear orchards
Korrie Melis : Changing rural societies: the case of rural youth in North-Groningen, the Netherlands, 1959-2009.
Mats Morell : Land use and population mobility

I-16 LAB22 Labour militancy, working-class formation and the state in Europe and Asia
Room D1, Pauli
Network: Labour Chair: Constance Bantman
Organizers: - Discussant: Marcel van der Linden
Görkem Akgöz : Tracing the Subjective Levels of Transformation in the Bakırköy Labor Force:
Reza Jafari, Morteza Ghanoun : Oil, Labour and Revolution in Iran
Mark David Pittaway, Anikó Eszter Bartha : Rethinking labour history in Eastern Europe: Legitimacy, consumption and socialism
Raquel Varela : Nationalizations: workers control or salvation of capitalism?

J-16 HEA15 Bridging Heredity and Environment: Aetiological Explanations, Public Problems and Population Politics in the 19th and 20th Centuries II
Room D11, Pauli
Network: Health and Environment Chair: Luc Berlivet
Organizers: Luc Berlivet, Emmanuel Betta Discussant: Luc Berlivet
Emmanuel Betta : Heredity and Environment in artificial fecundation: science and religion in the making of reproduction (1799-1914)
Nadav Davidovitch, Dani Filc : Environment, Health and Social Conflict in Israel: The Democratic Potential of Contested Science
Diane Paul : Phenylketonuria and Public Health in the U.S., Britain, and Continental Europe, 1955-1975.

N-16 ELI13 Elites by the book: novels, diaries, autobiographies, account books, recipe books, inventories
Auditorium D2, Pauli
Networks: Elites and forerunners , Material and Consumer Culture Chair: Paul Janssens
Organizers: Nikolaj Bijleveld, Yme Kuiper Discussant: Nikolaj Bijleveld
Yme Kuiper : Nobility and Fiction: the representation of the nobility in the 'roman fleuve' around 1900
Jaap Moes : Some aspects of the life style of Dutch aristocracy around 1900
Hanneke Ronnes : The memory of the noble house
Jon Stobart : Tea and cakes: elite consumption of groceries in eighteenth-century England
Wybren Verstegen : Private landownership, nobility and nature conservation in the Netherlands 1928- 1973

O-16 EDU07 Policies on Children, Care and Education
Auditorium D3, Pauli
Network: Education and Childhood Chair: Sonya Michel
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Esbjörn Larsson, Johannes Westberg : The Economics of Education: The Financing of the Swedish Common School, 1842-1936
Victor Satzewich, Linda Mahood : The Save the Children Fund and the Russian Famine of 1921-23: claims and counter-claims about feeding 'Bolshevik’ children

P-16 CUL16 Ritual, Cultural Performance and Ideology
Auditorium D5, Pauli
Network: Culture Chair: Sabil Francis
Organizers: - Discussant: Sabil Francis
Eva Deak : Ceremonial and Social Representation: The marriage of Catherine of Brandenburg and Gabriel Bethlen in 1626
Alexandra Silva : Cultural consumption in the University of Coimbra in the 1980s

S-16 WOM12 Gender and Citizenship in Post-1945 Europe
M101, Marissal
Network: Women and Gender Chair: Pat Thane
Organizers: - Discussant: Francisca De Haan
Maria Bucur : The Everyday Experience of Women’s Emancipation in Romania in the Twentieth Century and Beyond
Elisabeth Elgán : Mothers' right to work. Swedish feminism in the 1970's
Riikka Taavetti : Between Socialism and Feminism: The Case of Marxist-Feministerna in Finland, 1974-1978

U-16 SOC12 Social Mobility
M207, Marissal
Network: Social Inequality Chair: Jan Kok
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Antti Häkkinen : The Finnish pre-industrial family and the occupational inheritance
Ineke Maas, Marco H.D. Van Leeuwen, Jean-Pierre Perllissier & Danielle Rebaudo : Changing patterns of class endogamy: a study of France over the past three centuries
Wouter Ryckbosch : Inequality, Poverty and Economic Change in the Pre-Industrial Era. A Small Town in the southern Low Countries, 16th-19th centuries.
Marco Van Leeuwen, Ineke Maas, Danielle Rebaudo & Jean Pierrre Pelissier : Social mobility in France 1680-2000

V-16 ETH15 State Action and Migrants Identities
M209, Marissal
Network: Ethnicity and Migration Chair: Frank Caestecker
Organizers: - Discussant: Frank Caestecker
Arkady Levin : Russia's citizens of different formal ethnicity: Ethnic self-definition and desire to live in Another Country.
Leslie Page Moch : Eurasia on the Move: Migration in the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union, and the Post-Soviet States
Philippe Rygiel : The "Institut de droit International" and the regulation of migration

Y-16 ORA15 The Construction of the Account: Biography and Autobiography as Testimony
M212, Marissal
Network: Oral History Chair: Arvi Sepp
Organizers: - Discussants: -
Timothy Ashplant : Making a New Man: Communist Autobiography as
Csilla Kiss : Literary reflections of the left in postwar Europe
Maruta Pranka : Biographical Approach in Research of Social Processes in a Case Study

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